Our Lady of the Angels Erith Kent



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Who we are

We are a community of Christians in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. The parish is cared for by the Capuchin Franciscan Friars, a branch of the Franciscan Order.

The Franciscan link is also clear from the name of our church: Our Lady of the Angels, recalling the little chapel where St Francis of Assisi established his first community of friars. As a parish community we aim to be a welcoming family of brothers and sisters.

Our Mission and Vision; Faith, Family, Formation

Our goal as a dynamic Catholic parish is

…to energise our faith community…

…to build a strong spiritual foundation for our children;

…to minister to the elderly, sick and housebound;

…to enliven and enrich our parish liturgies;

…to reach out to inactive parishioners;

…to give and support each other in love.


Church Address

Our Lady of the Angels
Carlton Road
Erith, Kent DA8 1DN
United Kingdom
Phone: 01322 337915
Fax: DA8 3HQ

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Church Pastor

Br. Martin Mikuskiewicz OFM Cap
Br. Martin Mikuskiewicz OFM Cap
Parish Priest
Carlton Road
Erith, Kent DA8 1DN
United Kingdom
Phone: 01322 444962 / 01322 433 193

Download Parish Priest Br. Martin Mikuskiewicz OFM Cap vCard

Click here to contact Br. Martin Mikuskiewicz OFM Cap   Edit





Church Website

Our Lady of the Angels on Social Media

Our Lady of the Angels Erith on YouTube


Leader Name:
Br. Martin Mikuskiewicz OFM Cap   Edit
Leader Position:
Parish Priest   Edit
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Click here to contact Br. Martin Mikuskiewicz OFM Cap   Edit
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Admin Name:
Admin Position:
Angelus Centre   Edit
Admin Address:
Bexley Road
DA8 3HQ   Edit
Admin Email:
Click here to contact the church   Edit

Mailing Address


Driving Directions

A From:
B To:
Our Lady of the Angels - Carlton Road, Erith, Kent
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Our Lady of the Angels Mass Times

Weekday Mass Times

Monday - 9am
Tuesday - 9am
Wednesday - 9am
Thursday - 9am
Friday - 9am
Saturday - 10.30am

Sunday Mass Times
Saturday - 5.30pm
Sunday - 8.30am
Sunday - 10.30am
Sunday - 6pm
Sunday - 12.30pm (only on 2nd Sunday of each month in Polish)


Sacrament of Reconciliation is normally available on Saturday after the morning Mass from 11am until noon, and before evening Mass from 4.45pm - 5.15pm.

Alternatively please call or email to make an appointment to see any of the priests, or simply come to the friary door to see if anyone is available.

Due to the measures adopted by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, all our public celebrations of the Mass and Confession times are suspended from Friday evening 20th March until further notice

It's been more than 4 years since the last mass times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm mass times.

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Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:
Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities


Other activities & ministries

Our Parish Groups

Little Church

Little Church is run by a group of volunteers during school term-time during the 10:30 am Mass. It is designed to bring the liturgy to young children who have not yet made their first holy communion at a level they can more easily understand. Little Church takes place in one of the rooms in the Angelus Centre (next to the Church). For further information contact Yvonne Hill 07595 616813 or Maria Carter 07876 298157.

Social Committee

We aim to bring people from our community together for large and small social events, to make new friends and enjoy great company! We’re ready to organise anything - theme nights, Parish BBQ, Charity Dances, Boot sales, Afternoon Tea Dances. We're always looking for people with ideas and to help with events - so to volunteer, please email the parish or speak to any Social Committee member.

International Committee

We have over 48 nationalities represented in our parish, and our aim is to celebrate the richness of our various cultures within liturgical celebrations as well as other events, and to enable all to come together as “One in Christ”. We collaborate with other parish groups in order to achieve our goals and encourage all to get involved in our planning. For more information contact Jenny Beare (Chairperson) on 07432 601838 or email the parish. Lauren Geral (Secretary).

Knights of St. Columba

The Knights of St Columba are an Order of Catholic Laymen dedicated to the Service of the Church. It is a non-political and democratic organisation, which exists to support the mission of the Catholic Church and at the same time to work for the spiritual and material good of its members and their families. We are active through service in & to the community through, charitable work, helping our youth, co-operating with other organisations, supporting the Church in its social teaching… and More!

Membership of the Order is open to all practicing Catholic Men over 16 years of age and members also participate in monthly meetings. For more information about the Knights please visit the Province website https://kscsouthwark.org

You can also visit the Head Office website https://www.ksc.org.uk

Council 380 contacts:

Victor Momodu: 07903 731 651 and Leo Kennedy: 07793 109 204


The Catenians are an association of Catholic laymen who are committed to their Faith, their families, to those in need and to each other. Our primary purpose is to establish a network of friends, which enhances their family life, strengthens their Faith and sustains them in difficult times. We support each other, the Catholic Church, young people and those in need.

For further Information: Sal D’Mello 0770 8709058 or saldmello@hotmail.com or visit https://www.kentcatenians.org


In NICCOLA (the Nigerian Catholic community of Our Lady of the Angels) we come together as Nigerians of the Catholic Faith to worship, to pray for fellowship and to share and cherish our beautiful rich and diverse cultures. We do as one as we say “ Great Niccola, One Family”

For more information please contact. Tope Iyore 07957171276 - Chairperson

Choir (SATB)

We are a Soprano Alto Tenor Bass (SATB) choir that practices every Thursday evening 7.30 to 9pm in the choir loft in preparation for the 1st Mass of Sunday liturgy on Saturday 5.30pm Mass. New members are welcome, able to read music is an advantage and a willingness to learn and be directed, essential.

For further Information email the parish or speak to Christine Bould, Choir Director, Michael King, Organist, or any choir member.

The Legion of Mary

We hold our meetings in one of the rooms in the Angelus Centre every Sunday after the 10.30am Mass. We are devoted to Our Lady and serve the parish through prayer and various works, including bringing Our Lady to the homes of parishioners upon request.

For more information please contact Presidium President: Mrs Norah Manjonjori 07786437275 nmanjonjori@gmail.com

12th Erith Scout Group

We are a Catholic Scouts Group, and we believe in preparing young people with skills for life. We encourage our young people to do more, learn more and be more. Each week, we give our young people the opportunity to enjoy fun and adventure while developing the skills they need to succeed, now and in the future.

Beavers are our youngest members (6-8 years), and generally meet for an hour per week on Mondays 6.15pm - 7.30pm.

For Cubs (aged 8 - 10.5 years), excitement and adventure are key. Their programme offers a huge variety of activities surrounding areas of fitness, global and beliefs; whilst allowing them to be creative and get involved in their local communities. Mondays 7pm - 8.30pm

Scouts (aged 10.5 to 14 years), aims to build and develop young people’s confidence, sense of adventure and outdoor skills, as well as encouraging them to explore their beliefs and attitudes and be creative. Mondays 7pm - 9pm

Tim Bermingham Shaw (Beavers Leader) 07504 106372 Jason Pearce (Cubs Leader) 07450255970

Mike Cookman (Scout Leader) 07986759309

Polish Lectio Divina

We meet on Thursday after the 2nd Sunday of the month at 8pm in the Friary, to read the Gospel, share how it relates to our lives, discuss the various questions that arise from our reflections, and pray.

For further Information contact Karolina 07966203699 Viola 07456317684

Gospel Choir

The Gospel Choir is made up of passionate individuals would love to sing both contemporary and traditional gospel songs.

We love to serve our community and we're honoured to grace your occasion and will help you plan as much or as little all the way.

New members are always welcome.

Rehearsals are Wednesdays 7.45pm -9pm in the Church's Choir Loft. We sing on the 2nd Sunday of each Month at the 10.30am Mass.

For further information call Eziya on 07930613063 or Helen on 07473158671

OFS - Secular Franciscan Order

“You are an Order: a lay Order, but truly an Order” - Pope Pius XII.

The Secular Franciscan Order is a Order within the Roman Catholic Church open to all lay people (married or single) and diocesan clergy who are seeking to live a more committed Christian life, and based on the life, values and ethos of St. Francis of Assisi.

Members of the OFS are professed and fully committed to living and working within their local communities, in their own homes, and who may marry and raise families. They are immersed in their environment just as their neighbours.

They have a strong Franciscan spiritual life and often become active members of their parish. Many are involved in other specific ministries, for example as Extraordinary Ministers, Scripture Readers and Sacristans. Members who are less able to be active support the other members with their prayers.

Spiritual assistance is provided by Franciscan religious. Franciscan Orders of Friars have a responsibility of service to the OFS.

For further Information, please contact Mary Nee-Murrills – Erith OFS Fraternity Minister Tel: 07958 573511 OFS website: https://ofsgb.org/

Zimbabwe Prayer Group

We are a self initiated group to create fellowship and assist each other to grow spiritually. Our prayer group meets every Wednesday 7pm for about an hour in each other’s house. We recite the Rosary and do bible sharing. The brothers celebrate Mass with us on request.

For further Information contact Norah Manjonjori 07786437275 nmanjonjori@gmail.com Pauline Katupira 07908872010.

Folk Choir

Our group plays on the last Sunday 6pm Mass of the month ( 4th or 5th Sunday). We also play at the Children’s Christmas Eve Mass at 6.00pm and the Easter Sunday morning Mass at 10.30am in the church. For more information email the parish.

Parents & Spouses Rosary

(Polish prayer group via WhatsApp) The Parents’ Rosary is based on the Living Rosary. It’s a group of 20 people who commit to reciting one decade of the rosary daily (1x Our Father, 10x Hail Mary, 1x Glory Be). Every day, a group of 20 parents is praying for all the children within the group and for husbands and wives. It only takes 5 minutes to pray one decade. The knowledge that there are always 19 people praying for my children, even if I forget, brings comfort and peace.

For further Information on how to join you can call Karolina on 07966203699.
International Committee

We have over 48 nationalities represented in our parish, and our aim is to celebrate the richness of our various cultures within liturgical celebrations as well as other events, and to enable all to come together as “One in Christ”. We collaborate with other parish groups in order to achieve our goals and encourage all to get involved in our planning. For more information contact Jenny Beare (Chairperson) on 07432 601838 or email the parish. Lauren Geral (Secretary).

In NICCOLA (the Nigerian Catholic community of Our Lady of the Angels) we come together as Nigerians of the Catholic Faith to worship, to pray for fellowship and to share and cherish our beautiful rich and diverse cultures. We do as one as we say “ Great Niccola, One Family”

For more information please contact. Tope Iyore 07957171276 - Chairperson
Choir (SATB)

We are a Soprano Alto Tenor Bass (SATB) choir that practices every Thursday evening 7.30 to 9pm in the choir loft in preparation for the 1st Mass of Sunday liturgy on Saturday 5.30pm Mass. New members are welcome, able to read music is an advantage and a willingness to learn and be directed, essential.

For further Information email the parish or speak to Christine Bould, Choir Director, Michael King, Organist, or any choir member.
Polish Lectio Divina

We meet on Thursday after the 2nd Sunday of the month at 8pm in the Friary, to read the Gospel, share how it relates to our lives, discuss the various questions that arise from our reflections, and pray.

For further Information contact Karolina 07966203699 Viola 07456317684
Zimbabwe Prayer Group

We are a self initiated group to create fellowship and assist each other to grow spiritually. Our prayer group meets every Wednesday 7pm for about an hour in each other’s house. We recite the Rosary and do bible sharing. The brothers celebrate Mass with us on request.

For further Information contact Norah Manjonjori 07786437275 nmanjonjori@gmail.com Pauline Katupira 07908872010.   Edit

Special Needs/Accessibility


Prayers and Hymns

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Our Lady of the Angels Church Erith Photos

Our Lady of the Angels History


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The power of Christian prayer "The lover of silence draws close to God. He talks to Him in secret and God enlightens him".
John Climacus
Our Lady of the Angels listing was last updated on the 16th of April, 2020
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