St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church Kitchener ON

N2H 2G9


Who we are

Our Misson

The St. Peter’s Community is a family of Christians committed to the gospel of Christ.

Our Vision

We are a family of believers being transformed by the power of God’s love through Jesus Christ. Together, we will make a difference in the world through intentional ministry. As with any family, people are always welcome at the table.

We fulfill this mission through:

Providing meaningful, accessible, inspiring worship Studying God’s Word individually and in small groups Integrating prayer into our daily lives Empowering individuals to discover and use their spiritual gifts Offering ministries of outreach to our community and world that let eople know that they are valued Extending compassionate care to those in need Welcoming new ideas and methods of doing ministry inspired by the movement of God’s Spirit


Church Address

St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church
49 Queen Street North
Kitchener, ON N2H 2G9
Phone: (519) 745-4705 ext.30
Fax: (519) 745-4706

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Church Pastor

Rev. Mark Ehlebracht
Rev. Mark Ehlebracht
49 Queen Street North
Kitchener, ON N2H 2G9
Phone: (519) 745-4705 ext.25
Fax: (519) 745-4706

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Lutheran Church Canada   Edit

Church Website

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Leader Name:
Rev. Mark Ehlebracht   Edit
Leader Position:
Pastor   Edit
Formal Title:
Leader Address:
(519) 745-4706   Edit
Leader Email:
Click here to contact Rev. Mark Ehlebracht   Edit
Leader Bio:
Mark became St. Peter’s pastor in 2009 and the dress code at church has never been the same. Mark is a creative catalyst at St. Peter’s, which can be fun at times. He has a BHAG (Big Harry Audacious Goal) of connecting with people from our community who need to meet the loving God they never knew or the God that they need to know.

Every week, he passionately leads the church to discover more about God and in doing so we always discover more about ourselves (funny how it never works the other way around). When Mark isn’t thinking “church”, he’s enjoying time with his family; his beautiful wife Karen, his sons Joshua and Caleb and his daughter Rachel. Their favourite getaways involve water, snow and the local coffee shop. An Eiffel Tower would be a major bonus.   Edit
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Leadership Photos


Admin Name:
David Roth   Edit
Admin Position:
Administrator   Edit
Admin Address:
(519) 745-4706   Edit
Admin Email:
Click here to contact David Roth   Edit

Mailing Address

49 Queen Street North
Kitchener, Ontario
N2H 2G9   Edit

Driving Directions

A From:
B To:
St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church - 49 Queen Street North, Kitchener, ON
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Direction Tips

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There is parking available for approximately 30 cars in St. Peter’s parking garage located at the front right-hand side of the church on Queen Street. Please honour the signed reserved spaces for the pastors (24/7). There is also a 5-car designated wheelchair parking area on the north side (Weber Street side) of the church building directly off of Queen Street that accesses directly into the church narthex (foyer).

Downtown parking is free on Sundays in the City along the streets and in the following parking areas: the parking lot off of Queen Street between Duke & King Streets, the Duke & Ontario Streets Parking Garage, and the Market Square Parking Garage (first 2 hours are free).   Edit

St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church Service Times

Sunday service at 10:00 am

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Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities

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Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities


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Special Needs/Accessibility


Prayers and Hymns

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information

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St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church Kitchener Photos

St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church History


Rev. C. F. A. Kaessmann gathered a number of Lutherans at a meeting in the local Berlin Stadthalle (Kitchener Town Hall). This group would become St. Peter’s first Sunday School and for the next two months they met regularly. 93 Lutherans signed the roll to officially form The Evangelical Lutheran St. Peter’s Church (Die Evangelische Lutherische St. Petri Gemeinde). A piece of land on North Queen St, one quarter of an acre in size, was purchased from Mrs. Augusta Krug for $178.50. This is the same property on which the present church stands. The church was built within a few months. The congregation entered their new house of worship singing “Nun Danket alle Gott, mit herzen, Mund und Händen” (Now thank we all, our God. With hearts and hands and voices) with tears of gratitude and joy filling many an eye.


Congregational decided to build a new church building with tower, and tall steeple, complete with basement. The last worship service was held in the old white church, and demolition to provide for the new church was begun the next day. Rev. Herman Sagehorn ended his seven years of ministry at St. Peter’s. This plunged the congregation into discouragement. The contractor abandoned the building project and left town. Without a pastor, the members rallied to the task, completed the basement and began holding worship services in it. Rev. G. Manz from New York began his ministry at St. Peter’s having accepted their call. He took up the tasks of overseeing the completing of the building as well as building up the congregation.


Rev. G. Manz resigned and Rev. R. Von Pirch accepted a call to St. Peter’s. One of the first innovations made upon Pastor Von Pirch’s beginning ministry was the introduction of a popular Sunday evening services in the English language.


Rev. R. Von Pirch welcomed Canada’s Governor-General publicly when he paid a visit to Berlin (Kitchener). After 18 dedicated years of ministry, Pastor Von Pirch was very much at the heart of Berlin’s social and civic elite. The future prime minister of the Canada, William Lyon MacKenzie King, would worship occasionally at St. Peter’s English services.


Lightning struck and burned down the spire of St. Peter’s, damaging two of the three bells, and creating a serious structural problem for the building. Dedication of 12 new bells. This addition and the music it created became a symbol of St. Peter’s presence in the community for many years after.

1908 Electric lighting system installed.

1912 English Services started weekly on Sunday evenings.

1914 Marble Altar purchased by the Ladies Aid (from Italy). Dr. Hermann A. Sperling installed.

1917 Pastor Sperling accused of treason, put in jail, 12 days later he was exonerated.

1933 Adoption of revised Constitution in German and English.

1935 The Messenger, monthly newsletter, was first published.

1940 Congregation voted to join Canada Synod. Constitution changed allowing women to vote on church business. Pastor Albert Lotz installed.

1943 “Thus it is Written,” a weekly radio broadcast started.

1949 German services held periodically on Sunday afternoon.

1951 First Vacation Church School. Sister Edna Monk appointed Parish Deaconess.

1955 German services held at 11:00 am weekly.

1957 First Christmas Eve service televised.

1961 St. Peter’s begins to televise regular services once a month. Dr. Henry Opperman installed as pastor.

1962 St. Peter’s televised services on alternate Sundays with St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.

1965 Ground breaking for present church.

1966 First worship services held in present church. 8:00 am German service; 9:30 am English service & Sunday School; 11:00 am Service and Sunday School.

1968 Present church dedicated.

1977 Pastor Eric Reble installed.

1979 Dedication of the wall dossal “Feed My Sheep” designed by Nancy Lou Patterson.

1980 The Brunzema Organ for the chapel was purchased.

1989 Pastor Paul Schult installed. Dr. Peter Nikiforuk welcomed as Director of Music.

1991 David Roth appointed as Office Manager.

1994 Pastor Donald Pond installed.

1998 Pastor Haggarty installed. Kitchener Downtown Inter-Community Health Centre started in a third-floor office at St. Peter’s.

2003 Rosalind Stroh hired as Parish Nurse. Pastor Cindy Jacobsen installed.

2004 Congregation voted to lease the 3rd floor to CJI (Community Justice Initiatives).

2005 Services televised nationally on Vision TV.

2008 Cheryl Walsh started as Seniors Outreach Parish Nurse.

2009 Pastor Mark Ehlebracht installed.

2012 Commencement of one worship service at 10:00 am. Dedication of labyrinth in the chapel.


St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer Teach us to serve Thee
Teach us, good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest: To give and not to count the cost; To fight and not to heed the wounds; To toil and not to seek for rest; To labour and not ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do Thy will.
St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church listing was last updated on the 24th of January, 2020
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