Maranatha Romanian Church of God


Maranatha Romanian Church of God, Nampa, Idaho, United States
Maranatha Romanian Church of God, Nampa, Idaho, United States
Maranatha Romanian Church of God, Nampa, Idaho, United States
Botez 2017
Sunday worship

Who we are

Dragi Prieteni

Traim intr-o lume, unde au loc schimbari spectaculoase de la o zi la alta; schimbari care se petrec in toate sferele vietii noastre. Deacea inteleptul Solomon spune: “Uitati-va cu bagare de seama…” Ecl.7:13. De multe ori aceste schimbari, ne afecteaza viata de zi cu zi; fie in bine, fie in rau. De fapt despre aceste lucruri Cuvintul lui Dumnezeu ne-a informat si ne informeaza mereu.

Data toate se schimba si totul ests in miscare; exista ceva care raminie neschimbat de mii de ani si anume: “CUVINTUL LUI DUMNEZEU” Matei 25:35; 1 Petru 1:25. El este real, actual si valabil pentru orice situatie a vietii si in orice vreme. Cuvintul lui Dumnezeu fara indoiala, este temelia unei societati bune, a unei familii sanatoase, si a unei Biserici prospere; fara de care nu se poate cladi nimic trainic.

Va invit cu toata dragostea sa implinim si sa transmitem acest “CUVINT” tuturor celor din jurul nostru. Cred ca si acest nod de comunicare ne ajuta sa-l transmitem, si sa-L facem de cunoscut oamenilor, pe Cel care este mai presus de toti; “DUMNEZEU”. De fapt acesta este unul din scopurile importante ale Bisericii noastre: marturisire si maturizare sprituala.

Va invit sa participati impreuna cu noi, la slujbele religioase din Biserica.

Cu deosebit respect,
Pastorul Florian Mudura

Church Address

1019 W Flamingo Ave
Nampa, ID 83651
United States
Phone: 720-839-7078

Download Maranatha Romanian Church of God vCard with Service Times

Church Pastor

Ion Burzo
1019 W Flamingo Ave
Nampa, ID 83651
United States
Phone: 720-839-7078

Download Pastorul Ion Burzo vCard

Quote of the Day

Isaiah 64:8

But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.




Social Media

Maranatha Romanian Church of God Nampa on YouTube


Leader Name:
Ion Burzo
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Maranatha Romanian Church of God Leadership Photos

Pastorul Ion Burzo


Admin Name:
Sorin Pica
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Maranatha Romanian Church of God on the map

Driving Directions to Maranatha Romanian Church of God

Maranatha Romanian Church of God - 1019 W Flamingo Ave, Nampa, ID
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Travel/Directions Tips


Maranatha Romanian Church of God Nampa Service Times

Sunday 8am

Wednesday 7pm

Service Times last updated on the 19th of November, 2019

Worship Languages

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Maranatha Romanian Church of God Photo Gallery

Maranatha Romanian Church of God, Nampa, Idaho, United States
Maranatha Romanian Church of God, Nampa, Idaho, United States
Maranatha Romanian Church of God, Nampa, Idaho, United States
Botez 2017
Sunday worship

Maranatha Romanian Church of God History

Maranatha Romanian Church of God Historical Photos

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