BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Jason Perkins DTSTART:20250201T000000Z DTEND:20250201T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350128T230000Z DTSTAMP:20250122T215657Z LOCATION:Port Carling, Ontario CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Camp Frenda Service Times DESCRIPTION:Camp Frenda — Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church Summer Camp Dates & Rates Junior Camp, get ready for fun! Enjoy a week or two at Frenda Junior Camp: June 29 – July 6 Ages 8-12 ‍This includes two activities in the morning, two activities in the afternoon, meals and lodging. General Camp – $745 Specialized Water skiing – $845 Specialized water skiing runs during the regular camp sessions but offers extended time in water skiing. Children who register for the specialized program receive two periods of water skiing in the morning, and then two other activities of their choice in the afternoon. Tweens, take your pick! (Or come for both) Tween Camp 1: July 6 – 13 Tween Camp 2: July 13 – 20 Ages 10-14 This includes two activities in the morning, two activities in the afternoon, meals and lodging. General Camp – $765 Specialized Water skiing – $865 Specialized water skiing runs during the regular camp sessions but offers extended time in water skiing. Children who register for specialized water skiing will receive two periods of water skiing in the morning and two other activities of their choice in the afternoon. The specialized fee includes: activities, meals and lodging. Teens – It’s your turn! Teen Camp 1: July 20 – 27 Teen Camp 2: July 27 – Aug 3 Ages 13-16 (bring a nice outfit for our banquet) General Camp – $795 Specialized Water skiing – $895 Specialized Horsemanship – $895 Specialized water skiing runs during the regular camp sessions but offers extended time in water skiing. Children who register for specialized water skiing will receive two periods of water-skiing in the morning and two other activities of their choice in the afternoon. The specialized fee includes activities, meals and lodging. Specialized horsemanship runs during the teen camp sessions and offers extended time in horsemanship. Children who register for specialized horsemanship will receive two periods of training in the morning and two other activities of their choice in the afternoon. The specialized fee includes activities, meals, and lodging. Family Camp 1 – Mid-Summer Blast! Aug 3 – 7: Sunday to Thursday All Ages Family Camp is a great way to enjoy all that Frenda has to offer, together! Please note, the minimum group size for Family Camp is 2 persons. Lakeview Lodge – $845 for a family of two to four. ($175 for each additional person. Children 4 and under are free.) Chalet 1 or 2 – $725 for a family of two to four. ($125 for each additional person. Children 4 and under are free.) Family Camp 2 – Mid-Summer Blast! Aug 10 – 14: Sunday to Thursday All Ages Family Camp is a great way to enjoy all that Frenda has to offer, together! Please note, the minimum group size for Family Camp is 2 persons. Lakeview Lodge – $845 for a family of two to four. ($175 for each additional person. Children 4 and under are free.) Chalet 1 or 2 – $725 for a family of four. ($125 for each additional person. Children 4 and under are free.) URL: GEO:45.107951;-79.471529