BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Fr. Kevin C. Shemuga DTSTART:20241229T000000Z DTEND:20241229T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20341225T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200411T073646Z LOCATION:Macedonia, Ohio CATEGORIES:Church Mass Times SUMMARY:Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass Times DESCRIPTION:Mass Schedule Sunday Mass Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM except Christmas/New Year’s/Easter (see below) Daily Mass Monday: 6:30 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:30 AM Friday: NO MORNING PRAYER/MASS Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation (aka. Confession) Monday @ 5:45PM & Saturday: 5:30PM except Holy Saturday & Christmas Eve/Day) Any other time by appointment Please check the on-line bulletin for any possible schedule changes! Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) Monday at 6:15 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 8:15 AM Holy Days & Feasts (It’s always wise to call 330.468.2194 x121 to confirm the current schedule) New Year’s Day: January 1 Mass: SEE BULLETIN Wednesday: Tenebrae @ 7:30PM Holy Thursday: The Lord’s Supper – SEE BULLETIN Good Friday: The Lord’s Passion – SEE BULLETIN Holy Saturday Vigil – SEE BULLETIN (Gather outside by fire then process into the church) Easter Sunday Masses: SEE BULLETIN Ascension Thursday: Date varies with Easter. In “Region 6” of the United States, the Bishops of this region have agreed to celebrate Ascension Thursday on the Sunday following this particular Thursday (40 days after Easter). As a result, attending Mass on this particular Thursday is NOT obligatory. Assumption of Mary: Mass: SEE BULLETIN** PM (Vigil, at 6:30** PM when it’s obligatory.) If this Holy Day falls on a Monday or Saturday, it is not a day of obligation; when it falls Tuesday – Friday, it is obligatory. When not obligatory, the asterisked (**) Masses are NOT celebrated. All Saints Day: November 1 Vigil: SEE BULLETIN Day: SEE BULLETIN** If this Holy Day falls on a Monday or Saturday, it is not a day of obligation; when it falls Tuesday – Friday, it is obligatory. When not obligatory, the asterisked (**) Masses are NOT celebrated. All Souls Day: November 2: SEE BULLETIN Please consult the bulletin for the time for Mass or Evening Prayer (depending on whether All Souls falls on a weekday or weekend) Immaculate Conception: Day: SEE BULLETIN Because Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is the patroness of the USA, this day is ALWAYS A HOLY DAY – even if it falls on a Monday or Saturday. Christmas: December 25TH Vigil: SEE BULLETIN Day: SEE BULLETIN Eucharistic Adoration From Monday 9:00 AM until Saturday 8:00 AM (Entry between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM requires advance arrangement. Please contact the Parish Office if you wish to pray during these late-night hours. All other times, entry is unrestricted.) Important notice regarding COVID-19 Updated 3/16/20 There are no more masses until further notice including Holy Week and Easter Sunday. The Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be open for prayer. Eucharistic Adoration has been suspended until further notice. URL: GEO:41.3215026;-81.4906311