BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=The Revd Canon A.M. Shepherd DTSTART:20250202T000000Z DTEND:20250202T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350125T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160603T235528Z LOCATION:Harrogate, North Yorkshire CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:High Harrogate Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday Morning Prayer Weekdays Every Sunday at 8:00 AM Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer - said. Every Sunday at 8:30 AM Family Communion Music Group Every Sunday at 9:30 AM Mattins/Choral Communion Mattins takes place each Sunday, except on the first Sunday in the month when we have Choral Communion. The choir sing for both Mattins and Choral Communion. Book of Common Prayer. Every Sunday at 11:00 AM Lunchtime Prayers Weekdays Every Sunday at 12:30 PM Evening Prayer Weekdays Every Sunday at 5:00 PM Evensong/Choral Communion Evensong takes place each Sunday except on the 3rd Sunday each month when we have Choral Communion. The choir sing for both Evensong and Choral Communion. Book of Common Prayer Every Sunday at 6:30 PM Monday Morning Prayer Weekdays Every Monday at 8:00 AM Lunchtime Prayers Weekdays Every Monday at 12:30 PM Evening Prayer Weekdays Every Monday at 5:00 PM Tuesday Morning Prayer Weekdays Every Tuesday at 8:00 AM Lunchtime Prayers Weekdays Every Tuesday at 12:30 PM Evening Prayer Weekdays Every Tuesday at 5:00 PM Wednesday Morning Prayer Weekdays Every Wednesday at 8:00 AM Cafe Reflexions If you are in town on Wednesday morning, drop in for coffee and cake and our three short reflections. It's just the occasion to bring friends to, or just the sort of place to arrange to meet up in town. Every Wednesday at 10:30 AM for ½ hour Lunchtime Prayers Weekdays Every Wednesday at 12:30 PM Evening Prayer Weekdays Every Wednesday at 5:00 PM Thursday Morning Prayer Weekdays Every Thursday at 8:00 AM Holy Communion Every Thursday at 11:00 AM Lunchtime Prayers Weekdays Every Thursday at 12:30 PM Evening Prayer Weekdays Every Thursday at 5:00 PM Friday Morning Prayer Weekdays Every Friday at 8:00 AM Lunchtime Prayers Weekdays Every Friday at 12:30 PM Evening Prayer Weekdays Every Friday at 5:00 PM Saturday Morning Prayer Weekdays Every Saturday at 8:00 AM Lunchtime Prayers Weekdays Every Saturday at 12:30 PM Evening Prayer Weekdays Every Saturday at 5:00 PM Rock ConneXion A place to meet with real music, real people & real lives. A network for those who have little time for traditional forms of church but lots of spiritual questions. Every Saturday at 6:00 PM URL: GEO:53.992412;-1.540095