BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Simon Clemow DTSTART:20241222T000000Z DTEND:20241222T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20341216T230000Z DTSTAMP:20220226T230049Z LOCATION:Hobart, Tasmania CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Hobart City Church of Christ Service Times DESCRIPTION:Services: Sunday 10am During our services, you can expect: live music where we worship and praise God; an opportunity to connect with God through prayer; an occasion to give thanks to God through a gold coin donation we call “the love loaf” which supports our nine sponsor children; a celebration meal called communion – which is a small ‘shot’ of grape juice and a small piece of unleavened bread – where we take time to remember the death, and resurrection of Jesus; a chance to give financially to support the work of the local and global church; a practical message on life and faith from the Bible (known as a sermon). You are welcome to take part in as much or as little of the worship service as you like. There is no expectation for anyone to participate in any part of the service that you are not comfortable with. If you have any questions about why we do certain things, do not hesitate to ask. Before COVID-19 At the end of each service, there is always an opportunity to meet new people, including our Ministry Team and other church leaders over a free cup of tea or coffee in our café area. On the fourth Sunday of each month (February to November), we have a church lunch, where everyone is invited to bring along a savoury and a sweet to share. This is a great chance for a deeper conversation with people, and when the weather is nice, we can spill outdoors. This time usually wraps up by about 1 pm, so there is plenty of the afternoon left to enjoy. DURING COVID-19 Our church has implemented a COVID-19 Safety plan to ensure that as part of our Christian walk, and our call to love our neighbour as our ourself that we do our absolute best to keep everyone safe. We have taken the following steps to minimise risk: Request that if you are feeling at all unwell, that you stay away from the worship gathering and access our services online. Recommend that all Smartphone users install the COVID Safe App as recommended by the Federal Government, and the Check-In Tas App (QR Code) as recommended by the State Government. QR Codes are displayed at both main entrances. Hand sanitiser stations at all entry/exit point, tissue boxes and foot pedal bins. Ask that all people maintain good social distancing while inside the building. Seating has been spread to comply with such regulations. Ask that guests and first-time visitors provide their name and a phone number for contact tracing. Encouraged people to bring their own communion supplies to worship while providing pre-packaged alternatives for those that do not. Complete building wipe down by our volunteer COVID-19 cleaning crew after each worship service. URL: