BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=The Secretary DTSTART:20250202T000000Z DTEND:20250202T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350126T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160603T021803Z LOCATION:Edwalton, Nottinghamshire CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Holy Rood Service Times DESCRIPTION:Mums and Toddlers Group An informal social meeting for babies and young children with their mums, dads or their carers or child minders. A selection of toys are laid out in the meeting rooms and the children are free to roam under the careful eye of their carers at all time. Baby toys are available for the very young who are yet to find their feet. The session ends with a group story and singing. Refreshments are available throughout. Special events throughout the year include photographs, outside picnic and play in the Church garden and mini-services led by the Vicar, Isabelle at Christmas and Easter. An informal event at all times come and go as you please for only £1.00 per child. Every first second third fourth and last Tuesday at 10:00 AM until Tuesday 19th July 2016Resumes Tuesday 7th June 2016 for 1½ hours   Holy Communion Every first and third Sunday at 8:00 AM for ¾ hour   Sunday Holy Communion Every first and third Sunday at 8:00 AM for ¾ hour Junior Church The Junior Church meets in the Meeting Room with the children, leaders and helpers, joining the main Communion Service at the Peace. School Term Only. During holiday time the 10.15 service is a shortened communion service with story time for the children. Every first second fourth fifth and last Sunday at 10:15 AM for 50 minutes Parish Communion Parish Communion using the Common Worship prayer book. On every third Sunday this service is replaced by Said Holy Communion at 8 am, and Morning Worship (no Holy Communion) at 10.15 am. Every first second fourth and fifth Sunday at 10:15 AM for 1 hour Morning Worship A service for everyone with the Youth groups on Parade. Every third Sunday at 10:15 AM for 1 hour Evening Prayer Prayer Service with the Book of Common Prayer Every first second fourth and fifth Sunday at 6:00 PM for 1 hour Choral Communion Service An evening service of choral communion Every third Sunday at 6:00 PM for 1½ hours Tuesday Mums and Toddlers Group An informal social meeting for babies and young children with their mums, dads or their carers or child minders. A selection of toys are laid out in the meeting rooms and the children are free to roam under the careful eye of their carers at all time. Baby toys are available for the very young who are yet to find their feet. The session ends with a group story and singing. Refreshments are available throughout. Special events throughout the year include photographs, outside picnic and play in the Church garden and mini-services led by the Vicar, Isabelle at Christmas and Easter. An informal event at all times come and go as you please for only £1.00 per child. Every first second third fourth and last Tuesday at 10:00 AM for 1½ hours until Tuesday 19th July 2016Resumes Tuesday 7th June 2016 Ladies Fellowship Meeting The Ladies Fellowship meet in the Church Meeting Room, everyone is welcome. Every first Tuesday at 7:30 PM for 2 hours Wednesday Bell Ringers meet The Bell Tower Captain runs a practice meeting for all bell ringers. Novices are very welcome to join with us, a warm welcome awaits you. Occasionally the meeting will not take place, if travelling some distance please call beforehand. Every Wednesday at 8:00 PM for 1 hour Thursday Mid-week Holy Communion A mid-week service of Holy Communion. Every Thursday at 10:30 AM for 40 minutes Mothers' Union Meeting Edwalton Mothers' Union meeting in the Church Meeting Room, everyone is welcome. Every first Thursday at 2:30 PM for 2 hours Saturday Gardening Club meeting. The gardening club meet in the garden to maintain and develop the Church Garden, including mowing, digging, weeding, trimming, planting and genrally tidying up the garden. We would welcome any new helpers on any occasion, a cup of tea or coffee will always be available. Every Saturday at 10:00 AM for 2 hours URL: GEO:52.909267;-1.112023