BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Rev' Canon Sue Oliver DTSTART:20250112T000000Z DTEND:20250112T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350104T230000Z DTSTAMP:20180518T202634Z LOCATION:Belbroughton, Worcestershire CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Holy Trinity Service Times DESCRIPTION:Church Services in the United Benefice of Holy Trinity Belbroughton, St Mark's Fairfield, St Leonard's Clent May ​Sunday 20th Pentecost 10 am 3rd Sunday Service - Clent church 11:15 am Holy Communion - Belbroughton church 6:30 pm Holy Communion - Fairfield church Wednesday 23rd 11:15 am Holy Communion - Clent church Sunday 27th Trinity Sunday 9:30 am Holy Communion - Clent church 11:15 am Holy Communion - Fairfield church 11:15 am Worship4All - Belbroughton church Wednesday 30th 11:15 am Holy Communion - Clent church June Sunday 3rd Trinity 1 9:30 am Holy Communion - Clent church 11:15 am Holy Communion - Belbroughton church 6:30 pm Evening Service - Fairfield church Wednesday 6th 11:15 am Holy Communion - Clent church Sunday 10th Trinity 2 9:30 am Holy Communion - Clent church 11:15 am Morning Praise - Belbroughton church 11:15 am Worship4All - Fairfield church Wednesday 13th 11:15 am Holy Communion - Clent church Sunday 17th Trinity 3 Father's Day 10 am Father's Day Service - Clent church 11:15 am Holy Communion - Belbroughton church 6:30 pm Evening Service - Fairfield church Sunday 24th Trinity 4 10:30 am Patronal Festival with Hagley - Clent church 11:15 am Holy Communion - Fairfield church 11:15 am Worship4All - Belbroughton church Wednesday 27th 11:15 am Holy Communion - Clent church ​September SUNDAY 2ND 4 PM REV' CANNON SUE OLIVER'S LICENSING SERVICE BY THE BISHOP OF DUDLEY BLAKEDOWN CHURCH SUNDAY 16TH MORNING (TIME TBA) CHURCHILL CHURCH'S 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SERVICE TO BE LED BY THE BISHOP OF WORCESTER URL: GEO:52.389712;-2.120200