BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Tim Brewer DTSTART:20250126T000000Z DTEND:20250126T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350124T230000Z DTSTAMP:20181106T032137Z LOCATION:Ontario, Oregon CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Ontario First Church of the Nazarene Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday NOTE: Only one service, in the gym, at 10:00 am until sanctuary construction is finished. No Life Groups during this time. There are nursery services for those birth-age 3, and children's church for those age 4- grade 5. 9:00am Pre-Service Prayer 9:30am Worship Service Life Groups for all ages (current list here) Children's Quizzing for grades 2 - 6 (September through March) Teen Quizzing (September through March) Nursery care for birth through age 3 11:00am Worship Service Life Groups for adults (current list here) Nursery - birth -age 1 Cherub Church - 2 & 3 year olds Lil'K - 4 year olds - Kindergarten Children's Church - Grades 1-5* * Children age 4-5th grade will join their parents at the 11am service and be dismissed during the service for Lil' K and Children's Church. 6:00pm, 7:00pm Life Groups Monday 6:30am Men's Life Group (St. Al's Ontario) 7:00pm Church Board Meeting (once a month) Tuesday 6:33am Beyond the Edge (Jolts & Juice) (Sept - May) 9am & 6pm Life Groups (current list here) Wednesday (September - May) 5:30pm Wednesday Night Dinner ($2/person or $6/family) 6:45pm Nursery care (newborn through age 3) Kids Discipleship Adventure (ages 4-6th grade) The Edge (grades 7 - 12) Various Adult Life Groups (current life group list here) Thursday Noon PrimeTime Luncheon for Senior Adults (2nd Thursday of the month) 6:00pm, 7:00pm Life Groups (see current list here) Friday There are no events scheduled for Friday's at this time Saturday 9:30am Worship team/choir rehearsal 6:30pm Drop-In Dinner (2nd Saturday of the month at the home of Terry & Martha) URL: