BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTART:20250126T000000Z DTEND:20250126T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350123T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160603T025818Z LOCATION:Old Portsmouth, Hampshire CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Portsmouth Cathedral Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday Holy Communion Said service with address, held in St Thomas' (Chapel) Every Sunday at 8:00 AM for 40 minutes Holy Communion Said service with address, held in St Thomas' (Chapel) Sunday at 8:00 AM for 40 minutes Eucharist Choral service with music led by one of the Cathedral's Choirs or a visiting choir. Time or format may change due to Civic and other services. Details are available on the Cathedral Website. Every Sunday at 10:30 AM Choral Evensong With sermon. Sung by the Cathedral Choir or a visiting choir Every Sunday at 6:00 PM for 1 hour Taize-style night prayer Taizé style Night Prayer is for you when you need some refuge from your hectic world, when you need some peace and quiet and nobody to bother you. No creeds to say, no standing up and down, no sermon, no saying what you believe before you’re sure you believe it. Completely ecumenical, we simply sing beautiful chants and include a time of prayerful silence and meditation. December service as per service list Every last Sunday at 8:00 PM for 40 minutes Monday Morning Liturgy Monday at 7:45 AM Choral Evensong Sung by the Men of the Cathedral Choir during term time or a visiting choir. Said Evening Prayer during Choir holidays. Details available on the Service List. Every Monday at 6:00 PM for ¾ hour Tuesday Morning Liturgy Tuesday at 7:45 AM Choral Evensong Sung by the Cathedral Choir during term time or a visiting choir. Said Evening Prayer during Choir holidays. Details available on the Service List. Every Tuesday at 6:00 PM for ¾ hour Wednesday Morning Liturgy Wednesday at 7:45 AM Holy Communion with anointing and Laying on of hands for Wholeness and Healing normally first Wednesday First service of 2014 8 January Every first Wednesday at 12:00 PM for 35 minutes Holy Communion Every second fourth and fifth Wednesday at 12:00 PM for 25 minutes Holy Communion attended by The Mothers' Union Every third Wednesday at 12:00 PM for 25 minutes Baby and Toddler Group Meet in the Cathedral at 2pm followed by play and fellowship in Cathedral House weekly during term time, enquire during main holidays Wednesday at 2:00 PM for 1½ hours Holy Communion Wednesday at 6:00 PM for 40 minutes Thursday Morning Liturgy Thursday at 7:45 AM Choral Evensong Sung by Cantate the Cathedral's Youth Choir during term time or a visiting choir. Said Evening Prayer during Choir holidays. Details available on the Service List. Every Thursday at 6:00 PM for ¾ hour Choral Evensong Sung by Cantate the Cathedral's Youth Choir during term time or a visiting choir. Said Evening Prayer during Choir holidays. Details available on the Service List. Thursday at 6:00 PM for ¾ hour Friday Morning Liturgy Friday at 7:45 AM Holy Communion Friday at 12:00 PM for 25 minutes Choral Evensong Sung by the Cathedral Choir during term time or a visiting choir. Said Evening Prayer during Choir holidays. Details available on the Service List. Every Friday at 6:00 PM for ¾ hour Saturday Choral Evensong or Evening Prayer Normally said but occasionally sung by one of the Cathedral's Choirs or Visiting Choirs.Details available on the Service List. Does not take place on the dates of Diocesan Baptism and Confirmation Services. Every Saturday at 5:00 PM for ¾ hour URL: GEO:50.790000;-1.102880