BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Archpriest Pimen Simon DTSTART:20250202T000000Z DTEND:20250202T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350131T230000Z DTSTAMP:20190408T094221Z LOCATION:Erie, Pennsylvania CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Russian Orthodox Church of the Nativity Service Times DESCRIPTION:Schedule of Services and Confessions April 2019 Fourth Week of Lent Thursday, April 4/March 22: Vespers 4:30pm Matins 5:15pm Friday, April 5/March 23: Hours 7:15am Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 5:00pm Lenten Tureen 6:45pm Saturday, April 6/March 24: General Panahida 7:45am Confessions 8:45am (Frs. Pimen & Hierotheus) Small Vespers – Annunciation of the Mother of God 3:50pm Vigil 4:10pm Sunday, April 7/March 25: Fourth Sunday of Lent – Annunciation of the Mother of God Midnight Service 7:30am Hours & Liturgy 8:15am Sunday School 11:00am Vespers 11:50am Fifth Week of Lent Wednesday, April 10/March 28: Matins with Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete 4:30pm Thursday, April 11/March 29: Hours 7:15am Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 5:00pm Friday, April 12/March 30: Akathist Matins 5:00pm Saturday, April 13/ March 31: Confessions 8:30am (Frs. Pimen & Hierotheus) Small Vespers 3:50pm Vigil 4:20pm Confessions 5:40pm (Fr. Hierotheus) Sunday, April 14/1 - Fifth Sunday of Lent: Midnight Service 7:30am Hours & Liturgy 8:15am Sunday School 11:00am Vespers 11:50am Sixth Week of Lent Wednesday, April 17/4: Confessions 5:15pm (Frs. Pimen ,Theodore & Hierotheus) Thursday, April 18/5: Confessions 8:00am (2 priests) Friday, April 19/6 - Services for Lazarus Saturday: Vespers 4:15pm Matins 5:00pm (ends approx. 7:15pm) Confessions 5:10pm (Fr. Hierotheus) Saturday, April 20/7 - Lazarus Saturday: Hours & Liturgy 8:15am Saturday, April 20/7 - Services for Palm Sunday: Small Vespers 3:50pm Vigil 4:10pm Sunday, April 21/8 - Palm Sunday: Hours & Liturgy 8:15am Vespers 10:35am Great Week: Monday, April 22/9: Matins 5:00pm Tuesday, April 23/10: Matins 5:00pm Wednesday, April 24/11: Vespers 4:30pm Matins 5:30pm Thursday, April 25/12: Hours 7:30am Vesperal Liturgy 1:00pm Matins with reading of the 12 Gospels 4:45pm Friday, April 26/13 - Great Friday: Royal Hours 7:30am Vespers 4:15pm Matins 5:15pm Saturday, April 27/April 14 - Great Saturday: Confessions for college students and visitors 8:30am Vesperal Liturgy 1:00pm Reading of the Acts of the Apostles 9:00pm Midnight Service with Lamentations Canon 10:00pm Paschal Matins, Hours and Liturgy 12:00am PASCHA - April 28/15: Vespers 1:00pm Matins 1:50pm (ends 3:30pm) Bright Monday, April 29/16: Paschal Hours and Liturgy 8:15am Parish Breakfast 10:15am Sunday School 11:30am Parish Open House at Community Center 12:30pm Vespers and Matins 3:15pm (ends 5:30pm) Bright Tuesday, April 30/ 17: Paschal Hours and Liturgy 8:15am Bright Wednesday, May 1/ April 18: Paschal Matins 5:00pm (ends 6:30pm) Bright Thursday, May 2/ April 19: Paschal Vespers 5:00pm Bright Friday, May 3/April 20: Paschal Matins 4:45pm Bright Saturday, May 4/April 21: Small Vespers 3:50pm Vigil 4:15pm Thomas Sunday, May 5/April 22: Hours and Liturgy 8:15am Sunday School 10:50am Vespers (for the Feast of St. George the Great Martyr) 11:50am Tuesday, May 7/April 24: Radonitsa panahida 7:30am Paschal Litanies at Belle Valley Cemetery 9:00am Paschal Litanies at Hannon Rd. Cemetery 9:45am Confessions Saturday, March 30: 5:35pm (Fr. Hierotheus) Saturday, April 6: 8:45am (Frs. Pimen and Hierotheus) Saturday, April 13: 8:30am (Frs. Pimen and Hierotheus) 5:40pm (Fr.Hierotheus) Wednesday, April 17: 5:15pm (Frs. Pimen, Theodore and Hierotheus) Thursday, April 18: 8:00am (2 priests) Friday, April 19: 5:10pm (Fr. Hierotheus) URL: GEO:42.1361066;-80.0826233