BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Fr Leon Rogers DTSTART:20241229T000000Z DTEND:20241229T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20341227T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160603T044423Z LOCATION:Hartlepool, Cleveland CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:St Aidan Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday Sung Parish Mass. St Columba Centre. Sunday at 9:00 AM for 1 hour Family Mass Every Sunday at 10:30 AM for 1 hour Baptism Every last Sunday at 12:30 PM Evensong Every Sunday at 6:30 PM for 1 hour Tuesday Mass Occasionally this Mass will take the form of a children's Mass. The children and friends of St Aidan's schoo join the congregation. Every Tuesday at 9:30 AM for 1 hour Parish Office for the booking of Baptisms and Weddings takes place in St Aidan's Church, between 7 and 8pm. Parish Office will be closed over the Advent and Christmas period from December 9th to January 6th 2015. The Office will be open as normal on Tuesday January 13th 2015 between 7 pm and 8 pm. Every Tuesday at 7:00 PM for 1 hour Wednesday Mass Every Wednesday at 6:00 PM for ½ hour URL: GEO:54.675329;-1.214880