BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Fr. Harry Jevons Priest-in-Charge DTSTART:20241222T000000Z DTEND:20241222T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20341217T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160603T183548Z LOCATION:Torquay, Devon CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:St Luke Service Times DESCRIPTION:Summer Songs of Praise (June - August) Your 'Favourite hymns' at our Summer Songs of Praise. Come and share with us your much-loved hymn which we shall sing together. Included in this summer evening service will be a scripture reading, seasonal prayers and a short homily Visitors to our town especially welcome Sunday at 6:00 PM for ¾ hour   Evening Prayer Evening Prayer (often called Evensong), in the Anglican Church, is the traditional service when people come to church to worship in the late afternoon or early evening. I our case 6.00pm • Prayers: a Confession and the Lord's Prayer • A psalm will be read antiphonally. • Two lessons (readings) from the Bible. The first is usually taken from the Old Testament and the second from the New Testament. • Two canticles, usually the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. • The Apostles' Creed. • More prayers and a blessing • Four hymns using the Complete Anglican hymnbook • A short address The organist usually plays some organ music before and after the service. Every Sunday at 6:00 AM for ¾ hour   Sunday Evening Prayer Evening Prayer (often called Evensong), in the Anglican Church, is the traditional service when people come to church to worship in the late afternoon or early evening. I our case 6.00pm • Prayers: a Confession and the Lord's Prayer • A psalm will be read antiphonally. • Two lessons (readings) from the Bible. The first is usually taken from the Old Testament and the second from the New Testament. • Two canticles, usually the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. • The Apostles' Creed. • More prayers and a blessing • Four hymns using the Complete Anglican hymnbook • A short address The organist usually plays some organ music before and after the service. Every Sunday at 6:00 AM for ¾ hour Parish Mass This service is held on Sundays at 10.30am Worship is the form most widely used for communion services within the Church of Engalnd. It uses modern language and lasts for about one hour. Parts of the service are sung along with hymns, and a sermon is preached. In addition we read the Old & New Testaments and the Gospel. Psalms are an important part of our liturgy. Refreshments are served in church after the service. You are sure to receive a warm welcome. Do please join us for worship and praise to God. Please note that there are Ladies & Gents toilets with disabled facilities. There is also a Wheelchair for assistance. Every second third and fourth Sunday at 10:30 AM for 1 hour and 5 minutes. Summer Songs of Praise (June - August) Your 'Favourite hymns' at our Summer Songs of Praise. Come and share with us your much-loved hymn which we shall sing together. Included in this summer evening service will be a scripture reading, seasonal prayers and a short homily Visitors to our town especially welcome Sunday at 6:00 PM for ¾ hour Saturday Monthly Prayer Breakfast Christians of all denominations come together at 8.00am every first Saturday of each month. A breakfast of cereals, toast, croissants and fellowship is served. Time is set aside for prayer and reflection. Leaders are chosen from within the group and we have the occasional guest speaker including our own MP. The gathering is usually about 24 in attendance but we always would welcome all comers. A time to meet quietly with God whilst making new friends. Every first Saturday at 8:00 AM for 1 hour URL: GEO:50.465358;-3.532856