BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=The Revd Charles Alexander Graham JENKIN DTSTART:20241229T000000Z DTEND:20241229T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20341225T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160604T043007Z LOCATION:Ipswich, Suffolk CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:St Mary le Tower Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday Holy Communion BCP Every Sunday at 8:00 AM for ¾ hour Choral Matins BCP Traditional choral service offered as a sung office Every Sunday at 9:30 AM for 35 minutes Parish Communion Formal, modern, choral communion service. Every Sunday at 10:30 AM for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Choral Evensong (BCP) Choral Evensong with sermon Every second third fourth and fifth Sunday at 6:30 PM for 1 hour URL: GEO:52.058347;1.155381