BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Nick Alvaro DTSTART:20250202T000000Z DTEND:20250202T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350125T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200817T044803Z LOCATION:East Syracuse, New York CATEGORIES:Church Mass Times SUMMARY:St. Matthew Church Mass Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday 7:30 am English Mass 10:30 am English Mass Monday 6:45 am English Mass Tuesday 8:00 am English Mass Wednesday 6:45 am English Mass Thursday 8:00 am English Mass Friday 6:45 am English Mass 8:00 am English Mass Saturday 8:00 am English Mass 4:00 pm Confession 5:00 pm Vigil +++++++++++++++ Sunday Masses Resumes (25% Capacity) 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Registration Required Please Register by calling the Tri-Parish Office at 315-437-8318 - Mon-Thurs. 12:00 to 2:00 PM Regular Mass Schedule will be followed Only one door will be open Please make sure you wear a Mask at all times Bring Hand Sanitizer Before you come… • REGISTRATION: Register to attend Mass by calling the Parish Offices (315-437-8318) Monday - Thursday between 12-2pm. We must have names and contact information for all attending each Mass in case of outbreak. Online registration will be added at a later date. • MASKS: All over 2 years old MUST wear a mask covering one’s face at all times. Clergy will not mask during celebration of Mass but must all other times. • SANITIZER: Please bring sanitizer for your personal use, specifically before receiving Communion. • REMEMBER: Please follow all signs. We are not to gather or socialize in groups and to use social distancing (6’ apart unless living in same house). The churches will be cleaned after each Mass. • OUTDOOR MASS: It may be necessary depending a variety of circumstances for Mass to be outside in the parking lot. Please follow directions on where to park. Communion will be by vehicle with masks. More instruction will be available at that time. When you arrive… • ENTER THE CHURCH only through the marked door. (SM & SF parking lot side door; SMA accessible door with ramp) and use the sanitizer • CHOIR: We will have music, but choirs are not allowed. • HOLY WATER: Holy Water fonts will be empty for our safety • COLLECTION: Baskets will not be passed. You may drop your offerings in the basket at the door or use online giving (see website or mail offerings to the Parish Offices. (229 W. Yates, East Syracuse, NY 13057) • OFFERTORY: Gift processions are not permitted • SIGN OF PEACE: Will be omitted to avoid shaking hands • COMMUNION: Communion lines will follow normal movements but observing social distance. Follow the instructions of the usher. Coming forward use sanitizer and keep mask on. Once you received, step to the side and lower your mask, consume the Host, and replace the mask. When you leave… • DISMISSAL: We will leave the church as directed by the ushers starting from the closest row to the door keeping social distance. Congregating in the aisles or the parking lot is not allowed. • BULLETINS: Bulletins will only be handed out by gloved ushers. Copies are available on our website ( or join Flocknote (text “TRI-PARISH” to 84576) DISPENSATION FOR THE OBLIGATION OF SUNDAY MASS IS STILL - STAY SAFE & CHOOSE WISELY URL: GEO:43.066241;-76.0761307