BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=The Revd Peter Stanley CALLWAY DTSTART:20250126T000000Z DTEND:20250126T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350120T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160604T040601Z LOCATION:Linton, Kent CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:St Nicholas Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday Sunday early service Holy Communion, is a said Communion (BCP) with a short message. Third Sunday of each month Every third Sunday at 8:00 AM for ¾ hour Sunday morning Service Holy Communion is from Common Worship, with hymns (mostly traditional) and serMonday Children are welcome and there are toys, books and drawing materials in an area at the back of the Church for their use. Please share with us in Holy Communion if you are a communicant member of your own church, or, if you prefer, come to the altar rail for a blessing. Every first and fourth Sunday at 9:30 AM for 1 hour Family service Family Service is for the whole family, young and old alike. It is more informal and will include some more modern songs as well as traditional hymns. Second Sunday of each month Every second Sunday at 9:30 AM for ¾ hour Wednesday Mid-week 'said' Communion Service A short 'said' communion service in St Nicholas Church. Informal. Sometimes followed by a light lunch of soup and a roll. All welcome. A light lunch of soup and a roll is usually served after the service. Not in July and August. Every last Wednesday at 12:00 PM for ½ hour Thursday Coxheath Communion service said Communion service at Holy Trinity, Coxheath Every Thursday at 10:00 AM for 35 minutes Tiny Tots Toybox A warm, friendly environment for any children aged from birth to 5. Parents, grandparents or carers must stay with the children. All are welcome. We have a very relaxed atmosphere with plenty of toys and space for the children to explore, while their adults have time for a chat and a hot drink. There’s always a couple of DBS checked volunteers on hand to help out if you need an extra pair of hands too. We meet on Thursdays (term time only) 1:30 - 3:00pm Holy Trinity Church, Coxheath Contact Becky 07949 646865 This club is open to all babies and toddlers and their parents/minders. Activity, play, story and singing with refreshments. Term time only Every Thursday at 1:30 PM for 1½ hours "Seekers" (7-11yrs at Holy Trinity, Coxheath) A meeting for 7-11year olds (school year 3-6) to learn about Christianity through having fun, playing games, listening to stories,and joining in craft activities, held in Holy Trinity church. straight after school. Term time only every Thursday at 3:30 PM for 1½ hours until Thursday 18th December 2014 further information from Becky 07949-646865 Every Thursday at 3:30 PM for 1½ hours Linton PCC Linton PCC meet in Church Monthly, except August and December Every third Thursday at 7:30 PM for 1 hour Saturday Benefice ladies prayer group Benefice ladies prayer group meets at Pat Wilmshurst home. All welcome. Contact Eileen for details 01622 236170. Every Saturday Every Saturday at 10:00 AM for 1 hour URL: GEO:51.223980;0.512066