BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Rev. Michael L. Sartori DTSTART:20250126T000000Z DTEND:20250126T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350121T230000Z DTSTAMP:20210401T102557Z LOCATION:Newport, New Hampshire CATEGORIES:Church Mass Times SUMMARY:St. Patrick Church Mass Times DESCRIPTION:SUNDAY MASS SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:00PM - St. Patrick SUNDAY: 8:00AM - St. Patrick Solemn Mass 10:00AM - St. Joachim WEEKDAY MASS Monday: 8:30AM Tuesday: 6:00PM Wednesday: 8:30AM Thursday: 6:00PM Friday: 8:30 AM Saturday: 8:30AM All Weekday Masses are offered at St. Patrick Church in Newport. HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION See parish bulletin. Adoration Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place weekly at St. Patrick Church beginning Wednesday mornings following the 8:30AM Mass and continuing through Thursday mornings at 8:00AM. Confessions Confessions are available every week at St. Patrick Church in Newport or by appointment. Tuesday: 5:15PM - 5:45PM Thursday: 5:15PM - 5:45PM Saturday: 9:00AM - 9:30AM Holy Week & Easter Schedule HOLY THURSDAY, April 1st According to the Church's ancient tradition, we wait until evening to gather for The Eucharist, recalling the evening Passover meal during which Me Lord instituted the Eucharist and Priesthood and gave The command of loving service following His exanple in washing of the feet. The tabernacle is empty. The Liturgy has o tone of restrained cekbrationos we recall wondrous gifts on the threshold of the Lord's agony and passion. 8:30AM Morning Prayer (Lauds) 6:00PM Solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper Followed by Adoration in the Chapel of Repose until 10PM 10:00PM Night Prayer (Compline) GOOD FRIDAY, April 2nd A somber day of fasting and abstinence, reflection and commemoration, of the Passion and death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This Is the only day of the year that Holy Mass is not offered. The solemn liturgy includes reflection the Word, venerating his cross and uniting ours to his, and sharing in Holy Communion with hosts consecrated at last night's Holy Mass. The Liturgy picks up where Holy Thursday's open end left off and it concludes with incompleteness as we resume the Liturgikal flow of the Easter Vigil. 8:30AM Morning Prayer (Lauds) & Divine Mercy Novena 12:00PM Stations of the Cross at St. Joachim 3:0SPM Stationsof the Cross at St. Patrick 6:00PM Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion Adoration of the Cross continues in the church until 10PM HOLY SATURDAY, April 3rd A day of quiet waiting and preparation. A day to continue solemn fasting leading up to Easter feasting. The Church keeps watch for the great cry of The vigil and The beginning of resurrection celebration. The Easter Vigil is the "night of nights' and its Liturgy is the most important of the entire Church year. It is the night that we welcome new life as welcome new members into the fullness of Catholic faith 8:30AM Morning Prayer (Lauds) & Divine Mercy Novena *After Lauds the church is closed until 7:00PM* 8:00PM The Great Easter Vigil EASTER SUNDAY, April 4th A day of festive celebration and great joy that unoflds into the Octave (8 days of solemn celebration) and continues for the fifty days of Easter. 8:00AM Mass | St. Patrick 10:00AM Mass | St. Joachim *Divine Mercy Novena not prayed publicly today* Plc sli sli THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Thecelebrat ion of the Resurrection cf the Lord ksus is so great that it cannot be contained in oneday, and it overflows into an oct ave (eight days) of one glorious Easter day. Because of this, each daily Mass In the week following Easter WI be celebrated with festivity and with musk to enable us to continue revel in this greatest feast of our Church's year. DIVINE MERCY NOVENA Each year the Divine Mercy Novena beginson Good Friday and continues until Divine Mercy Sunday. Red booldets are available with the prayersof the chaplet and thedaily prayers, and you may pray it at home or publicly. The times for the public prayingof the Novena are as follows: Good Frid ay after Lauds at 8:30AM, Holy Saturday after Lauds at 8:30AM, Easter Sunday wil not be prayed publkly, and each day after the novena wil be prayed after each daily Mass. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY The 2n0 Sundayof Easter iscalled Divine Mercy Sunday because the gospel of the day recounts Jesus imparting his first gift to the Church after his resurrection: his mercy. On this feast of the Lord's Mercy, we will celebrate a Holy Hour with Benediction at 3:00PM, the hour of mercy during which we wil chant the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We will welcome Fr. Rick St. Louis, who will offer a reflection entitled "I Want to Be Transformed into Mercy." Confessions will then be heard following the Holy Hour. Adoration will begin at 3:00PM. URL: