BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Reverend Lisa Temperley-Barnes SCP DTSTART:20250126T000000Z DTEND:20250126T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350120T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160603T211044Z LOCATION:Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:St. Paul's Church Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday All Age Service Our All Age Services at St. Paul’s Church are especially designed to offer some engagement for all age groups and families. They occur on the first Sunday of each month at 9.30am: The All Age Service is on the first Sunday of the month, commencing at 9:30 a.m. Every first Sunday at 9:30 AM for 1 hour Parish Eucharist Our most important service or celebration has several names, Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, Mass and the Divine Liturgy. Holy Communion means fellowship and sharing; the Lord's Supper means a meal given by Jesus himself; the Eucharist means thanksgiving. The Parish Eucharist takes place on the second Sunday in each month, commencing at 9:30 a.m. When you come to a service at St. Paul's Church you will be given a service booklet by the Sidesman, which will enable you to share fully in the service. We st Every second Sunday at 9:30 AM for 1 hour Family Communion with the Kidz Klub The 3rd Sunday in the month Family Communion Service takes the form of a Common Worship Service with lively hymns with the choir. On Kid’s Klub dates families come to a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am, and the children can join Kid’s Klub in a side (Chapel) after the first hymn. There, they take part in creative activities related to simple scriptural passages. As the main service reaches the communion, the children re-join the main service for a blessing at the altar rail. Parents, especially those of very young children, are encouraged to join and support their children in the side (Chapel). It’s hoped that in due course parents will find that Kid’s Klub gives their children some time and space for creative worship, whilst their mums and dads participate in the adult worship. As one parent recently said, “Kid’s Klub is also an opportunity to meet new families in a friendly, supportive environment and for children to get to know each other.” Every third Sunday at 9:30 AM for 1 hour Come and See Jesus said to his first disciples: ‘Come and see’ (John 1:39). Sadly, there are so many people in our benefice and beyond who have never come and seen. The new monthly service at St. Paul’s, Woodhouse Eaves aims to reach some of those people as well as provide an alternative worship experience for its existing treasured church family. The main aim of the service is to enable both adults and children to get to know our Lord Jesus in a relaxed and informal way, and to help those who have already come to him to deepen their faith. Every fourth Sunday at 9:30 AM for 1 hour URL: GEO:52.721696;-1.214463