BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Revd. Madeline Light DTSTART:20250126T000000Z DTEND:20250126T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350121T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160603T232703Z LOCATION:Norwich, Norfolk CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:St Stephen Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday Morning Service 1st Sunday - Service of the Word; 2nd and 4th Sunday - Holy Communion; 3rd Sunday - Morning Prayer; 5th Sunday - see Notices Every Sunday at 10:00 AM for 1 hour All-age Worship Join us for our All-age Worship service. We begin with coffee at 11.00 (when we join members attending the earlier service) . There are worship songs, teaching, prayer and ministry-time. There is provision for children at this service. Finishing at 12.30pm. Every Sunday at 11:30 AM for 1 hour Monday Exhibition An Exhibition telling 'Our story' of the major structural repairs and restoration that have take place since 2009. Open: 10am - 4pm MON,TUE,WEDS,THUR,FRI & 10am - 12 NOON SAT Admission Free. Monday at 10:00 AM St. Stephen's Cafe St. Stephen's Coffee Centre is open each morning except Sunday. MON, TUE, WED, THUR, Friday: 10am-4.00 pm also including Light Lunches Saturday: 10am-12noon Coffee, Tea & Homemade Cakes Monday at 10:00 AM Tuesday Exhibition An Exhibition telling 'Our story' of the major structural repairs and restoration that have take place since 2009. Open: 10am - 4pm MON,TUE,WEDS,THUR,FRI & 10am - 12 NOON SAT Admission Free. Tuesday at 10:00 AM St. Stephen's Cafe St. Stephen's Coffee Centre is open each morning except Sunday. MON, TUE, WED, THUR, Friday: 10am-4.00 pm also including Light Lunches Saturday: 10am-12noon Coffee, Tea & Homemade Cakes Tuesday at 10:00 AM Wednesday Exhibition An Exhibition telling 'Our story' of the major structural repairs and restoration that have take place since 2009. Open: 10am - 4pm MON,TUE,WEDS,THUR,FRI & 10am - 12 NOON SAT Admission Free. Wednesday at 10:00 AM St. Stephen's Cafe St. Stephen's Coffee Centre is open each morning except Sunday. MON, TUE, WED, THUR, Friday: 10am-4.00 pm also including Light Lunches Saturday: 10am-12noon Coffee, Tea & Homemade Cakes Wednesday at 10:00 AM Thursday Exhibition An Exhibition telling 'Our story' of the major structural repairs and restoration that have take place since 2009. Open: 10am - 4pm MON,TUE,WEDS,THUR,FRI & 10am - 12 NOON SAT Admission Free. Thursday at 10:00 AM St. Stephen's Cafe St. Stephen's Coffee Centre is open each morning except Sunday. MON, TUE, WED, THUR, Friday: 10am-4.00 pm also including Light Lunches Saturday: 10am-12noon Coffee, Tea & Homemade Cakes Thursday at 10:00 AM Friday Exhibition An Exhibition telling 'Our story' of the major structural repairs and restoration that have take place since 2009. Open: 10am - 4pm MON,TUE,WEDS,THUR,FRI & 10am - 12 NOON SAT Admission Free. Friday at 10:00 AM St. Stephen's Cafe St. Stephen's Coffee Centre is open each morning except Sunday. MON, TUE, WED, THUR, Friday: 10am-4.00 pm also including Light Lunches Saturday: 10am-12noon Coffee, Tea & Homemade Cakes Friday at 10:00 AM Saturday Exhibition An Exhibition telling 'Our story' of the major structural repairs and restoration that have take place since 2009. Open: 10am - 4pm MON,TUE,WEDS,THUR,FRI & 10am - 12 NOON SAT Admission Free. Saturday at 10:00 AM St. Stephen's Cafe St. Stephen's Coffee Centre is open each morning except Sunday. MON, TUE, WED, THUR, Friday: 10am-4.00 pm also including Light Lunches Saturday: 10am-12noon Coffee, Tea & Homemade Cakes Saturday at 10:00 AM URL: GEO:52.626660;1.292460