BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Jeremy Muncy DTSTART:20250202T000000Z DTEND:20250202T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20350128T230000Z DTSTAMP:20201223T050737Z LOCATION:Mansfield, Ohio CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Westwood Alliance Church Service Times DESCRIPTION:Worship Our worship services are committed to preaching, praying, and singing truth. We aim to engage the head and to touch the heart for the glory of Christ. Service Times SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30am ON BREAK for 12/27. In depth, interactive study of God's word. Nursery available (infant to 3 years). Children's classes available (age 4 to grade 12). SUNDAY WORSHIP - 10:40am Singing, prayer, and preaching centered on Scripture. Nursery available (infant to 3 years). Junior Church available during the sermon (ages 4-7). ON BREAK for 12/27. HOPE (our disabilities ministry) available. ON BREAK for 12/27. WEDNESDAY WORSHIP - 6:30pm ON BREAK for December. Singing, focused prayer, and interactive Bible study. Nursery available (infant to 3 years). Livestream Our service can be watched via Livestream every Sunday at 10:40am.* If you would like to be notified any time we start a Livestream, please click the bell icon on YouTube. We appreciate when you subscribe to our channel! CURRENT COVID GUIDELINES We know there are varying opinions regarding guidelines. Thank you for continuing to be gracious and for seeking to maintain the unity of the body as we navigate this season together. SUNDAY SCHOOL: On break for 12/27. SUNDAY WORSHIP in the Sanctuary: Please... Consider wearing a mask (unless you cannot do so due to health or conscience reasons). Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer. Stay home if you are sick or have been exposed to someone who is sick. Try to allow two seats between different households (ushers will be assisting with this). Keep physical contact to a minimum. SUNDAY WORSHIP in the Gym: Will continue to practice strict mask-wearing and social distancing. Please… Enter and exit through the double-door, direct access from the parking lot. Wear a mask while in the building. Expect to sit six feet from those not in your household. SUNDAY Nursery: While there is not an expectation that parents should utilize this ministry, we are providing it for parents who are comfortable with it. Please... Do not bring your children if they are sick. Expect your children’s temperature to be taken to ensure they do not have a fever. Pick up your children promptly afterwards. Join us for Christmas Eve in person or online! URL: GEO:40.773279;-82.584268