How to get to Manhattan Beach Community Church UCC by car or by bus
Manhattan Beach Community Church UCC is located in Manhattan Beach, California at 303 S Peck Ave.
See the driving tips and parking information below.
Church Address
303 S Peck Ave
Manhattan Beach,
United States
Phone: 310-372-3587
Fax: 310-372-3898
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Travel/Directions Tips
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There are a few different places you can park at MBCC (map). On your first visit, we recommend using our front parking lot. Use our address, 303 S Peck Ave, to get there. Once you’re better acquainted with our campus, we encourage you to park in one of our bigger parking lots. Our main parking lot can be found just south of Pennekamp Elementary School at the intersection of S. Rowell Ave and Voorhees Ave.
Many of our church members use also address 325 S. Peck Ave to park in the MBUSD office building parking lot. There is a stairwell taking you from their parking lot to our church campus.
As you enter the church, please stop by the Welcome Table or introduce yourself to our ushers and greeters. They can help you with any information you may need as you make your way around. Â
Many of our church members use also address 325 S. Peck Ave to park in the MBUSD office building parking lot. There is a stairwell taking you from their parking lot to our church campus.
As you enter the church, please stop by the Welcome Table or introduce yourself to our ushers and greeters. They can help you with any information you may need as you make your way around. Â
Manhattan Beach Community Church UCC Manhattan Beach, CA on the map
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Driving directions to Manhattan Beach Community Church UCC
Manhattan Beach Community Church UCC - 303 S Peck Ave, Manhattan Beach, CA
Mode of Travel:
Enter the start address, e.g. 6035 Twin Lake Rd NE Mancelona MI, and hit the 'Get Directions' button
Help my unbelief
Dear God, help my unbelief. When I'm in pain, I forget that you care about me. I forget that you have helped me through my trials. I forget that you hold me in your arms to keep me safe. I forget that you are feeling my pain with me. I forget that you love me, I forget that I am important to you. Show me your presence - let me feel your enveloping love. Heal my hurting soul. Thank you for staying with me even in my unbelief.
Dear God, help my unbelief. When I'm in pain, I forget that you care about me. I forget that you have helped me through my trials. I forget that you hold me in your arms to keep me safe. I forget that you are feeling my pain with me. I forget that you love me, I forget that I am important to you. Show me your presence - let me feel your enveloping love. Heal my hurting soul. Thank you for staying with me even in my unbelief.
Manhattan Beach Community Church UCC Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)