Minute Meditations

The Church of God

  • I belong to a people - God’s people, the Church - where there are witnesses to this great peace and cheerful acceptance of worldly suffering in sure knowledge of everlasting life.
  • Every Christian needs to turn away from what the world says is most important for our happiness and to turn toward what the Church of God says is most important.
  • The ordinary way I encounter God today is through encountering members of His Church.
  • As Jesus commended himself into his Father’s hands on the cross, so the Church is in the hands of Jesus. He is with us, and He holds us; we are not alone
  • As members of God's Church, we are members of one body, we follow Christ in and through our unity, and so we receive the same correction and the same fatherly direction. We are on the road together
  • "And God saw that it was good." This simple phrase, repeated no less than seven times in the first chapter of Genesis, provides affirmation from our Lord that creation is indeed good.
  • The Church is the body of Christ. The head Christ and the members of the body belong together.
  • Shall we eat bread and give no wheat to be ground? Shall we drink wine and give no grapes to be crushed? The condition for incorporation into the Church of God and into His glorification is incorporation into His death.
  • The Church of God offers us, again and again unfailingly, what we sometimes seem too willing to ignore: a relationship with Jesus that is our eternal happiness.
  • If we stick with the Church of God, we'll become part of that great cloud of witnesses who testify to the truth. And God's truth will set us all free
  • By baptism we become members of the church. Through directly sharing in the Eucharist, our baptismal identity is reinforced and our conversion to God's ways is deepened. We become members of God's church by praying as God's church
  • Blessed Church of God, surround us in your silent presence. As the world darkens into the adversities of modern life, keep our spirits warm in the blanket of Your love
Let the Son shine in
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Quote of the Day

Psalms 27:7

Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
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