Praise God the Lord Praise God the Lord, ye sons of men, Before His highest throne; Today He opens Heav?n again And gives us His own Son. He leaves His heav?nly Father?s throne Is born an Infant small, And in a manger, poor and lone, Lies in a humble stall. He veils in flesh His power divine A servant?s form to take; In want and lowliness must pine Who Heav?n and earth did make. He nestles at His mother?s breast, Receives her tender care, Whom angels hail with joy most blest, King David?s royal Heir. ?Tis He who in these latter days From Judah?s tribe should come, By Whom the Father would upraise The Church, His Christendom. A wondrous change which He does make! He takes our flesh and blood, And He conceals for sinners? sake His majesty of God. He serves that I a lord may be; A great exchange indeed! Could Jesus? love do more for me To help me in my need? He opens us again the door Of paradise today; The angel guards the gate no more To God our thanks we pay.