BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 FN:Knightsbridge Baptist Church URL;TYPE=WORK: GEO:-34.9324077;138.6591365 REV:20171208T035054Z SOURCE: CATEGORIES:Baptist PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=JPEG: ORG:Knightsbridge Baptist Church NOTE:Morning Services Our 10am services reflect the diversity within our community. We love to spend time together as family where those of all ages, backgrounds, and stages of life can worship, learn and be challenged. Opportunity is given for prayer, song, teaching and reflection. Our church family is encouraged to share something of their own journey of life and faith – so that we learn from each other and can be encouraged by how God works in our lives. You are most welcome to join us! Afterwards, we gather for a time of fellowship over morning tea. TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(08) 8431 4730 TEL;TYPE=WORK,FAX: N:Knightsbridge Baptist Church ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;455 Glynburn Road;Leabrook;South Australia;5068;Australia END:VCARD