BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 FN:M. Rev. Dorian Baxter BA OTC TITLE:Rector URL;TYPE=WORK: GEO:44.056872;-79.447176 REV:20210808T223354Z SOURCE: CATEGORIES:Independent Anglican Church of Canada PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=JPEG: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 ORG:Christ the King, Graceland Church NOTE:Most Reverend Dorian Arthur Baxter B.A., O.T.C.,O.P.P., M.Div.,K.C. is an Archbishop, Educator, Performer, Politician, Activist and Motivational Speaker. He was born in Mombasa, Kenya on April 3, 1950. He boxed in the Kenya National Championships. He immigrated to Canada in 1968. Graduated from the Ontario Teachers College (OTC) in 1970 and holds Province of Ontario Principal’s Papers – 1989. Dorian taught for 33 years across Ontario. Dorian was Ordained an Anglican Priest by Archbishop Lewis Garnsworthy at St. James Cathedral, Toronto May 15, 1983. He was nominated the be the Ninth Bishop of Edmonton, Alberta in 1996. He was consecrated Archbishop of Yorke of the Federation of Independent Anglican Churches of North America – March 9, 2003. Upon his consecration as Archbishop he raised a congregation in Newmarket, Christ the King, Graceland Independent Anglican Church of Canada. Dorian has been a Chaplain for a number of organization including the Chaplain of the Royal Canadian Legion in Newmarket, Past Chaplain of the Newmarket Veterans Association, Chaplain at Southlake Regional Hospital and Southlake Village. He is also Past Chaplain of the 78th Fraser Highlanders and Grand Chaplain of World Tribute Artists Association. Dorian holds membership in a number of organizations including the Freemasons of which he is a Past Master of Scarborough Lodge, Toronto and Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. He is a Royal Arch Masons of the York Rite, a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason and member of Newmarket and Aurora Viking Shrine Club and Chaplain of the Shriner Yacht Club. Dorian is an Executive Director of the Power Think Institute of North America, Founding National Chairman – National Association for Public and Private Accountability. He has been honoured with the title “SCOTTISH LORD” – January 5th, 2013 by the Fifth Earl of Glencoe, Scotland). He was consecrated as “The Bishop of Beale Street”, Memphis, Tennessee -August 2003. He was awarded honorary membership in the U.S. Senate by Senator Stephen Cohen. He was presented with the keys to the City of Memphis, Tennessee by the Mayor of Memphis-August 2004 and installed as an honorary life member of the Memphis City Council by the Memphis Council Chair. Dorian is known by many as and enjoys performing as an Elvis Tribute Artist. He has won the Collingwood Elvis Festival title and received many accolades for his rendition of the legendary “King of Rock and Roll”. TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(289) 221-2687 / (905) 853-0316 TEL;TYPE=WORK,FAX: N:M. Rev. Dorian Baxter BA OTC ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;;;;; END:VCARD