BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 FN:Dr. Jason Burden TITLE:Pastor URL;TYPE=WORK: GEO:29.968488;-93.993637 REV:20180528T085524Z SOURCE: CATEGORIES:Baptist PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=JPEG:iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAMgAAADIBAMAAABfdrOtAAAAMFBMVEVQUFD+/v7l5eXt7e2Pj4+RkZEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAF/xCBAAAACXBIWXMAABJ0AAASdAHeZh94AAAClElEQVR4Ae3cUW4aMRAGYF56gPXAAfaf9gAzbg+Aqrw3arj/VUpIoVARbDOe0Yb4lxJls0ifPA6yZ42y+rJ72r3s9t8ucrq+cedwcfmrl6sv/rXaTu5Zr579kU0M8mnKNZAx8TkD4CyOiOIUcUJIcRYWj4kn/BcxT3zZAHLvchGupTOiVxGWngjhejgCAXdEFEaljOSM9yN9EMXNiB0pGph7ICiEOyApAlGU0gFBMWJGqIywGUkox4xoBSJWBBWZjQihJmJD0nIQtiGKqpgQQl0kApktiFYibEFQGwNC1YgsHEkRiAYghOrMEQju7k9SAyL39ifagLDcWS405XEQ+eQItSHzR0YGMpDxjh9I2xqvdqR+jXctV4pAKAKZQhD12a0Y6uXYaQ1kIAPReoOXjSQHxNbJD2SqR2ThiD4MkpaFTI+CsAGhRSFzBCIlZNsBMX1GotOJwKYHIiYkuZ+f1B/POR8w1x+cGYciVmSyD6QCUc9j2fp6SQQS8JESzBGI9EBSBELlKXFHuAsyLQCZ+yAagaQIhAayOGT6MMjWH1k/QLkGMt7xBoQj1hOOWBnRB+my79r6I2vr5m6O2KaiBxLZn8S3c/GNKRDRYoONiAY8wNGAh2rZ/ZFtVvcDZkJjuB3JaA5LI6K4J1KPlIkyU0QIlkgVQrCFsxQRgj1ZbiOEPpEbazyhV1jeW+MJHXNZLh8DfA0hBZyUE2IgCsoJyfAInyOk8In8Q+AXOSIKZ2WP/Fa4KhEI3hD4hiNGAg4YyV5Z+48E+DqQlnx7GOTHQBoRLGIkAxl/XWMkP/2R70uck4FgachAnhUZYKgCOH69XuMtjAxV/XtfT3eUD69Vff1B9XhLcZ7DNW9WW8rOkXXIv6D7AzYGL/WTRGuVAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC ORG:First Baptist Church NOTE:I was raised in Hico, TX. It was in Hico that I learned to love football and a girl named Kristi. I eventually quit football, but I managed to hang onto Kristi. We started our ministry at First Baptist Church of Iredell, TX. The kind folks in Iredell allowed us to find our bearings in the ministry while teaching and leading in the youth program. They were brave enough to let me preach there for a while, and for that I am very thankful. Our first full-time church was First Baptist Church of Chilton, TX. The folks in Chilton quickly became family to us as they loved us and graciously allowed us to take part in their lives. I served there through my seminary years, and a little bit beyond. A year after graduating with my MDiv, a church called Dorcas Wills Memorial Baptist in Trinity, TX called me to be their pastor. Kristi and I spent 5 wonderful years in Trinity. It was an amazing place to serve and to worship. Few churches can boast of doing as much for missions, on both a national and international scale, as DWMBC. They had, and I’m sure maintain, a tradition of being the top missions giving church in the Neches River Baptist Association. While I was there, we took four trips to Kenya over the span of two years. In 2011, I graduated from George W. Truett Theolocial Seminary with my DMin and soon after that was called to pastor First Baptist Church of Nederland, TX. I remember preaching before the church for the first time like it was yesterday. Our family has quickly come to love the church and the community. We are thankful to God for leading us to such a warm group of people. Kristi and I have three incredible children: Hayden, Hallie and Rylie. My hope is that my ministry here may be used to encourage, to challenge, and to care for those who live in and around Nederland, TX. TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(409) 722-0263 TEL;TYPE=WORK,FAX: N:Dr. Jason Burden ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;;;;; END:VCARD