BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 FN:John David Mull TITLE:Pastor URL;TYPE=WORK: GEO:32.919599;-97.1165065 REV:20180509T004701Z SOURCE: CATEGORIES:Lutheran Church PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=JPEG:iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAMgAAADIBAMAAABfdrOtAAAAMFBMVEVQUFD+/v7l5eXt7e2Pj4+RkZEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAF/xCBAAAACXBIWXMAABJ0AAASdAHeZh94AAAClElEQVR4Ae3cUW4aMRAGYF56gPXAAfaf9gAzbg+Aqrw3arj/VUpIoVARbDOe0Yb4lxJls0ifPA6yZ42y+rJ72r3s9t8ucrq+cedwcfmrl6sv/rXaTu5Zr579kU0M8mnKNZAx8TkD4CyOiOIUcUJIcRYWj4kn/BcxT3zZAHLvchGupTOiVxGWngjhejgCAXdEFEaljOSM9yN9EMXNiB0pGph7ICiEOyApAlGU0gFBMWJGqIywGUkox4xoBSJWBBWZjQihJmJD0nIQtiGKqpgQQl0kApktiFYibEFQGwNC1YgsHEkRiAYghOrMEQju7k9SAyL39ifagLDcWS405XEQ+eQItSHzR0YGMpDxjh9I2xqvdqR+jXctV4pAKAKZQhD12a0Y6uXYaQ1kIAPReoOXjSQHxNbJD2SqR2ThiD4MkpaFTI+CsAGhRSFzBCIlZNsBMX1GotOJwKYHIiYkuZ+f1B/POR8w1x+cGYciVmSyD6QCUc9j2fp6SQQS8JESzBGI9EBSBELlKXFHuAsyLQCZ+yAagaQIhAayOGT6MMjWH1k/QLkGMt7xBoQj1hOOWBnRB+my79r6I2vr5m6O2KaiBxLZn8S3c/GNKRDRYoONiAY8wNGAh2rZ/ZFtVvcDZkJjuB3JaA5LI6K4J1KPlIkyU0QIlkgVQrCFsxQRgj1ZbiOEPpEbazyhV1jeW+MJHXNZLh8DfA0hBZyUE2IgCsoJyfAInyOk8In8Q+AXOSIKZ2WP/Fa4KhEI3hD4hiNGAg4YyV5Z+48E+DqQlnx7GOTHQBoRLGIkAxl/XWMkP/2R70uck4FgachAnhUZYKgCOH69XuMtjAxV/XtfT3eUD69Vff1B9XhLcZ7DNW9WW8rOkXXIv6D7AzYGL/WTRGuVAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC ORG:The Vine NOTE:Born in Lubbock and raised in Arlington, John David Mull is a Texas boy through and through. He was blessed to serve two different Texas churches as a Director of Christian Education, focusing mostly on the areas of youth and family ministry and contemporary worship. John David met his wife, Stephanie, while attending Concordia College in St. Paul, MN. She is a wonderfully supportive wife, a gracious mother, and an incredible photographer, who is blessed to work from home. As he looks back, John David has little doubt that the experiences he went through as a child prepared him wonderfully for his early calling in youth ministry. Today, he is equally confident that through his work as a Director of Christian Education, his studies as a seminary student at Concordia in St. Louis (where he played a major role in developing a new church-planter track for seminary students), and his role as vicar at St. Peter Lutheran in Roanoke, God has prepared him well for this adventure as a church planter. John David and Stephanie are blessed with 3 beautiful children. Caleb (13 yrs. old) doesn’t let Type 1 Diabetes keep him from excelling in his studies as an eighth grader or enjoying his playing football and baseball for his junior high. Hailey (9 yrs.) has the perfect middle name as she is a real “Joy” for John David, Stephanie, and anyone else with whom she comes into contact. The youngest, Jonah (7 years), is a real ham and will do anything for a laugh. TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:817-494-0501 TEL;TYPE=WORK,FAX: N:John David Mull ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;;;;; END:VCARD