BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 FN:Rev. Doug Duerr TITLE:Interim Minister URL;TYPE=WORK: REV:20220907T221706Z SOURCE: CATEGORIES:Unity PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=JPEG: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 ORG:Unity on Greenville NOTE:Rev. Doug Duerr is a licensed and ordained Unity minister serving Unity Ministries since 2008 and non-profit leadership since 2005. Rev. Doug is known as a “ministry companion” and “partner” supporting communities as they navigate the many facets of organizational wellbeing, change and transition - He embodies this specialty area for the communities he serves. Rev. Doug is a Certified Ministry Transition Specialist and Consultant supporting communities across the U.S. and Canada as they navigate the facets of change and transition through the interim period. He most recently has been in the role of Manager of Member Services and Leadership Development at Unity Worldwide Ministries and is currently on faculty at Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute. His course, “Discerning Your Purpose” has received celebrated feedback from students for more than five years. During his tenure at UWM he up-leveled many services for our ministries including consultant education, leadership training, mediation skills, ministry employment and ethics. Each area focused on developing, equipping and supporting Unity communities and leaders. He is a published author and is Dare to Lead Trained ™ from Brené Brown. A leader for more than 30 years, his heart for organizational wellbeing, education, pastoral care and process consulting are evident in his work. Rev. Doug also represents Unity on the Board of Directors with The Interim Ministry Network and the mission to “strengthen the spiritual and organizational health of the congregation by equipping and supporting those who lead during times of transition.” He leads with a pioneer’s heart, a creative visionary mind and an unstoppable spirit of love, kindness, and care. With humor and compassion, Rev. Doug enjoys weaving life experiences to Spiritual principles. He honors the diversity and genius in all of creation and has found affirming expressions as a dancer, author, coach, teacher, and speaker. We welcome Rev. Doug to Unity on Greenville as our Interim Minister. Rev. Doug will have designated virtual office hours for Unity on Greenville available each week. His first in-person Sunday with us will be March 13th and his talk will be “Arriving Home.” Rev. Doug will be with us two Sundays per month. TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(214) 826-5683 TEL;TYPE=WORK,FAX: N:Rev. Doug Duerr ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;;;;; END:VCARD