Churches celebrating Christmas in 2020

Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it is preceded by the season of Advent or the Nativity Fast and initiates the season of Christmastide, which historically in the West lasts twelve days and culminates on Twelfth Night. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many countries, is celebrated religiously by a majority of Christians, as well as culturally by many non-Christians, and forms an integral part of the holiday season organized around it.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's the churches that celebrate Christmas 2020 with dates and times - find one near you!

Address: 645 Rhode Island Street,
Gary, Indiana, United States 46402

Mass Schedule

At our church, we host mass every Sunday morning from 10:00 a.m. until about 11:30 a.m. The mass begins in song which is then followed by a full mass session. Each mass ends with a closing hymn and prayer. Members are able to make special prayer requests during the mass.

Holy Day Vigils

We also offer holy day vigils, the dates of which will be announced soon. These include a celebration of the birth of Christ at Christmas as well as the resurrection of Christ at Easter. Please check back periodically for updates regarding the vigil calendar.

Holy Days

Our church also hosts holy day masses. These start out with songs then go into a prayer session. From there, the message of the week is given before the mass ends in a closing prayer. Please check back soon for the holy day.

Address: 657 Bluff St,
Beloit, Wisconsin, United States 53511

Worship and Sunday School 10:00am

COVID-19 Update

The church building is closed due to the pandemic.

Worship services will be posted on our website, or can be viewed on our YouTube page.

​Recent services can be viewed ​from our Worship Page

Merry Christmas friends!

Address: 613 11th Ave,
Menominee, Michigan, United States 49858

Worship Times

Sunday Schedule
8:00 am – Worship Service
9:15 am - Sunday School
10:30 am – Worship Service

Wednesday Schedule
6:30 pm -- Worship Service (No service December 23)

Christmas Eve Schedule
3:00 pm -- 4:30 pm -- 6:30 pm -- Worship Services (Call to make appointment - 906-863-2119)

Christmas Day Schedule
9:00 am - Worship Service

Christmas Services - By Appointment Only

Christmas Eve
3:00pm, 4:30pm, 6:30pm

Christmas Day
9:00 am

Address: 8300 E 68th St,
Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States 74074


Sunday School 9:45am

Worship Service 10:45am


Ladies Bible Study 10:00am


All ages Bible study 6:30pm

Please join us this Christmas week as we celebrate the greatest gift we can ever receive, Jesus!

Address: 396 Willowood Dr E,
Mansfield, Ohio, United States 44906


Our worship services are committed to preaching, praying, and singing truth.

We aim to engage the head and to touch the heart for the glory of Christ.

Service Times


ON BREAK for 12/27.

In depth, interactive study of God's word.

Nursery available (infant to 3 years).

Children's classes available (age 4 to grade 12).


Singing, prayer, and preaching centered on Scripture.

Nursery available (infant to 3 years).

Junior Church available during the sermon (ages 4-7). ON BREAK for 12/27.

HOPE (our disabilities ministry) available. ON BREAK for 12/27.


ON BREAK for December.

Singing, focused prayer, and interactive Bible study.

Nursery available (infant to 3 years).


Our service can be watched via Livestream every Sunday at 10:40am.*

If you would like to be notified any time we start a Livestream, please click the bell icon on YouTube.

We appreciate when you subscribe to our channel!


We know there are varying opinions regarding guidelines. Thank you for continuing to be gracious and for seeking to maintain the unity of the body as we navigate this season together.

SUNDAY SCHOOL: On break for 12/27.

SUNDAY WORSHIP in the Sanctuary: Please...

Consider wearing a mask (unless you cannot do so due to health or conscience reasons).

Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.

Stay home if you are sick or have been exposed to someone who is sick.

Try to allow two seats between different households (ushers will be assisting with this).

Keep physical contact to a minimum.

SUNDAY WORSHIP in the Gym: Will continue to practice strict mask-wearing and social distancing. Please…

Enter and exit through the double-door, direct access from the parking lot.

Wear a mask while in the building.

Expect to sit six feet from those not in your household.

SUNDAY Nursery: While there is not an expectation that parents should utilize this ministry, we are providing it for parents who are comfortable with it. Please...

Do not bring your children if they are sick.

Expect your children’s temperature to be taken to ensure they do not have a fever.

Pick up your children promptly afterwards.

Join us for Christmas Eve in person or online!

Address: 7 Gumtree Road, Primrose,
Germiston, Gauteng, South Africa 1404

Mass Times

Weekdays: Tuesday – Friday 7am (9am on Public Holidays)

Friday Holy Hour 6pm-7pm (Adoration and Mass)

Weekends: Saturday 5.30pm

Sunday 8am and 10am

Confessions: Friday 6pm-6.30pm, Saturday 8am-9am


Tuesday 15th December: Carols by CandleLight [from 6pm]

Saturday 19th December: Advent Penitential Service [8am (Individual confessions from 8am-12pm)]

Thursday 24th December: Christmas Vigil Mass 5.30pm

Thursday 24th December: Christmas Mass in the Night 10pm [CHANGED TO 9PM DUE TO CURFEW]

Friday 25th December: Christmas Day Mass 8am

Friday 25th December: Christmas Day Mass 10am

Address: 412 E Sherman Blvd,
Muskegon Heights, Michigan, United States 49444-2204





Virtual Choir Concert

Friday December 25, 2020
Christmas Day

Address: Killannin,
Rosscahill, County Galway, Ireland

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Killannin

Mass Times

Sunday — Vigil 6:00pm, 11:00am
Monday — 10:00am
Tuesday — 10:00am
Wednesday — 10:00am
Thursday — 10:00am
Friday — 10:00am
Saturday — 10:00am

Christmas Mass Schedule

Attendance by ticket only

Attendance at these Masses are by pre-booking only. Call Fr Martin on 087 2508959 between 2.00pm and 8.00pm on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and hopefully I will be able to give you a seat number for the Mass you wish to attend. If you are unable to attend please let me know immediately.

It will be possible to listen to Mass in the car park. You do not have to pre-book for this.

Thursday 24 December (Christmas Eve)
6.00pm Children's Mass

Friday 25 December (Christmas Day)
12.00 noon (Intention: John Martin Maloney, Parishtown)

Saturday 26 December (St Stephen's Day)
10.00am (Intention: Thomas Shaughnessy, Killannin)
6.00pm Vigil (Intention: Noel, Nellie & Thomas McDonagh, Knockferry)

Sunday 27 December
11.00am (Intention: Peter & Bridget Geraghty, Pollagh)

Address: Saxon Road, Birkdale,
Southport, Lancashire, United Kingdom PR8 2AY

Usual Mass Times

Our Lady of Lourdes

Saturday 5.30pm
Sunday 11am

St Joseph

Monday to Friday 10am
Saturday 7pm
Sunday 9.30am

St Teresa

Saturday 10am
Sunday 9.45am & 6.00pm

Please ensure you have collected your tickets for Christmas Day Masses. All tickets will be available outside church after every Mass this weekend. Don’t be disappointed!!

Christmas Eve at 7pm / 8.30pm / 10pm
Christmas Day at 8.30am / 9.30am / 11am

Please arrive together with the rest of your group (otherwise the seating arrangements will not work!). Please bring a face mask. Please let the stewards guide you. Church will open half an hour before each Mass

Holy Communion outside Church: Christmas Eve at 6pm and Christmas Day at 10.30am

Christmas is celebrated in church until the Epiphany, January 6th 2021!

The first Christmas Mass will be recorded and streamed. Thanks to all who make the celebrations in church possible. Thanks to all for cooperating with the guidelines that make it safe to attend Mass.
Mass will be celebrated in St Joseph’s at 10am Monday to Friday.
Sunday Masses: Saturday 5.30pm Sunday 8.30am, 9.30am and 11am.
Communion will be distributed outside at 10am on Saturday and 10.30am on Sunday.

Address: 280 Limeridge Road West,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L9C 2V2


Weekday Mass Times

Tuesday - 7PM
Wednesday & Thursday: 9AM
Friday - 9:30AM

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday (Anticipated Mass) - 5PM
Sunday - 9:30AM, 11:30AM


Tuesday - 6PM to 6.45PM
Saturday -10:30AM - 11:30AM
(Except in Oct. - Nov. due to First Holy Communions)
By Appointment - please contact the Office


Prayed 30 minutes before weekday and weekened Masses

Prayed 1 hour before the Saturday Mass


First Tuesday, 6:30PM - Holy Rosary and Mass to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

First Friday, 9:00AM - Hoy Rosary and Mass, and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament

First Saturday, 9:00AM - Holy Rosary and Mass to the Mother of Our Saviour

"Through the powerful intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, may God Almighty have mercy on us and on the whole world"





9:30 AM AND 11:30 AM



9:30 am & 11:30 am

The Parish Office will be closed December 24th at noon and will reopen on Monday, January 4th, 2021


Pre-Register For Christmas Masses

This year, due to Covid-19, we are asking parishioners to pre-register for Christmas Masses. You may pre-register by calling the office at 905-388-2078, send an email to [email protected], or visit the office in person. Please include your name, address, phone number and email address, along with the number of people in your family who will be attending.

Christmas masses are as follows: December 24 at 5pm (with children) and 7 pm, and December 25 at 9:30 am and 11:30 am. Thank you for your understanding.

Address: 37 Hazel Avenue,
Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom GU1 1NP

Due to the current lockdown, we are unable to offer in person worship services. We are still providing Sunday services on our YouTube channel.

Our Christmas Day service will be hosted on Zoom this year. Below you can download the Order of Service, with instructions on where to mute your microphone.

If you would like to join in with the Zoom service and aren't on our usual email list please contact the office before 2pm on the 24th December for details.

Address: 8570 Vaughn Rd,
Montgomery, Alabama, United States 36117-8853


ALL parishioners are to wear a mask or face covering. Be aware of others and 6 foot social distancing.

+ Monday - Saturday 8:15am

+ Monday - Thursday 6:30pm

+ Saturday Vigil 5:30pm

+ Sunday 8am, 9:30am, 11am, 3pm (spanish) and 5:30pm

+ The Sanctuary is sanitized after each Mass, daily and weekend.

+ There is hand sanitizer available at the entrance of the Narthax and Sanctuary.

+ Missalettes are not available in the pews. Handouts are available at all weekend Masses which include the readings and music verses. These sheets are to be discarded after each Mass.

+ We are using every other pew due to social distancing guidelines, so please sit in the non-roped pews and 6ft from those not in your own family. Please move to the center of the isle so others do not have to climb over you.

Holy Spirit Parish Christmas Mass Schedule

Thu, December 24th — 5pm (Church)
Thu, December 24th — 5pm (Parish Hall)**

Thu, December 24th — 7:30pm (Church)
Thu, December 24th — 7:30pm (Parish Hall)**

Fri, December 25th — 12am Midnight Mass (Church)

Fri, December 25th — 9am (Church)

** Please Note: Masks are required the ENTIRE time during these Parish Hall Masses

Address: 10827 24th Street SW,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2W 2Z2

Holy Spirit Schedule

Weekday Mass

Monday - Friday: 9am and Wednesday 7pm

Weekend Mass

Saturday 5pm & 7pm(esp)
Sunday 9am, 11am & 7pm


Saturdays: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm (eng & esp)
2:00 pm to 3pm (eng only)

Eucharistic Adoration

Monday to Friday : 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday 12 (noon) to 4:00 pm

Online Mass

Holy Spirit Christmas Masses


Dec 24th: 5:00pm, 7:00pm Spanish, 9:30pm, 11:30pm
Dec 25th: 11:00am
Please see the SPIRIT NEWS bulletin for more information.

Address: 1 Mayland Hill,
Mayland, Essex, United Kingdom CM3 6DZ

Carol Service

24 Dec 2020, 3 p.m.

Please join us for a pleasant evening of listening to carols and a reflective start to Christmas Day. Refreshments will be served after the service.

Address: 6520 Loma De Cristo Dr,
El Paso, Texas, United States 79912-7301

We Are Open For Worship!

Service Time: Sunday's 9:45 a.m., also livestreaming on the Ascension Facebook page

Christmas Eve Service December 24th at 5:00 p.m.

New Year's Eve Service December 31st at 5:00 p.m.

Family Bible Hour is posted weekly

Address: 1047 Amsterdam Avenue,
New York, New York, United States 10025

Schedule of Daily Liturgical Services


11 am - A Service of the Word
Services will be streamed via our website. You can access the service through the calendar page by clicking the date of the service and then the appropriate entry.

Monday through Saturday

8:30 am - Morning Prayer
5:30 pm - Evening Prayer
Services will be accessible via Zoom. Log in information can be found through the calendar page by clicking the date of the service and then the appropriate entry.


8:30 pm - Compline
Services will be accessible via Zoom. Log in information can be found through the calendar page by clicking the date of the service and then the appropriate entry.

Christmas Services

The Service of Lessons and Carols is a recent but now classical element of Anglican Liturgy, first instituted for Christmas Eve 1880 at the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Truro. This year, the Cathedral's Service of Lessons and Carols will be held virtually on our website, Facebook, and YouTube channel. The Bishop of New York will preside, and the Dean of the Cathedral will offer a reflection.

Following the format of the Cathedral’s usual Sunday and Feast Day services during the time of COVID, we celebrate a Service of the Word virtually at 11 am on Christmas Day. The Dean of the Cathedral presides, and the Bishop of New York preaches.

Event Dates Times Location

Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols December 24 4 PM Livestream

Christmas Day Service December 25 11 AM Livestream

Address: 15347 Yonge Street,
Aurora, Ontario, Canada L4G 1N7

Mass Times


Saturday ​5:00 PM
​Sunday ​​8:15 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
7:00 PM


Monday - Friday ​8:00 AM
Saturdays and Holidays​ ​9:00 AM
​First Fridays ​Adoration from 12PM to 7PM, concluding with Holy Mass at 7PM


Saturdays​ ​​4:00PM - 4:30PM
Or by appointment throughout the week

Nativity of the Lord

Christmas Eve : 4:oopm, 6:oopm, and 8:oopm Christmas Day : 8:15am, loam, and 12:00 noon (There will be no 7oopm Mass on Christmas Day)

Feast of the Holy Family
Regular Weekend Mass Times

Solemnity Of Mary:
Thursday December 31st: 5:oopm
Friday January 1st: io:ooam

It has become absolutely essential to reserve your seat:

Please Continue to Check Here for any Changes due to Government Restrictions

Please Note! We are planning to Live Stream the Christmas Eve 6:oopm and Christmas Day io:ooam Mass.

Those of you who wish to receive Communion are invited as soon as Mass is over, to come to the Church where we will be giving Communion for half and hour to those who have watched from home.

Address: Laustan Close,
Merrow, Surrey, United Kingdom GU1 2TS

Saturday 6pm:
Quiet, said Mass

Sunday 9.30am:
Popular with families, with Organ

Other Mass Times:
Monday, 7.30pm and ​Thursday, 10am

It has been wonderful to be welcoming people to Mass – albeit in numbers limited by a concern for everyone’s health and safety. The Bishops have suspended the Sunday Obligation to attend Mass. This is likely to continue for the foreseeable future and this means that we can attend Mass on any of the available days of the week.
The daily Livestream will continue.


Christmas is nearly here! With only a few weeks to go, here is all you need to know about Masses in the Catholic Parish of Guildford this festive period…
We’re looking forward to you attending these both in person and online.

This year the Bishops are encouraging us to notice that Christmas is always celebrated as an Octave up to the 1st January: the Liturgical texts (with the exception of the Readings) are the same each day for the eight days. This year it is appropriate to choose any one of these days to celebrate the birth of Christ and thus enable everyone to Celebrate 'Christmas Day'.
Thank you.
Mgr Tony, Fr Roy and Fr Thomas

24th Dec (Christmas Eve)
5pm @ St Mary's
6pm @ St Joseph's
7pm @ St Pius X
9pm @ St Edward
10pm @ St Pius X
11pm @ St Mary
12am @ St Joseph's (Midnight Mass)

25th Dec (Christmas Day)
8am @ St Mary
8am @ St Pius X
8am @ St Joseph
9.30am @ St Joseph
9.30am @ St Pius X
9.30am @ St Edward
11am @ St Joseph
11.30am @ St Mary

Address: 10 Church Street,
Chesterville, Ontario, Canada K0C 1H0

Sunday Holy Eucharist:

Saturdays: 5 p.m (St Mary’s Chesterville)

Sunday: 8.30 a.m (St Daniel’s South Mountain)
Sunday: 10.30 a.m (St Mary’s Chesterville)

Junior Liturgy:

Sunday: 8.30 a.m (St Daniel’s South Mountain)
10.30 am (St Mary’s Chesterville)

Daily Mass:

Tuesdays: 7.00 p.m; Wednesday to Friday @ 9.00 am (Check the bulletin also)

Pastoral Visits: Regular pastoral visit are available on request. For visitation of hospitalized and shut-in parishioners, please call the parish office.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 4.30 p.m and Half hour before the daily mass and by appointment.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays @ 8.00 a.m

Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements with the pastor should be made at least 6 months in advance. A marriage preparation course is required.

Sacrament of Baptism: The Sacrament os celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month following the 10.30 a.m Mass. A baptismal class is required. Please contact the parish office for further information.

First Communion and Confirmation: Yearly ( St. Mary’s and St. Daniel’s) Classes are required.

Let us continue to book and offer masses for our intentions and for our loved ones who have departed. The schedule for 2021 is available so please send us an email, call the office, or simply add to your Sunday Envelope.

OFFICE HOURS: Due to Covid 19 all visits to the office will be BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call us at 613-448-3262 if you wish to schedule appointment.

CHRISTMAS PREPARATION: Start now signing in your names and numbers to enable us fix people according to the number required for each mass following the covid protocals.

ANGEL TREE: You will notice that the Angel Tree has been set up again this year. Please feel free to take an angel, buy a gift and return it to the tree. Please return the unwrapped gift with the tag attached by Dec. 13, 2020.

The Parish Council has decided to continue the Gift Card program again this year. Throughout the year Father Cyril has opportunities to help people with financial challenges in our community. The best way to do this is by giving them gifts cards. We ask that you help Father Cyril with this by donating gift cards from grocery stores, pharmacies, hardware stores and other stores that will be of assistance to people. There is a box beside the Angel Tree labelled Gift Cards. Please place your gift card in this box. We ask that you indicate the value of the card as well as it will help when distributing the Gift Cards. Please remember the social distancing protocols thus, we ask that there is only one family visiting the tree.

Address: 41 East Main Street,
Blackburn, West Lothian, United Kingdom EH47 7QR

We hold public services of worship on Sundays at 11:00am. On the 1st Sundays of February, June and November and on Easter Sunday we celebrate Holy Communion. We hold extra services in the weeks before Christmas and Easter.

Coronavirus Update

ALL Service of Worship at Blackburn & Seafield Church are CANCELLED until further notice.

All Church Groups and activities are also cancelled.

As we are currently closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, why not watch some pre-recorded services instead?

Address: 216 South Main St,
Hardwick, Vermont, United States 05843-0396

Sunday Morning Service

​10 a.m. September through June
9:15 a.m. July and August

Sunday School

Adult Sunday School is held at 8:45 a.m. on Sundays from September through May.

Sunday School is offered for children during the morning service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.

Children's coloring pages are always available at the back of the church.

Special Services

​​Various Special Services during Lent, Christmas Season and other church holidays

Address: 63A Chartwell Drive,
Singapore, North-East Region, Singapore 558758

Mass Times

Sat Sunset: 5.30pm
Sunday: 9am, 11am, 1pm, 5.30pm

Login at and book for your Mass slot for the month. If you’ve not yet registered, do so now at Booking of Sep Masses will begin on Tues, 25 Aug at 12pm via

Days of Obligation

All Saints’, Ascension & Assumption
Eve: 8pm (no 6.30pm Mass),
Day of: 6.30am, 6.30pm, 8.30pm

Eve: 5.30pm, 9pm, 12mn
Day of: 9am, 11am, 5.30pm

Holy Week
Holy Thursday: 7.30pm
Good Friday Service: 9am, 12nn, 3pm
Easter Vigil: 7.30pm
Easter Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am, 5.30pm

Address: 19 Turangi Town Centre,
Turangi, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand 3353

Communion or Morning Worship (no communion) every Sunday at 10am
Different styles of worship for Easter and Christmas (Duration about 1hour)

Ethos: Common purpose. Mainly Anglican, but can be Presbyterian or Methodist services from time to time.
Social: Morning Tea following all services (except Christmas) for fellowship.

Shared meals occasionally and support for and involvement in Turangi Community events
Outreach: Church Fellowship every Tuesday, 10 a.m. in the church lounge.
Highlights: Christmas Service, 10 a.m. only.

Address: 1701 Bloor Street West,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6P 1B1

Weekly Celebration

Weekday Mass - as of June 17/20
**Monday - Friday 5:30pm

No Mass on Holiday Monday or Easter Monday

Weekend Mass - **SAT. JUNE 20 & SUN. JUNE 21
**Saturday 5:30 pm & Sunday,10 am ONLY
**Sunday 10 am will also be lived streamed via

First Friday
Mass at 5:30pm
Anointing of the Sick and Holy Hour of Adoration at 6:00pm (TBC)
Benedictions at 7:00pm (TBC)

**As of June 17/20 Public MASSES are slowing being re-introduced.
Capacity is limited to 82 people (depending on families sitting together)
NOTE: the church will also be open 4-6 pm weekdays for prayer
ALL attending are asked to please wear masks. Thank you.


Celebration of Reconciliation
Confession - Saturdays 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Or by appointment

Parish Penance Service for Advent and Lent
Scheduled Annually

Christmas & New Years

Christmas Eve
Children's Liturgy & Pageant - 5:30 pm
Christmas Liturgy - 9:30 pm, 12 Midnight

Christmas Day
Christmas Liturgy - 10 am, 12 Noon
No Evening Mass

New Year's Eve - Octave Day of The Nativity
Mass - 5:30 pm

New Year's Day - Solemnity of Mary
Mass - 10 am, 12 Noon
No Evening Mass

Lent & Easter

Ash Wednesday
5:30pm & 7:30pm

Palm Sunday
10:00 am

Holy Thursday
7:00pm - Mass of the Lord's Supper

Good Friday
3:00pm - Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday
8:00pm - Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday
10:00am & 12 Noon Easter Liturgy

Address: 691 Alexander Ave.,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3E 1J1

Church services are every Sunday at 11am. Sunday school is every Sunday year-round from 10-10:45am (with the exception of Christmas holidays, etc.).

There are Sunday school classes for the whole family starting at nursery (age 2-3) all the way up to the adult class. There is a Wednesday night Bible study/prayer meeting weekly starting at 7pm.

Quote of the Day

1 Corinthians 13:13

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

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