Adding a memoriam is simple with
Permanently adding your departed relative or friend to our online remembrance pages couldn't be simpler. Our step-by-step creation page walks you through the process with ease.It's also free of charge
Despite the fact that this service has no limits on time or bandwidth usage, we make no charge for our 'In Remembrance' service and, once created, your loved one's page will remain forever at Join My Church as testimony to your love.SEO-friendly
All memoriams are available for public access. This ensures that, after a little while, the search engines will find your Memoriam when anybody searches for the name of your loved one. It also gives you a link that you can pass on to other members of your family or circle of friends so that they can share your prayers and thoughts.Some quick tips
We strongly suggest that you prepare your text beforehand and, if you want to include a photo, that you have a digital photo ready that is at least 150 pixels wide. (If you do not have a suitable photo, we can offer you a choice of generic photos such as the one above that will do honor to the memory of your loved one).Remember, your permanent digital Memoriam does not have to be for someone recently departed, it can be for those who passed on at any time in the past (your parents or grand-parents, for example).
To begin the simple process, please Click Here
To view our In Remembrance pages, please Click Here