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Most Recently Updated Churches
First Christian Church
Address: 202 S Wood Ave,
Hominy, Oklahoma, United States 74035
Denomination: Disciples of Christ
Updated 5 minutes ago
St. Flannan's Church
Address: Kinnitty,
Kinnitty, County Offaly, Ireland
Parish Priest: Rev. Michael O'Meara Co-PP
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Updated 15 minutes ago
St. Isabel Parish
Address: 3559 Sanibel Captiva Road,
Sanibel, Florida, United States 33957
Pastor: Rev. Edward Martin
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Updated 32 minutes ago
St. Thomas More
Address: 386 Luther Avenue,
Somerset, Massachusetts, United States 02726
Pastor: Rev. Timothy P. Reis
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Updated 16 hours ago
Winchester Branch
Address: 582 and 584 South College Street,
Winchester, Tennessee, United States 37398
Leader: Branch President Beckstead
Denomination: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Updated 20 hours ago
Enchanted Hills Ward
Address: 275 Avenida De Bernalillo,
Bernalillo, New Mexico, United States 87004-9017
Leader: Bishop Thompson
Denomination: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Updated 21 hours ago
Mt Carmel Christian Church
Address: 55 Poplar Grove Road,
Flemingsburg, Kentucky, United States 41041
Minister: Travis Roberts
Denomination: Christian Church
Updated 22 hours ago
St. Jude Thaddeus Parish
Address: 6100 Alijis Rd,
Bacolod, Negros Occidental, Philippines 6100
Parish Priest: Very Rev. Fr. Joel E. Roquez, VF
Denomination: Catholic Church
Updated yesterday
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
Address: 770 Lakeshore Road,
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada N7V 2T5
Minister: Rev. Rebecca Roushorne-Lau
Denomination: Presbyterian Church
Updated yesterday
Quote of the Day
Psalms 37:4
Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
You are...
You are the shade in the heat, You are shelter in the cold, You are eyes to the blind, You are a staff to the pilgrim, You are an island in the sea, You are a stronghold upon land, You are healing to the sick. You are the luck of every joy, You are the light of the sun's beam, You are the door of lordly welcome, You are the pole star of guidance, You are the step of the roe of the height, You are the step of the white-faced mare, You are the grace of the swimming swan, You are the jewel in each mystery.
You are the shade in the heat, You are shelter in the cold, You are eyes to the blind, You are a staff to the pilgrim, You are an island in the sea, You are a stronghold upon land, You are healing to the sick. You are the luck of every joy, You are the light of the sun's beam, You are the door of lordly welcome, You are the pole star of guidance, You are the step of the roe of the height, You are the step of the white-faced mare, You are the grace of the swimming swan, You are the jewel in each mystery.