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Most Recently Updated Churches
Church of the Holy Innocent's
Address: 681 Prospect Avenue,
West Orange, New Jersey, United States 07052
Priest in Residence: The Rev. Margaret Tuttle
Denomination: Episcopal Church
Updated 10 minutes ago
Trumbull Methodist Church
Address: 730 Hubbard St,
Trumbull, Nebraska, United States 68980
Pastor: David Mendyk
Denomination: Global Methodist Church
Updated 22 minutes ago
Unitarian Universalist Congregation East
Address: 1789 Lancaster Ave,
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, United States 43068-3108
Young Adult Religious Educator: Rebecca Calhoun
Denomination: Unitarian Universalist
Updated 2 hours ago
Pilgrim Rest A.M.E. Church
Address: 522 North Bailey,
Monticello, Arkansas, United States 71655
Pastor: Rev. Chris Goodman
Denomination: African Methodist Episcopal
Updated 15 hours ago
Saint-Michel Roman Catholic Church
Address: #2552 Route 334,
Wedgeport, Nova Scotia, Canada B0W 3P0
Curé: Père Cyrille Assihou Wagble
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Updated 16 hours ago
Parish of Isle Aux Morts
Isle Aux Morts, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada A0M 1J0
Priest in Charge: Rev Ken Abbott
Denomination: Anglican Church
Updated 16 hours ago
St. Bernard's Parish
Address: 253 Highway 2,
Enfield, Nova Scotia, Canada B2T 1C9
Pastor: Rev. Michael (Mike) Joseph Walsh
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Updated 17 hours ago
Quote of the Day
Psalms 26:2
Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.
Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.
You are...
You are the shade in the heat, You are shelter in the cold, You are eyes to the blind, You are a staff to the pilgrim, You are an island in the sea, You are a stronghold upon land, You are healing to the sick. You are the luck of every joy, You are the light of the sun's beam, You are the door of lordly welcome, You are the pole star of guidance, You are the step of the roe of the height, You are the step of the white-faced mare, You are the grace of the swimming swan, You are the jewel in each mystery.
You are the shade in the heat, You are shelter in the cold, You are eyes to the blind, You are a staff to the pilgrim, You are an island in the sea, You are a stronghold upon land, You are healing to the sick. You are the luck of every joy, You are the light of the sun's beam, You are the door of lordly welcome, You are the pole star of guidance, You are the step of the roe of the height, You are the step of the white-faced mare, You are the grace of the swimming swan, You are the jewel in each mystery.