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Most Recently Updated Churches
Anglican Parish of The Epiphany
Address: P.O. Box 245,
Heart's Delight, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada A0B 2A0
Priest-In-Charge: The Rev. Verna Chislett
Denomination: Anglican Church
Updated 3 hours ago
Holy Family Church Sechelt
Address: 5700 Nickerson Road, RR 7,
Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada V0N 3A7
Pastor: Rev. Vincent Cuong Nguyen
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Updated 4 hours ago
New Covenant Church of Naperville
Address: 1 Bunting Lane,
Naperville, Illinois, United States 60565
Lead Pastor: Christopher Castaldo
Denomination: Church of God
Updated 4 hours ago
Foundation of Life Church of God of Prophecy
Address: 900 Wilkins Street,
Rocky Mount, North Carolina, United States 27803
Pastor: Lutrell Spell
Denomination: Church of God of Prophecy
Updated 4 hours ago
Martha's Chapel United Methodist Church
Address: 3600 Marthas Chapel Road,
Cunningham, Tennessee, United States 37052
Pastor: Reverend Ben Falls
Denomination: United Methodist Church
Updated 5 hours ago
Living Stream Church of the Brethren
Address: 500 N Emerson Ave, Apt 413,
Wenatchee, Washington, United States 98801-6638
Pastor: Enten Eller
Denomination: Church of the Brethren
Updated 5 hours ago
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
Address: 1770 Johnson Ferry Rd,
Marietta, Georgia, United States 30062
Pastor: Rev. Harden Hopper
Denomination: United Methodist Church
Updated 5 hours ago
Saint Paul's Anglican Church
Address: 4100 Taylor Avenue,
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States 45209
Denomination: Anglican Church
Updated 5 hours ago
The United Church of Christ in Oakley
Address: 4100 Taylor Ave,
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States 45209-1729
Leader: Judith Jackson
Denomination: United Church of Christ
Updated 6 hours ago
Quote of the Day
Psalms 125:3
For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.
For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.
"Yes, Lord"
"Yes, Lord! Jesus, I give all of this to you. Jesus," I just started out a dream for my neighbourhood. "I didn't ask you to make me a messenger to the world. I just wanted to love my neighbours. But Jesus, here it is. Here's my future, here's my loneliness, here are all the pressures, here are the criticism", and I gave Him everything. And I told Him to take me again and I would try to make "Yes, Lord" the continuing motto of my life..
"Yes, Lord! Jesus, I give all of this to you. Jesus," I just started out a dream for my neighbourhood. "I didn't ask you to make me a messenger to the world. I just wanted to love my neighbours. But Jesus, here it is. Here's my future, here's my loneliness, here are all the pressures, here are the criticism", and I gave Him everything. And I told Him to take me again and I would try to make "Yes, Lord" the continuing motto of my life..