Barrie Hill United Church Rockwood ON

N0B 2K0


Who we are

Welcome to Barrie Hill United Church

As a guest at Barrie Hill United Church, we want you to get the most out of your time with us. We will never put you on the spot, single you out or make you feel uncomfortable.

At Barrie Hill we hope you will:

Enjoy the music but only sing along if you wish.

Not feel obligated to give. The offering is for those who consider Barrie Hill their church home.

Fill out a welcome card so we can get to know you better.

Our church is accessible with an elevator for individuals that need access with limited mobility, including wheelchair users.

Barrie Hill povides services to persons with hearing impairments or hard of hearing with overhead speakers and microphones, as well as special individual headphones.

The words are printed for the worship service and are enlarged on an overhead projector and is accessed through a computer system.

The complete worship service and other events are available on DVD and can be obtained by contacting the church office.


"Arising from a deeply rooted faith in one God, known to us through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, we, the people of Eramosa Pastoral Charge, celebrate that we are a Christian Community striving to share our faith, friendship, fun, music and other talents. We do this through our unique rural approach to worship, Christian education, stewardship and pastoral care."

--This Mission Statement was approved by the Eramosa Pastoral Charge's Official Board in September 1995 and we still support this perception today.

--The Eramosa Pastoral Charge consists of two churches; Barrie Hill United and Speedside United. Our two congregations are rich in what we have to offer to each other, to the community, and to the surrounding districts.


Church Address

Barrie Hill United Church
5702 Wellington Rd 29
RR 5
Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0
Phone: 519-763-0299
Fax: 519-763-0299

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Church Pastor

Rev. Lynn Hamilton
Rev. Lynn Hamilton
5702 Wellington Rd 29
RR 5
Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0
Phone: 519-763-0299
Fax: 519-763-0299

Download Minister Rev. Lynn Hamilton vCard

Click here to contact Rev. Lynn Hamilton   Edit


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Church Website

Barrie Hill United Church on Social Media


Leader Name:
Rev. Lynn Hamilton   Edit
Leader Position:
Minister   Edit
Formal Title:
Leader Address:
519-763-0299   Edit
Leader Email:
Click here to contact Rev. Lynn Hamilton   Edit
Leader Bio:
Other Church Leaders:

Leadership Photos


Admin Name:
Admin Position:
Admin Address:
519-763-0299   Edit
Admin Email:
Click here to contact the church   Edit

Mailing Address


Driving Directions

A From:
B To:
Barrie Hill United Church - 5702 Wellington Rd 29 RR 5, Rockwood, ON
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Direction Tips

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Barrie Hill United Church Service Times


Coffee/Tea/Water Time is from 10:30-11:00am

Service starts at 11:00am for approximately one hour

Organ and/or piano music is played during the Sunday worship service. Recorded music is played as a prelude. Special music is performed throughout the different Christian seasons.

It's been more than 6 years since the last service times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm service times.

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Worship Languages


Dress Code

Some a little dressy but most dress casual. We just want you to be comfortable.   Edit

Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:
Church School

On Sunday mornings, children normally begin in the sanctuary with the adults. They remain with the greater congregation for the first 15-20 minutes, then move to the Church Hall for Children's Worship. A typical children's worship session starts with songs then a bible story, a related takeaway craft or a game. At present the program currently hosts three age groups. Our nursery is run with a series of volunteers. Children rejoin their parents after the service, for beverages in the sanctuary. This past year the children helped run the outdoor service and filled shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child to be send overseas. They did not have a Christmas concert to put on, so they were split into two groups and performed the Christmas story as they remembered it.   Edit
Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities


Other activities & ministries


The U.C.W. (UNITED CHURCH WOMEN) continues to meet monthly with both a monthly program and a social aspect that continues to sponsor Christian education in the church.

This is accomplished through sponsoring the Observer costs, the Sunday School curriculum, church camps and overseas ventures.
The U.C.W. also continues to monitor member's health and life events -- acknowledging needs and events in the lives of the members of the church. The catering group (as a subcommittee) continues to run a fully stocked industrial kitchen -- which is beautifully maintained.


The CHOIR at Barrie Hill, directed by Susan, leads music and plays a valued role in our worship service. From September to June every Thursday starting at 7:30pm the choir members are practicing for Sunday. Occasionally the Praise Team brings forward more contemporary music.

Currently recorded music is played prior to the service beginning. The choir teaches new music to the congregation and leads sing songs. The choir shares their love of music with the junior members of the church by creating youth choirs for special events.   Edit

Special Needs/Accessibility


Prayers and Hymns

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information

Average Adult Congregation:
Average Youth Congregation:
Additional Info:

Barrie Hill United Church Rockwood Photos

Barrie Hill United Church History

Church Ministers

as of 2014 our congregation has celebrated 182 years together

1826-1831 pioneers gathered by various homes with Elder James Black as preacher 1831-1833 Rev. Andrew Bell 1834-1836 Rev. Charles Nichol 1837-1843 Rev. Thomas Christie and others 1843-1877 Rev. Dr. William Barrie 1877-1881 Rev. David Smythe 1881-1883 vacant 1883-1887 Rev. Angus McKay 1887-1889 Rev. John Gardiner 1889-1891 vacant 1891-1893 Rev. D. V. Marsh 1893-1898 Rev. W. D. Wilkie 1899-1906 Rev. A. J. Mann 1906-1911 Rev. John A. Moir 1911 Rev. William Tate 1911-1914 Rev. George Milne 1914-1919 Rev. William Kay 1919-1923 Rev. W. A. McWilliams 1923-1928 Rev. John Little 1928-1937 Rev. John Robertson 1937-1939 Rev. George Stephenson 1939-1948 Rev. Earle Dale 1948-1952 Rev. William Buchanan 1952-1955 Rev. Hugh MacTaggart 1955-1960 Rev. Bertram Newnham 1960-1969 Rev. George Dunlop 1969-1975 Rev. Allison Dempsey 1975-1979 Rev. Gerald Danford 1979 Rev. Dr. A. T. Kennard 1979-1987 Rev. Robert Hyde 1987-1988 Rev. Russell Finley 1988-1993 Rev. Douglas Norris 1993-1994 Rev. Bradley Morrison 1994-2003 Rev. Wendy MacFadzean 2003-2014 Rev. Kyle Benger 2014- Rev. Lynn Hamilton


Barrie Hill United Church Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer Help me pray
Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart.
Barrie Hill United Church listing was last updated on the 14th of February, 2019
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