Bass Chapel United Methodist Church Greensboro NC



Who we are

Bass Chapel United Methodist Church is a United Methodist Church in Greensboro, North Carolina.

We are a fellowship of believers, made in God's image and called as disciples of Christ to share the Good News with everyone through learning, listening, praying and working together actively to reach out to our communities.

We are a place to believe, belong, and become!


Street Address

Bass Chapel United Methodist Church
5075 Bass Chapel Road
Greensboro, NC 27455
United States
Phone: (336) 617-6869

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Church Pastor

Rev. Donald E. McCoy
Rev. Donald E. McCoy
5075 Bass Chapel Road
Greensboro, NC 27455
United States
Phone: (336) 617-6869

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Services are at 9:00 am

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Bass Chapel United Methodist Church History

Bass Chapel United Methodist Church


The beginning of Bass Chapel United Methodist Church makes an extremely unusual, but interesting story with a lasting impression.

The first church was organized in 1875 under the leadership of Reverend Charlie Burlock. The site for the church was purchased from Mr. Milton Bass, the purchase being spearheaded by a few, but interested persons; namely, Mr. John McKnight, Mr. James McAdoo, Mr. Preston Rankin, Mr. Calvin Gorrell, Mr. Leven Davis, Mr. Henry Davis, and others. A small church was built on the site but was never completed. The church was so small that some of the members had to build an arbor near the church. When the annual meeting was held in August some of the members who lived a good distance away put up tents and slept on the church grounds. Aside from the August annual meeting, Sunday services were held three times a day at 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and at night.

For five years Reverend Burlock preached the pure "Word of God" to a very small number of faithful members. Reverend Burlock was followed by Reverend Lewis Gibson in 1880. He was a teacher as well as a preacher. He did much to lift the religious and cultural standards of those who resided in this small community.

In 1888, Reverend George Hill came to Bass Chapel Church. He stayed for two years and was followed by Reverend S. L. Johnson in 1890. Reverend Johnson showed great concern for everyone with whom he worked within the community. Many of the older members were converted during his pastorate.

Reverend W. A. McMaster became the next pastor in 1895. He worked faithfully for two years and was succeeded by Reverend Ben F. Thomas in 1897. Reverend Thomas showed great interest in young people and was successful in saving many souls for Christ. In 1902, Reverend R. D. Bethea came to our community. Like Reverend Gibson, he assumed the role of teacher, as well as a preacher. During his eight years at Bass Chapel, a frame church was completed to replace the first one that was built. At this time, a well was also dug on the church grounds.

Reverend Bethea was succeeded in 1910 by Reverend D. C. Skeen who served two years. Reverend Skeen was followed by Reverend J. A. Laughlin in 1912. For the next four years, Bass Chapel Church underwent another important development. Wings were added to the main structure of the church, which greatly improved the appearance and function of the church. Reverend G. W. Byers was the tenth minister to serve the church. He was well known as an evangelist, as well as a good pastor. From 1916 to 1919 he served with benign influence, winning many souls for Christ. He was succeeded by Reverend M. C. Laughlin in 1919. He too was a dynamic speaker. Reverend Laughlin was followed by Reverend W. R. Ziglar (1920-1922), Reverend Mekins (1922-1924), Reverend P. I. Wells ( 1924-1926 ), and Reverend P. F. Johnson (1926-1927). These men served well and gave untiringly of their services.

The years 1927 to 1935 marked another important development in the life of the congregation. Reverend J. W. Shuford was the pastor during these years and he gave several years of rare leadership to the church. He engineered the building of a modern brick church with cathedral windows in 1929 and the membership grew tremendously during this period. Following Reverend Shuford in 1935 was Reverend T. H. Wooten, he rendered unique service to the training of the youth of our community. For the next few months, Reverend M. M. Patrick served as pastor. After his death in 1939, the conference sent us Reverend J. H. Ledwell (1939-1941) and Reverend T. C. Frazier (1941-1942). Both were Christian leaders and both won many friends while at Bass Chapel Church.

From 1942-1949, Reverend W. T. Lomax served with an exceptional fruitful ministry. A recreational building was erected which was used for many purposes until on Sunday morning, January 8, 1961, a fire completely destroyed it.

In 1949, Reverend Eugene Black came to work with us. He performed his ministry to the delight of everyone. He made needed repairs to the sanctuary, installed a furnace, enlarged the choir stand and purchased a new organ for the church. Reverend Black was followed by Reverend W. E. Tyler in 1959. The pastorate of Reverend Liston Sellers Jr. began in June 1960 and worked diligently with us. He sternly believed in devotion, service, and sacrifice and geared his program to that end. His conviction can best be summed up with, "Christian training and fellowship are essential for living more hopefully".In the 86 years of her existence, Bass Chapel have shared in supplying resources that have enriched the church's life and promoted growth. There were a number of spiritual leaders at Bass Chapel United Methodist Church who gave inspiration through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. During the administration of these great leaders, Bass Chapel Church was able to make many physical accomplishments as well as spiritual growth.

In 1964, Reverend Belvin Jessup came to work with us. He expressed his love and concern for each member in unique service to the church and community. Under the leadership of this young man of courage, faith, and vision an educational building was erected. A building with three classrooms, restrooms, kitchen, Fellowship Hall and Pastor's Study fully equipped. The sanctuary was newly renovated.

After Reverend Jessup were numerous others including Reverend John W. Jones (1967), Reverend William Royster (1974) Reverend David Harkness, and Reverend D.J. Hughes. The pastorate of Reverend Cornelius Holland (1976) was an exceptional ministry. His inspiring sermons were received to the delight of the congregation.

In 1982, Reverend Paul Milton became our pastor. He firmly believed in giving the best of his service as he served humanity through prayer, visitation, and service. We are grateful to Almighty God for his Christian leadership. He was followed by Reverend Peter Addo in 1988 and Reverend Diane Jones in 1991.

Bass Chapel has progressed tremendously from the brush Arbor in 1875. We thank God for giving that small band of Christians the vision to organize the church.

We were blessed to have Reverend Larry E. Fitzgerald to come to us in 1992. Under his great leadership, our vision would become a reality. Our hopes and desires will be fulfilled as we continue to work together in love, peace, and unity. We are grateful to Almighty God for his love and guidance as we move toward building a new church. Knowing that with him all things are possible. Giving thanks to our Lord and Savior for our accomplishments. "Great is thy faithfulness". The Bass Chapel United Methodist Church family gives God the glory for all of our blessings.

For many years the Bass Chapel Church family had the vision to build a new church. In 1995 following the guidance of the Holy Spirit and under the leadership of our minister, Reverend Larry E. Fitzgerald we were able to purchase 3 1/2 acres of property from Mr. Ulysses Pleasant for the new structure.

On December 17, 1995, we walked from the old church to the new location for the Groundbreaking service. Our vision became a reality September 1996 when the new church was completed. On September 15, 1996, we marched from 5064 to 5075 Bass Chapel Road to a beautiful new edifice for 11:00 am service which was a joyful and spirit-filled occasion. We praised God for his goodness, grace, and mercy that brought us through. The new edifice was consecrated to the GLORY of God with a series of services October 13-18, 1996.

Bass Chapel United Methodist Church has moved to a new level. Our spirituality has been enriched by a Wednesday night Bible Study Class. During the 1995 Conference year, twelve new members were added to our membership. We are an impact church where lives are changed, Many great things have been accomplished through prayer, service, and dedication since moving into the new building. The cornerstone service was held on October 11, 1998, performed by the Invincible Lodge 251 P.H.A., paying tribute to the memory of the late Brother Andrew O. Jones Sr., Past Master of the Lodge. The cornerstone is considered to be the most important stone of the edifice. The Stone which the builders refused has become the headstone of the corner. This is the Lord's doing. It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day in which the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:22-24. Jesus Christ himself the chief cornerstone.

On July 10, 2011, Thru the Guidance of the Holy Spirit and W.N.C.C. We are Blessed to have an Ambitious, Humorous, Spirit-Filled Minister, Reverend Donald E. McCoy. His inspiring, uplifting sermons are a delight to the congregation. We Come This Far By Faith Leaning On The Lord. To God be the Glory for the things He has done. We have had 33 ministers at Bass Chapel United Methodist Church.

Our outlook now July 10, 2011, is to be faithful in the face of discouragement, remain constant before criticism, or doubt. To believe in eternal truth and work diligently so our names will glow with a holy luster on the ages of the Divine Record. This sort of spirit will send our church through another one hundred and thirty-six years of service.

Willie Mae Jones Historian, July 10, 2011


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The power of Christian prayer Learn to know Christ
Learn to know Christ and him crucified. Learn to sing to him, and say, Lord Jesus, you are my righteousness, I am your sin. You have taken upon yourself what is mine and given me what is yours. You have become what you were not so that I might become what I was not.
Bass Chapel United Methodist Church listing was last updated on the 14th of January, 2020
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