Berta A. Penney Memorial United Methodist Church Kemmerer WY



Who we are

Our Values

Worship, Spirituality, Service, Acceptance.

Our Vision

The Berta A. Penney Memorial United Methodist Church is a fellowship of believers who follow the Biblical teachings of Jesus Christ through Scripture, Tradidtion, Reason, and Experience, with Scripture being primary.

We are commited:

To Provide worship opportunities and programs in which all individuals can grow in a spiritual relationship with God, finding peace. fulfillment, and purpose. To provide open, loving, prayerful, and respectful fellowship for all ages and backgrounds. To involve ourselves in the local and global communities through active and relevant service.

Our Mission

The mission of Berta A. Penney Memorial United Methodist Church is to provide everyone with opportunities for : meaningful worship, spiritual growth, Christian fellowship, and faithful service.


Church Address

Berta A. Penney Memorial United Methodist Church
910 Sage Ave
Kemmerer, WY 83101
United States
Phone: (307) 877-3245
Fax: (307) 877-3750

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Church Pastor

Ora M Dailey
Ora M Dailey
910 Sage Ave
Kemmerer, WY 83101
United States
Phone: (307) 877-3245
Fax: (307) 877-3750

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Ora M Dailey   Edit
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Pastor   Edit
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(307) 877-3750   Edit
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(307) 877-3750   Edit
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Mailing Address

P.O. Box 704
Kemmerer, WY
83101-0704   Edit

Driving Directions

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Berta A. Penney Memorial United Methodist Church - 910 Sage Ave, Kemmerer, WY
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Travel/Direction Tips

Our Church Building is located on the corner of Sage and Garnet.

Coming in from the south (Diamondville), go north on Central Ave./Coral St. (SR-30/189) to Cedar Ave. turn left, go to Garnet St. turn left.

Coming in from the north (La Barge), go south on Pine Ave. (SR-30/189) to Garnet St. turn right.   Edit


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Berta A. Penney Memorial United Methodist Church Service Times

Sunday 9:30 am

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Prayers and Hymns

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Berta A. Penney Memorial United Methodist Church Kemmerer Photos

Berta A. Penney Memorial United Methodist Church History

One hundred and eleven years ago, in the summer of 1898, a small group of Kemmerer residents met for the purpose of organizing a Sunday school. Each Sunday morning, this group of concerned citizens held their meetings in the quarters of Mrs. Westfal, who operated a dressmaking establishment on the site now occupied by the "Buck or Two" business establishment. It was through the efforts of these dedicated few that the first seeds of Methodism were sown in our community.

In the fall of 1899, Reverend J. Putnam came to Kemmerer to serve as the first minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He served from May 1899 to January 1900. During these month, the question of a church building was discussed. Where could it be located and how could the money be raised? The need was great and all agreed they were willing to make sacrifices in order to make it become reality. The committee, appointed to secure a suitable location, reported that Mr. P.J. Quealy had donated a site on the hill (specifically Lot5, Block 43, later to be numbered 516 Sapphire Street)

In a short time that hillside was one of the busiest sections of town, for the men with teams, shovels, picks, axes, and all other necessary implements began clearing the lot of sagebrush and rocks and excavating for the foundation. Since funds were limited, no basement was included at this time. While the men labored, the woman did their part by furnishing meals for the laborers. The work progressed rapidly to completion and the building was dedicated on the 14th day of January, 1900, by the Reverend E.E. Tarbill, Superintendent of the Wyoming Mission. The first revival service was held by reverend Prescott, of Lincoln, Nebraska, and lasted one week.

A succession of pastors served this new church, many of them staying only a year or so. Some kept records, one of whom was Reverend W.J. Gamble, serving from October, 1902 to August, 1903. He reported that the Sunday School, Epworth League, and preaching service were held regularly, that insurance of $30.00 for three years was put over the church, and that during his pastorate over 2,000 visits and calls were made. He concludes his report with: "Our only hope is in God. Let us go forward for victory."

The year 1906 witnessed the erection of a small cottage home for a church parsonage, just across the street from the church. Begun in June and completed in August, this building was made possible through the hard work of members of the congregation. Reverend Harry E. Stevens, pastor during that year, reported a gift of $150.00 from Mr. M.S. Kemmerer as well as $75.00 from the Ladies Aid and smaller donations from many citizens. He left this message: " May many a preacher and his family enjoy the cozy little home, and do valiant service for the salvation of the people."

Indeed, valiant service was given by the many pastors who came to serve in this small church. In many cases physical labor was expended by the pastor as in the case of the building of the additions of a garage, coal house, enclosure of porches, painting and lawn work. The pay was meager (in 1918, the pastor's salary was only $600.00) but the returns were great as shown in the expansion of the Sunday School especially, which at one time maintained six groups: at Diamondville, Frontier, Susie, Glencoe, Cumberland, and Sublet (the last four being coal camps at that time). At times when no minister was assigned, those in the community were called upon to fill the vacancy. One of the earliest of these was a qualified preacher, Mrs. Minnie Haddenham, a blind woman of Diamondville, who assisted mostly at the small Diamondville church which had been built in 1912. She was the one to whom many give credit for establishing Methodism in that small community. After her death, the church stood empty for many years and was finally sold to Carl Ulrich for $400.00 and the money applied to the new building fund.

Among the activities carried on in the old church on the hill were those sponsored by the Ladies Aid members. As Dr. Glen Barrett states in his book about Kemmerer, "many of Kemmerer's church-goers were ecumenic religionists who attended the worship service of their own faith, but supported special activities of the several churches." This was especially true of any activities sponsored by the woman of the churches. The book of minutes for the Ladies Aid during the early twenties show that regular meetings were held in the church basement (added in 1914) with many meetings having attendance of 40 to 50 women. Hostesses served delicious suppers netting $10.- or $15.- to help defray the expenses of their numerous projects. These included the painting of the church, buying furniture for the parsonage, buying hymnals, and even helping with the pastor's salary. Other money making projects reported were dinners for the eastern Star, American Legion and Lion's Club; also, silver teas were popular at that time. Social activities included calling on new people in town, entertaining the school faculty each fall, and presenting a social or concert several times each year in one of the opera houses. The minutes record that "we had jolly times along with the work".

The young people in the church had their organization which was called the Epworth League and met on Sunday afternoons. Later on a Boy Scout group was sponsored by the church.

The only memorials found in the old church were the organ, donated by Mrs. Westphal, and used for many years; the pulpit made and donated by Mr. F. R. Curtis, father of Frank and george Curtis, now owners of Curtis Jewelry Co. in Kemmerer. The pews were installed in 1921, but no mention is made of donors.

There are no records of any observance of a 25th anniversary of our church. However, when the 35th anniversary rolled around, a banquet was held and an elaborate celebration planned. This occurred during the ministry of Rev. george E. Hutt, who served from June 1934 to June of 1942, one of our longest ministries. The Ladies Aid members sold birthday candles for $2.-, which entitled the buyer to two tickets to the banquet held in the IOOF Hall. According to a news paper account, E. D. Bloom (Superintendent of Schools) presided as master of ceremonies at the head table where there was also seated District Superintendent Guy E. Konkel, Rev. T. H. Evans of Evanston (but formerly of the local church), Rev. Hutt, and N. W. Reynolds, a local attorney hailed as the "oldest Methodist in Wyoming". A sumptuous repast was prepared and served by the Ladies Aid and a program presented to a hall crowded by both Methodist and friends of the church.


Berta A. Penney Memorial United Methodist Church Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer God's Promise
Jesus gave His life so that you do not have to carry your burden. He knows this burden hinders you from having eternal life. He knows your sin burden hinders you from living the abundant life that God created you to live. He knows your sin hinders you from experiencing joy and peace that has no bounds and hinders you from receiving all that God has promised and created you to receive.

You just have to ask.
Berta A. Penney Memorial United Methodist Church listing was last updated on the 6th of February, 2020
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