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Who we are
Doctrinal Statement
1. We believe that the Bible (KJV) is the inerrant, preserved, Word of God, given to us by God through inspiration (it is inspired both verbally and plenary.) I believe that the Bible (KJV) is the supreme and final authority in all matters our life: in faith and conduct. II Timothy 3:16-17 II Peter 1:21 Romans 3:2 Rev. 22:18-19
1. We believe in one God that exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are all equally God, all eternal, and all have the same attributes, and equally deserving of our worship. Isa. 45:18 Duet. 6:4 II Cor. 13:14
1. We believe that Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man that he was begotten by the Holy Spirit, was born of a virgin, and was sinlessly perfect. John 1:1-2, 14, 18 Heb 1:8 Isa. 7:14; 9:6
2. We believe that Jesus Christ died as a payment for sins on the cross at Calvary. I believe that this death was for the whole world, and that it is only an atonement for sins, until the person places their faith in Christ, and then they are justified. I also believe that nothing can be added to Christ’s finished work on the cross. John 3:16 2 Cor. 5:21 Rom 3:23-24 Eph 1:7
3. We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church, and that Christ will later come back with the Church to establish His earthly kingdom. John 14:1-3 Acts 1:9-11 I Thess. 4:13-17 Titus 2:13
1. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, and indwells the believer at the moment of salvation. I also believe that the Holy Spirit has several ministries that have been appointed to him in the Church age: He convicts, he baptizes, he empowers, enlightens, guides, teaches, seals us until the day of redemption, and comforts us. I believe that we can never lose the Holy Spirit. II Cor. 13:14 John 3:5-6 I Cor. 6:11 Rom. 8:9
2. We believe that Speaking in tongues, healings, and other miraculous signs have ceased to be used since the end of the apostolic age. I Cor. 14:21, 22 Isa. 28:11, 12 Heb. 2:3-4
We believe that man was created in the image of God, with creature perfection. When Adam sinned, he lost his innocence and, as a result, the whole human race fell. I believe that man is now born a sinner, and continues to practice sin throughout his life; unable in himself to remedy his condition. Through the belief in Christ man can be saved. Gen. 1:26-27 Gen. 2:7 Rom. 5:12; 3:10-19, 23 Psalm 14:1-3; 51:5
We believe that salvation is a free gift from God; that it comes by the grace of God through a genuine faith of a person. The person must trust Jesus Christ as the only way for forgiveness of sins and eternal life. When this takes place, there is an immediate transition of the believer from spiritual death to spiritual life.
WE believe in the eternal security of the believer that nothing can separate a man, once genuinely saved, from the love of God and his salvation. I do not see this as a liberty for the Christian to live a life that is not pleasing to God just because he is eternally saved. Eph 2:8-9 John 3:16 Romans 8:35-39 Romans 6:1 Titus 3:5 Acts 16:31
G. SEPARATION (Sanctification)
1. We believe that as believers we are to be set apart from the world unto God. I believe that we, as Christians, have an example to live by and that is Christ, and living a worldly life harms our testimony and the testimony of other Christians.
2. We believe that as Christians we also have to remain separate from other false religious groups and organizations for the reasons that we are supposed to be set apart to keep the Church pure. Rom. 8:12-13; 12:1-2; 13:14; 15:16 II Cor. 6:14-17 I John 2:15-17
1. We believe in the local church comprised of those that meet together as believers. Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and no matter who has believed (Jew or Gentile) we are Christ’s body. Matthew 16:18 I Peter 2:4-8
2. We believe that the Church, since it is united, should live like they are united, and truly love each other and work together to accomplish the task that the Lord has given us, which is to spread the Gospel to all. And this mission should continue until Jesus comes back at the rapture. I Cor. 12:12-13 Eph. 1:20-23; 2:15, 4:3-10, 5:25-32 Rom 12:5
3. We believe that there are only two ordinances that are commanded by Christ for us to do (and have nothing to do with salvation.) These are water baptism by immersion, which is for believers only, and the Lord’s Supper which is done in remembrance of Jesus Christ. Acts 14:27; 20:17, 28-32 Luke 22:17-19
1. We believe that all of those who fail to accept Jesus Christ as their savior in this time will be doomed to hell for all eternity which includes eternal torment, misery, and separation from God. The Place of hell was originally prepared for Satan and his angels. Once the Great White Throne Judgment takes place the body and soul of unbelievers that have deceased will be reunited and then cast into the lake of fire; these souls will eternally suffer; they will not be annihilated. There is also no way for the unsaved dead to be saved. Rev 20:11-15 Matt. 25:46 John 3:18-36
1. We believe that once a person trusts in Jesus Christ for his or her salvation, they are then passed from death unto life and saved from an eternity of punishment in hell. The person is now able to spend all eternity with God in Heaven. When the Rapture comes, all those that have died will resurrect from the grave, to be followed by all the Christians still alive at the time, we will have a new body in the likeness of Christ, and we will be with him forever. John 1:12-13; 5:24 1 Cor 15:51-52 II Cor 5:8 I Thess 4:16-18
2. We believe in the chastening of believers for their sins, because a holy God can not overlook his child’s sins. We will always be punished for our sins as a believer; however it is punishment of infinite love. The punishment might be here on earth or in heaven. 1 Peter 1:15-16 Habakkuk 1:12 1 Cor 11:31; 3:11-15 II Cor. 5:10
K. SATAN 1. We believe that Satan is an actual being with a real personality. He, at one time, held the highest position before God of all of the created beings. However, through pride, he fell, he was judged at the cross of Christ, and in the future, will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity where he will be tormented constantly.
2. We believe that he is the enemy of God and of the believer, in that he accuses the believer before God. I believe that Satan did not fall alone, but was accompanied by fallen angels, whom share the same future as he. Psalms 148:2-5 Col. 1:16 Isaiah 14:12-20 Heb 1:14 Ezekiel 28:14
1. We believe that Christ will come back for his own in an even known as the Rapture of the Church. This event will be followed by the Judgment Seat of Christ.
1 Thess. 4:16-17 1 Cor. 15:22-23; 51-52 2 Cor. 5:10 1 Cor. 3:11-15
2. We believe that there is a period of seven years that follow immediately after the rapture where God pours out his wrath upon the earth, this period is called the Tribulation. The world will be deceived and ruled by the “man of sin”, as well as great persecution and purging that will come upon Israel.
3. We believe that after the Tribulation, a period of 1000 years will follow. This is known also as the second advent of Christ, where Christ will reign and rule on earth. This period will mark the end of the tribulation. Christ will come back to the earth with great glory and crushing all gentile power. 2 Thess. 2:8-9 Matt. 19:28; 25:34 Zech. 14:4-5
4. We believe that a time of great judgment will happen next, which is called the Great White Throne Judgment. This is where all of the unsaved from all ages will be resurrected and judged forever by the severity of their sins, then cast into the lake of fire to be tormented forever. Rev. 20:11-15 Dan. 12:2 Matt. 25:30, 41, 46
5. We believe next a New Heaven and a New Earth will come where all those who have ever been saved will spend an eternity with God. Rev. 21:1 2 Pet. 3:13
All of these above statements are based off of what the Scriptures present. This summary is not the final authority, the scriptures are. This statement is just a summary of what the scriptures say concerning the doctrines listed, for the complete doctrine, the Holy Scriptures (the Bible) must be consulted.
We believe the King James Bible is the final authority for the english speaking people
1. We believe that the Bible (KJV) is the inerrant, preserved, Word of God, given to us by God through inspiration (it is inspired both verbally and plenary.) I believe that the Bible (KJV) is the supreme and final authority in all matters our life: in faith and conduct. II Timothy 3:16-17 II Peter 1:21 Romans 3:2 Rev. 22:18-19
1. We believe in one God that exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are all equally God, all eternal, and all have the same attributes, and equally deserving of our worship. Isa. 45:18 Duet. 6:4 II Cor. 13:14
1. We believe that Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man that he was begotten by the Holy Spirit, was born of a virgin, and was sinlessly perfect. John 1:1-2, 14, 18 Heb 1:8 Isa. 7:14; 9:6
2. We believe that Jesus Christ died as a payment for sins on the cross at Calvary. I believe that this death was for the whole world, and that it is only an atonement for sins, until the person places their faith in Christ, and then they are justified. I also believe that nothing can be added to Christ’s finished work on the cross. John 3:16 2 Cor. 5:21 Rom 3:23-24 Eph 1:7
1. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, and indwells the believer at the moment of salvation. I also believe that the Holy Spirit has several ministries that have been appointed to him in the Church age: He convicts, he baptizes, he empowers, enlightens, guides, teaches, seals us until the day of redemption, and comforts us. I believe that we can never lose the Holy Spirit. II Cor. 13:14 John 3:5-6 I Cor. 6:11 Rom. 8:9
2. We believe that Speaking in tongues, healings, and other miraculous signs have ceased to be used since the end of the apostolic age. I Cor. 14:21, 22 Isa. 28:11, 12 Heb. 2:3-4
We believe that man was created in the image of God, with creature perfection. When Adam sinned, he lost his innocence and, as a result, the whole human race fell. I believe that man is now born a sinner, and continues to practice sin throughout his life; unable in himself to remedy his condition. Through the belief in Christ man can be saved. Gen. 1:26-27 Gen. 2:7 Rom. 5:12; 3:10-19, 23 Psalm 14:1-3; 51:5
We believe that salvation is a free gift from God; that it comes by the grace of God through a genuine faith of a person. The person must trust Jesus Christ as the only way for forgiveness of sins and eternal life. When this takes place, there is an immediate transition of the believer from spiritual death to spiritual life.
WE believe in the eternal security of the believer that nothing can separate a man, once genuinely saved, from the love of God and his salvation. I do not see this as a liberty for the Christian to live a life that is not pleasing to God just because he is eternally saved. Eph 2:8-9 John 3:16 Romans 8:35-39 Romans 6:1 Titus 3:5 Acts 16:31
G. SEPARATION (Sanctification)
1. We believe that as believers we are to be set apart from the world unto God. I believe that we, as Christians, have an example to live by and that is Christ, and living a worldly life harms our testimony and the testimony of other Christians.
2. We believe that as Christians we also have to remain separate from other false religious groups and organizations for the reasons that we are supposed to be set apart to keep the Church pure. Rom. 8:12-13; 12:1-2; 13:14; 15:16 II Cor. 6:14-17 I John 2:15-17
1. We believe in the local church comprised of those that meet together as believers. Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and no matter who has believed (Jew or Gentile) we are Christ’s body. Matthew 16:18 I Peter 2:4-8
2. We believe that the Church, since it is united, should live like they are united, and truly love each other and work together to accomplish the task that the Lord has given us, which is to spread the Gospel to all. And this mission should continue until Jesus comes back at the rapture. I Cor. 12:12-13 Eph. 1:20-23; 2:15, 4:3-10, 5:25-32 Rom 12:5
3. We believe that there are only two ordinances that are commanded by Christ for us to do (and have nothing to do with salvation.) These are water baptism by immersion, which is for believers only, and the Lord’s Supper which is done in remembrance of Jesus Christ. Acts 14:27; 20:17, 28-32 Luke 22:17-19
1. We believe that all of those who fail to accept Jesus Christ as their savior in this time will be doomed to hell for all eternity which includes eternal torment, misery, and separation from God. The Place of hell was originally prepared for Satan and his angels. Once the Great White Throne Judgment takes place the body and soul of unbelievers that have deceased will be reunited and then cast into the lake of fire; these souls will eternally suffer; they will not be annihilated. There is also no way for the unsaved dead to be saved. Rev 20:11-15 Matt. 25:46 John 3:18-36
1. We believe that once a person trusts in Jesus Christ for his or her salvation, they are then passed from death unto life and saved from an eternity of punishment in hell. The person is now able to spend all eternity with God in Heaven. When the Rapture comes, all those that have died will resurrect from the grave, to be followed by all the Christians still alive at the time, we will have a new body in the likeness of Christ, and we will be with him forever. John 1:12-13; 5:24 1 Cor 15:51-52 II Cor 5:8 I Thess 4:16-18
2. We believe in the chastening of believers for their sins, because a holy God can not overlook his child’s sins. We will always be punished for our sins as a believer; however it is punishment of infinite love. The punishment might be here on earth or in heaven. 1 Peter 1:15-16 Habakkuk 1:12 1 Cor 11:31; 3:11-15 II Cor. 5:10
K. SATAN 1. We believe that Satan is an actual being with a real personality. He, at one time, held the highest position before God of all of the created beings. However, through pride, he fell, he was judged at the cross of Christ, and in the future, will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity where he will be tormented constantly.
1. We believe that Christ will come back for his own in an even known as the Rapture of the Church. This event will be followed by the Judgment Seat of Christ.
1 Thess. 4:16-17 1 Cor. 15:22-23; 51-52 2 Cor. 5:10 1 Cor. 3:11-15
2. We believe that there is a period of seven years that follow immediately after the rapture where God pours out his wrath upon the earth, this period is called the Tribulation. The world will be deceived and ruled by the “man of sin”, as well as great persecution and purging that will come upon Israel.
3. We believe that after the Tribulation, a period of 1000 years will follow. This is known also as the second advent of Christ, where Christ will reign and rule on earth. This period will mark the end of the tribulation. Christ will come back to the earth with great glory and crushing all gentile power. 2 Thess. 2:8-9 Matt. 19:28; 25:34 Zech. 14:4-5
5. We believe next a New Heaven and a New Earth will come where all those who have ever been saved will spend an eternity with God. Rev. 21:1 2 Pet. 3:13
All of these above statements are based off of what the Scriptures present. This summary is not the final authority, the scriptures are. This statement is just a summary of what the scriptures say concerning the doctrines listed, for the complete doctrine, the Holy Scriptures (the Bible) must be consulted.
We believe the King James Bible is the final authority for the english speaking people
Street Address
Church Pastor
Melvin Matchinski
121 Boon St.
United States
Phone: 231-775-7775
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Melvin Matchinski
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Driving Directions
Travel/Direction Tips
We are located 11 miles west of Cadillac, Michigan
Go west on Boon Rd. until it turns to dirt at the stop sign, then turn right and look for us on the left about a mile down the road. You can’t miss us. Looking forward to your visit!
Go west on Boon Rd. until it turns to dirt at the stop sign, then turn right and look for us on the left about a mile down the road. You can’t miss us. Looking forward to your visit!
Please share parking information and/or parking experience!
Boon Baptist Church Service Times
Service Times:
Sunday School - 10 AM
Sunday Service - 11 AM
Sunday Evening Service - 6 PM
Wednesday - 6 PM
Saturday Soul Winning - 11 AM
It's been more than 7 years since the last service times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm service times.
Please contact the church to confirm Service Times or SUBSCRIBE to updates below
Sunday School - 10 AM
Sunday Service - 11 AM
Sunday Evening Service - 6 PM
Wednesday - 6 PM
Saturday Soul Winning - 11 AM
It's been more than 7 years since the last service times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm service times.
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Worship Languages
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Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities
Under 12s:
Under 18s:
Local outreach & community activities
Other activities & ministries
Patch the Pirate Club on Sunday nights at 6:00 PM
Kids Club on Wednesday at 6:00 PM
Kids Club on Wednesday at 6:00 PM
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Baptist Church Boon Photos
Boon Baptist Church History
Boon Baptist Church Historical Photos
Boon Baptist Church listing was last updated on the 6th of November, 2017