Christ Church Woodbridge ON

L4L 1W4


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Who we are

Parish Vision

Your Story, Our Stories, God’s Story. Let’s find where they meet.

Change In Service Times for the Summer

On Sunday, June 17, we begin our summer schedule, with Sunday services at 9:00 a.m. As for the last two years, if the temperature is above 25C at 8 a.m., the service at 9 will be moved to the lounge. We will continue with 9 a.m. services through to Labour day, and return to two services beginning on September 9.

Gift Card Sale

It was decided that the gift cards will continue once a month. Jackie Lue will take the orders to the 3rd Sunday of every month. This fundraiser is to continue the work of the Lighthouse Project, more specifically, replacing the windows in the Upper Hall.

Please note: all the orders and cheques should be given directly to Jackie or

left in her mailbox in the church office.

The Church Needs Many Hands!

The Warden's have a list of fun and exciting projects needing done around the church and rectory. Please check the list located in the church and if you see a ministry that fits your time, energy and skill level, please add your name.

Would you like to be more involved with the Sunday Service?

Father Mark and the Worship Team are looking for Servers and Crucifers to help with the 10:00 a.m. service. Job descriptions for these ministries can be found in the Narthex. Please talk to Fr. Mark if you would like to be a part of the team.

Weekly Bible Readings

Readings for June 24 1 Samuel 17: 32 - 49, Psalm 9: 9 – 20, 2 Corinthians 6: 1 – 13, Mark 4: 35 – 41.

Readings for July 1: Isaiah 32: 1 – 5, 16 – 18, Psalm 85: 7 - 13, Colossians 3: 12 – 17, John 15: 12 – 17.


Church Address

Christ Church
8045 Islington Ave
Woodbridge, ON L4L 1W4
Phone: 905-851-0718
Fax: 905-851-0718

Download Christ Church vCard with Service Times

Click here to contact the church   Edit

Church Pastor

Rev. W.E. Mark Stacey
Rev. W.E. Mark Stacey
8045 Islington Ave
Woodbridge, ON L4L 1W4
Phone: 905-851-0718
Fax: 905-851-0718

Download Incumbent Rev. W.E. Mark Stacey vCard

Click here to contact Rev. W.E. Mark Stacey   Edit





Church Website

Christ Church on Social Media

Christ Church Woodbridge on YouTube


Leader Name:
Rev. W.E. Mark Stacey   Edit
Leader Position:
Incumbent   Edit
Formal Title:
Leader Address:
905-851-0718   Edit
Leader Email:
Click here to contact Rev. W.E. Mark Stacey   Edit
Leader Bio:
Other Church Leaders:

Leadership Photos


Admin Name:
Susan Graper   Edit
Admin Position:
Office Administrator   Edit
Admin Address:
905-851-0718   Edit
Admin Email:
Click here to contact Susan Graper   Edit

Mailing Address


Driving Directions

A From:
B To:
Christ Church - 8045 Islington Ave, Woodbridge, ON
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Direction Tips

Know how to get there? Share the knowledge with others!   Edit


Fire Hydrant – In case we have an emergency, please do not park within 3 metres (10 feet) of the fire hydrant. The fine in the City of Vaughan is $100.00.   Edit

Christ Church Service Times

Sunday Services:

Said Eucharist: 8:00 a.m.
(followed by a relaxing breakfast at a local restaurant)

Choral Eucharist: 10:00 a.m.
(join us for “Coffee Hour” in the lower lounge after service)

Monthly Worship Schedule - 10:00 a.m.

1st and 2nd Sunday - BAS Communion
3rd Sunday - BAS Communion with laying on of hands
4th Sunday - BCP Communion
5th Sunday - Morning Prayer

Schedule subject to change based on Holy Days and Special Celebrations.
Eucharist every Sunday during Advent and Lent.
Subject to change for special liturgies.

It's been more than 6 years since the last service times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm service times.

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Worship Languages


Dress Code


Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:
Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities


Other activities & ministries


Vaughan Food Bank
Collection Ministries
Outreach Initiatives of ACW:
- The Mission to Seafarers
- The Teresa Group
- The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine
- The Vaughan Food Bank
- The Diocese of the Arctic
- Moorelands Camp
- The Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada   Edit

Special Needs/Accessibility


Prayers and Hymns

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information

Average Adult Congregation:
Average Youth Congregation:
Additional Info:
Office Hours

Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.   Edit

Christ Church Woodbridge Photos

Christ Church History

Christ Church Woodbridge traces its beginnings from 1842 when the Church of England and Ireland established itself in Pine Grove and Burwick. Services of worship were first held in a small log building located on a farm behind the present Pine Grove Nursing Home on Islington Avenue. Services were conducted there until 1850.

As the population in the area grew, it was decided that the church needed to serve both Pine Grove and Burwick communities so land was purchased for a church and burying ground, which is now the present day site of Christ Church Woodbridge.

On Sunday morning, February 20, 1921, a fire broke out and within an hour and a half; all that remained of the white frame building was a brick chimney and a few charred beams. The congregation, decided with unanimity and enthusiasm to rebuild. The new brick church, which stands today, was reopened for services on December 4, 1921, with over 1,000 people in attendance.

The 100th anniversary of the church was given special recognition with its Christmas Day service broadcast nationwide by CBC Radio.

We have recently celebrated our 165th anniversary. The spirit shown in the congregation over these many years remains the same today. You are invited to come and be a part of our history.

Visit our website regularly as we develop and adapt it to meet the needs of the parish and surrounding community. Watch for announcements of Upcoming Events – “Annual Church Picnic”, “Strawberry Social”, “Salad Supper”.

Please feel free to contact the church via email at or during office hours for further information on weddings, baptisms, special upcoming services, events, etc.

We look forward to welcoming you.


Christ Church Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer I want to know Thee
Father, I want to know Thee, but my coward heart fears to give up its toys. I cannot part with them without inward bleeding, and I do not try to hide from Thee the terror of the parting. I come trembling, but I do come. Please root from my heart all those things which I have cherished so long and which have become a very part of my living self, so that Thou mayest enter and dwell there without a rival. Then shalt Thou make the place of Thy feet glorious. Then shall my heart have no need of the sun to shine in it, for Thyself wilt be the light of it, and there shall be no night there. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Christ Church listing was last updated on the 30th of June, 2018
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