Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America Columbus OH



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Who we are

FICA (Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America) is a para-church organization with the mission to equip Indonesian Christians to make impact in their communities for Christ. Our passion is to see Indonesian Christians faithfully and obediently fulfill the Great Commission and Cultural Mandate in this world, especially in Indonesia.

FICA is a movement with a vision and passion to equip Indonesian Christians to make impact in their communities for Christ. These vision and passion are the results of our understanding and conviction of Jesus Christ’s calling for Christians to bring the Good News to people of the world, to be the salt and light of the world, and to bring God’s glory as Jesus incarnates in our daily lives. Jesus also says that we are not of this world but still lives in this world thus our influence in the world for God’s glory is critical. Therefore, we believe that His calling to us is sacred, precious, and vital for the world to hear His Good News! We need to be influential Christians, functioning as the salt and light of Christ as well as His ambassadors to this world. Both our unique individualities (our vocations, interests, talents, etc.) and the unity of the body of Christ are to be used in His kingdom plan in all aspect of lives.

We dearly hold to the truth that Jesus spoken of in Matthew 28:18-20 as our mission in this world: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” (The Message)


Street Address

Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America
102 W Pacemont Rd
Columbus, OH 43202
United States
Phone: 614-218-5984

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Church Pastor

Leonard Winardi
Leonard Winardi
102 W Pacemont Rd
Columbus, OH 43202
United States
Phone: 614-218-5984

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Christian Fellowship




Church Website

Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America on Social Media

Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America YouTube Video

Facebook Video: Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America Facebook Video


Leader Name:
Leonard Winardi   Edit
Leader Position:
President   Edit
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Click here to contact Leonard Winardi   Edit
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Admin Name:
Agnes Kumala   Edit
Admin Position:
Treasurer   Edit
Admin Address:
5448 Tinsbury Ct.
43235   Edit
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Click here to contact Agnes Kumala   Edit

Mailing Address


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102 W Pacemont Rd, Columbus, OH
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Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America Service Times

Overseas Ministry Conference is an annual conference focuses on looking at Biblical answers on current issues in Indonesia. OMC also puts people with the same vision together, strengthens the unity of the body through corporate worship, devotionals, and fellowships together.


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Prayers and Hymns

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Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America Church Columbus Photos

Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America History

FICA was founded in 1989 and later registered as a non-profit organization in 1990. The idea came when Mr. David Bok challenged Indonesian students attending the Navigators International Student Conference (ISC) to be the Nehemiah to our own nation, Indonesia.

FICA was born from the Indonesian Christian Conference (ICC). This yearly event, first held in 1985, had the purpose of reaching people with the Gospel, equipping and building each other, and sharing information and visions among Indonesian Christians in the United States. The vision was Indonesian Christians who are spiritually strong, have a close relationship with God, and can be the salt and light for Christ everywhere they go.

Through these conferences, many people received Jesus as their personal Savior for the first time while many others recommitted themselves to Christ. Indonesian Christians were challenged about the strong need for mission in Indonesia. Unity among Indonesian Christian Fellowships (ICFs) in the Midwest became stronger. New ICFs were established while other ICFs were strengthened. In spite of these successes, follow-up became an issue. Other critical factors included financial issues and the lack of continuity from one ICC to the next one. The last (9th) ICC was held in 1993, located in Colorado.

During the struggle of ICC’s development, the key people in ICC had a clearer focus. It was felt that there was a need for an organization that can empower other body of Christ in the US, to produce strong Christians who can make a Christian impact in any environment they are. At the 5th ICC, in 1989, FICA was born. Through prayers and many discussions, the name FICA was chosen, which stands for Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America.

FICA has these goals for Indonesian Christians in America: to motivate them to be actively involved in various Christian ministries in Indonesia, to mobilize them to serve the Church of Jesus Christ, to revive them so that they could live a genuine Christian lifestyle, and to reach Indonesians in America with the Gospel of Christ. FICA is partners with ICFs, other churches, para churches, and Christian organizations in America to achieve its goals. FICA is still evolving in its strategy, culture, and organizational structure, according to the needs of Indonesia and Indonesians.


Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer "Work as if you were to live a hundred years. Pray as if you were to die tomorrow."
Benjamin Franklin
Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America listing was last updated on the 20th of July, 2020
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