Grace Lutheran Church Lancaster PA



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Who we are

Mission Statement

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church makes Christ known in the world. In response to God’s grace, forgiveness, and transforming love, we worship with the saints, see Christ in others, and serve God’s people near and far.

Vision Statement

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church lives to be a faithful growing servant at the corner of Queen and James Streets in Lancaster. We witness to the good news of Jesus Christ and the gifts he gives to his people. We offer vibrant worship rooted in the Word and Sacrament. We pray for God to shape us as a regional congregation for worship, witness and transforming ministry.

Trusting in the Holy Spirit to gather seekers and believers and to bind us into a caring community, we will grow and be renewed through:

Faith practices of prayer, worship, bible study and learning, giving, service

Deliberate, planned activities of witness, invitation and hospitality

Lifting up of each member’s gifts for ministry

Stewardship of our individual and corporate gifts

Support of local, national and worldwide missions and outreach


Church Address

Grace Lutheran Church
517 North Queen Street
Lancaster, PA 17603-3026
United States
Phone: (717) 397-2748
Fax: (717) 431-5946

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Church Pastor

The Reverend Doctor Stephen P. Verkouw
The Reverend Doctor Stephen P. Verkouw
517 North Queen Street
Lancaster, PA 17603-3026
United States
Phone: (717) 397-2748
Fax: (717) 431-5946

Download Pastor The Reverend Doctor Stephen P. Verkouw vCard

Click here to contact The Reverend Doctor Stephen P. Verkouw   Edit


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America logo


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America   Edit

Church Website

Grace Lutheran Church on Social Media

Grace Lutheran Church Lancaster on YouTube


Leader Name:
The Reverend Doctor Stephen P. Verkouw   Edit
Leader Position:
Pastor   Edit
Formal Title:
Leader Address:
(717) 431-5946   Edit
Leader Email:
Click here to contact The Reverend Doctor Stephen P. Verkouw   Edit
Leader Bio:
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Leadership Photos


Admin Name:
Vicki Mumma   Edit
Admin Position:
Parish Secretary   Edit
Admin Address:
(717) 431-5946   Edit
Admin Email:
Click here to contact Vicki Mumma   Edit

Mailing Address

517 N Queen St
Lancaster, PA
17603-3026   Edit

Driving Directions

A From:
B To:
Grace Lutheran Church - 517 North Queen Street, Lancaster, PA
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Direction Tips

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The church parking lot is available for parking seven days a week; enter from N. Queen Street, just past the church and playground.

A portion of the General Hospital flat lot (former YMCA lot) is available for use by Grace Church on Sundays as well as Holy Days and other special occasions.

Paid parking is available in the Queen street garage in the 400 block of N. Queen.

Free street parking is available on both Queen and James streets, except for Tuesday mornings during street sweeping hours for N. Queen, 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.   Edit

Grace Lutheran Church Service Times

Worship Services

Saturday at 6 p.m. — Service with Communion in the chapel

Sunday at 7:45 a.m. — Service with Communion in the nave

Sunday at 10:30 a.m. — Main Service with Communion in the nave
Sunday Church School Classes for all at 9 a.m.

Individual prayers for healing -physical, spiritual, emotional, relational, are offered by our pastors at the conclusion of Sat. 6:00 pm and Sunday 7:45 am service, and following communion at the 10:30 a.m. service.

Just for Kids!

During the sermon at the 10:30 service children are invited to join their teachers for “Fishbowl” in the auditorium where they will have a short lesson and make a craft!

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Worship Languages


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Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:
Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities


Other activities & ministries


Special Needs/Accessibility


Prayers and Hymns

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information

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Grace Lutheran Church Lancaster Photos

Grace Lutheran Church History

The History of Grace

Like many other Lancaster churches founded in the 19th century, this congregation began (in 1855) as a Mission Sunday School sponsored by one of Lancaster’s long-established “mother church” of Lutheranism, the Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, whose leaders believed that it was important to offer opportunities for prayer, Bible study and faith development in the growing neighborhoods north of the square, an unserved part of the city.

Continually increasing numbers of worshipers made it necessary to move to larger quarters 3 times until 1872 when Trinity Church Council voted to build a church on the corner of N. Queen and E. James Sts., which they named Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church. Grace Church was chartered on April 22, 1874, served by a former assistant at Holy Trinity, the Rev. David Geissinger.

The new congregation continued to expand and in 1880, a new pastor, the Rev. C. Elvin Haupt was called to serve Grace Church. From 1906- 1908 a larger and more beautiful church, designed by C. Emlen Urban, Lancaster’s “famous architect,” was built to replace “old Grace” while the congregation worshiped nearby in our neighboring Jewish synagogue, Temple Shaarai Shomayim. When the basement of the new church building could be occupied, worship services, Sunday School classes, and the parochial school began to be held there. On December 6, 1908, the dedication service for “New” Grace church was held, with baptisms and confirmation at later services that day. Special services were held throughout the week.

From the Intelligencer Journal of Saturday, December 5, 1908: The basement (of the new church) contains a large Sunday School room, classrooms, infant rooms, a church school (parochial school operated until 1923), kitchen, scullery, heating department, library, and toilets. The entire basement is finished in selected yellow pine.

After the 816 working days needed to erect the edifice, the newly dedicated church building was ready to serve its congregation, its neighborhood, and the world from Queen and James Streets. Many renovations and additions later, our mission continues from this historic building today.


Grace Lutheran Church Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer Come Lord Jesus!
Lord Jesus, master of both the light and the darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas. We who have so much to do seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day. We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us. We who are blessed in so many ways long for the complete joy of your kingdom. We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of your presence. We are your people, walking in darkness, yet seeking the light. To you we say, "Come Lord Jesus!"
Grace Lutheran Church listing was last updated on the 21st of January, 2018
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