Harvest City Church Regina SK

S4R 7T9


Who we are

Values that Define Harvest City


The Bible tells us God is love; whoever lives in godly love actually lives in God, and God lives in them. All he requires of you can be summed up in this one word, LOVE — love the Lord your God with all your heart, and love your neighbour as yourself.

God’s love for you is so strong, he even sent his precious son Jesus to earth to make a way for you to live forever, even though he knew Jesus would have to suffer and die to accomplish the task! That kind of unconditional, self-sacrificing love is one thing we treasure and encourage at Harvest City.


God’s grace is a humbling attitude of undeserved, forgiving kindness and generosity. God’s grace draws us into relationship with Christ, keeps and protects us, and causes us to grow in Christian virtue. Because of God’s grace he sees past our failures and is always ready to accept the broken-hearted. With his grace we, too can overcome arrogance, hard-heartedness and prejudice.

It is in the atmosphere of grace that we find peace, confidence and help in our time of need.


Everybody wants friends! The attitudes we looked at above — love and grace — make for strong, life-giving friendships among those who follow the Lord. And like God, we don’t want just a circle of friends — we want a spiral that always reaches out to include others in the Christian community.

Harvest City Church nurtures community by encouraging each member to be actively involved in church life, particularly in one of the small groups we call “house churches” where each of us can be blessed while learning to be a blessing.


The family is a special example of community, designed by God to be no less than a picture of his relationship with his church. Healthy families are therefore crucial not only to the well-being of our society, but also to the advancement of God’s purposes for humanity.

That is why we are committed to building God-honouring relationships amongst members of families. From premarriage mentoring, to help with child-rearing (Harvest City Christian Academy, for example), to family conflict counseling, and at all points in between we at Harvest City do all we can to strengthen family ties.

Being Real

Vital to all our relationships — with God, our family, our friends, even with ourselves — is an attitude of honesty, sincerity and integrity. Unless we can truly “be real” in our day-to-day living, how can we expect to live by God’s truth? Real life is what happens when we shed the masks we so often hide behind.

Worship and Praise

Being real also recognizes the reality and importance of our invisible, spiritual dimension. God created us with a spirit because he himself is a spirit being; to express our love, adoration and gratitude to him we must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Worship “in truth” is worship that lines up with God’s “Word of Truth”, the Bible. Many ways of expressing true worship are described in the Bible, all of which are as good for our day as they were in Bible times. As we take God at his Word, praise and worship becomes intimate communion with him, a wonderfully varied experience involving our total being — body, spirit, mind, will and emotions.


Church Address

Harvest City Church
2202 8 Avenue North
Regina, SK S4R 7T9
Phone: (306) 569-1935

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Church Pastor

Joel & Angela Wells
Joel & Angela Wells
Lead Pastor
2202 8 Avenue North
Regina, SK S4R 7T9
Phone: (306) 569-1935

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Click here to contact Joel & Angela Wells   Edit





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Leader Name:
Joel & Angela Wells   Edit
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Lead Pastor   Edit
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Click here to contact Joel & Angela Wells   Edit
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Driving Directions

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B To:
Harvest City Church - 2202 8 Avenue North, Regina, SK
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Harvest City Church Service Times

Meeting / Service Times

Regular Schedule

1st Service
9:00 a.m.

2nd Service
11:00 a.m.

Summer Schedule

One Service Only
10:00 a.m.

July 2 to August 27

Note: On special occasions such as Christmas and the Global Impact Celebration weekend, our Regular Schedule may be suspended to allow for a single, 11:00 a.m. service.

It's been more than 7 years since the last service times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm service times.

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Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:
Sunday School

Kids Form Required

Sunday School (a.k.a. Kids Church) is a ministry to children to energize them for God’s purposes. It includes Nursery, plus classes specifically designed for children age 2 to Grade 6. Each Sunday the kids learn Godly principles that will guide them in their lives. Special events are held throughout the year for children grades 1-6.   Edit
Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities


Other activities & ministries


Special Needs/Accessibility


Prayers and Hymns

Main Bible:
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Harvest City Church Regina Photos

Harvest City Church History


Harvest City Church Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer My hidden sins
Here they are, Lord Jesus, my hidden sins. I bring them out of the secret chamber of my heart. I take them out of the darkness and expose them to Your light. Lord, You have promised You will execute Your word upon the earth, thoroughly and quickly. Oh God, thoroughly cleanse my heart; purify me quickly!
Harvest City Church listing was last updated on the 28th of June, 2017
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