Holy Name Parish Toronto ON

M4K 3N9


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Who we are

Mission Statement

Holy Name Parish is a Catholic community that gathers to worship, to grow in faith and to share the mission of Jesus Christ.
All are welcome.”

Located at Gough & Danforth Avenues in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We have a beautiful, historic church building with a diverse congregation that welcomes new members.


Church Address

Holy Name Parish
71 Gough Ave
Toronto, ON M4K 3N9
Phone: 416-466-8281
Fax: 416-466-8559

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Church Pastor

Reverend Jinto Mathew Puthiyidathuchalil, C.S.C.
Reverend Jinto Mathew Puthiyidathuchalil, C.S.C.
71 Gough Ave
Toronto, ON M4K 3N9
Phone: 416-466-8281
Fax: 416-466-8559

Download Pastor Reverend Jinto Mathew Puthiyidathuchalil, C.S.C. vCard

Click here to contact Reverend Jinto Mathew Puthiyidathuchalil, C.S.C.   Edit





Church Website

Holy Name Parish on Social Media

Holy Name Parish Toronto on YouTube

Facebook Video: Holy Name Parish Facebook Video


Leader Name:
Reverend Jinto Mathew Puthiyidathuchalil, C.S.C.   Edit
Leader Position:
Pastor   Edit
Formal Title:
Leader Address:
416-466-8559   Edit
Leader Email:
Click here to contact Reverend Jinto Mathew Puthiyidathuchalil, C.S.C.   Edit
Leader Bio:
Other Church Leaders:
Deacon: Reverend Hugh Taylor
Lay Pastoral Assistant: Carol Soloman
In Residence: Reverend Al Mahoney, C.S.C., Reverend Frank Wagner, C.S.C.
Chaplin to the Africian Catholic Community: Reverend Alexander Osei, C.S.Sp.   Edit

Leadership Photos


Admin Name:
Pamela Cobham   Edit
Admin Position:
Parish Secretary   Edit
Admin Address:
416-466-8559   Edit
Admin Email:
Click here to contact Pamela Cobham   Edit

Mailing Address


Driving Directions

A From:
B To:
Holy Name Parish - 71 Gough Ave, Toronto, ON
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Direction Tips

We are located steps from the Pape TTC subway station.   Edit


Please share parking information and/or parking experience!   Edit

Holy Name Parish Mass Times

Weekly Masses

Rosary at 11:50 am
12:05 pm Holy Mass (chapel)

Rosary at 11:50 am
12:05 pm Holy Mass (chapel)

Rosary at 11:50 am
12:05 pm Holy Mass (chapel)

Rosary at 11:50 am
12:05 pm Holy Mass (chapel)
1st Friday of Month Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Weekend Masses

4:30 pm to 5 pm Confessions
5:00 pm Holy Mass

10:00 am Holy Mass
with Liturgy of the Word for Children

12:00 pm Holy Mass for African Catholic Community (all are welcome)

2nd Sunday of Easter Mass

To watch 2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) Mass (April 11th) please visit the Holy Name YouTube channel:


It's been more than 3 years since the last mass times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm mass times.

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Worship Languages


Dress Code


Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:
Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities


Other activities & ministries


Altar Servers
Baptismal Ministry
Children's Liturgy of the Word (ages 3-12)
Ministers of the Eucharist
Ministers of Hospitality
Ministers of Music: Choir, Cantors, Instrumentalists
Ministers of the Word
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (for those wishing to become Catholic)


Finance Council
Liturgy Committee
Pastoral Council
Renovation Committee
100th Anniversary Committee

Groups & Activities

All these groups may be contacted through the rectory office 416-466-8281

Altar Society
Alcoholics Anonymous
236th Scout Troup Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Venturers
St. Vincent de Paul Society 416-469-0842

Holy Name School
690 Carlaw Ave.
Toronto, ON M4K 3K9
Phone: 416-393-5215
Fax: 416-393-5934
Principal: Anna Totten   Edit

Special Needs/Accessibility

Holy Name Parish is accessible. There is a ramp off of Gough Ave. that is used to reach a indoor elevator which gives access to the church and church hall.   Edit

Prayers and Hymns

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information

Average Adult Congregation:
Average Youth Congregation:
Additional Info:
Parish Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm   Edit

Holy Name Parish Church Toronto Photos

Holy Name Parish History

History of the Parish

1913 September 11th Parish established by Archbishop McNeil. Fr. Michael Cline appointed as 1st Pastor. October 5th First Mass was celebrated at 9 am by Rev. Gregory Kernaham in Danforth Chapel (2nd floor of school - no classrooms) 275 people were present. 1914 June: Brick sale held $0.25 each (proceeds to building presbytery) . July: Excavation for church should be finished by end of month - payment of $13,000 due. 1915 April 7th: First sod turned for presbytery. Sod was turned by April 7, 1915. And was formally opened and occupied October 16, 1915. November 14th: Cornerstone of Church laid by Bishop Power of St. George's Nfld at 3 pm with 3,000 people and 35 priests present. 1916 May 31st: Church (now the hall) was blessed and occupied, now 3 masses on Sundays. 1920 March: Building of Parish hall began on grounds, land leased from school board (North end of School). 1921 June 23rd: Fr. Cline sang his jubilee Mass, 25th Anniversary for the parishioners at 6:00 a.m. June 27th: Pew payment discontinued everyone expected to give $0.10 for your seat at the door. December : A new crib with all the characters of the Nativity included was ordered. While not any great work it will be unique in that it is different from anything else in the church at a cost of $150 (We are still using it) 1926 March 14th: The church will be formally opened and dedicated by his Lordship Bishop McDonald at 10 o'clock. The Pontifical Mass will be sung by his Lordship Bishop O'Brien of Peterborough at 10:30 a.m. March 21st: Stations of the Cross were blessed last Friday by Bishop McDonald. 1927 October: Book - Holy Name Parish 1913-1917 written by Fr. M. Cline published and sold within parish. 1928 June 3rd: Father Leo Smyth - the first Holy Name boy called to the priesthood - sang the 11 o'clock mass in conjunction with which was celebrated the Golden Jubilee of his parents. 1935 September 29th Fr. Cline invested as a Monsignor along with 6 others at St. Michael's Cathedral. 1940-42 Red Cross Workers from parish meet in Hall weekly - war effort. March 29: The debt of $310,000 contracted in 1916 and 1926 is now reduced to $80,000.

1944 February 13: Today is a dollar Sunday to raise money for the 1st Sound System. 1945 June 17: Next Sunday the pastor, Msgr. Cline will celebrate his Golden Jubilee.

1946 November 24th: The Ex Service men and women at Holy Name in the last war will be the guests of this parish at a public banquet Thursday at 7 o'clock, which was a social success. 1947 June 28th: As you know, your pastor, Msgr. Cline died yesterday morning. His funeral will be held from this church on Tuesday at 10 o'clock. October 12th: This morning after the 11 o'clock Mass. His Excellency Bishop Webster will officially introduce the new Pastor, Father Leo Smyth to the people of Holy Name Parish. 1966 Holy Name sanctuary was redesigned to reflect the changes inaugurated by Vatican II.

1973 June 23rd: Old Parish Hall on school property demolished. 1978 June 4th: Fr. Smyth celebrated 50th Anniversary to the priesthood. 1982 November 28th: Sanctuary Crucifix bought and blessed.

1985 May 5th: Fr. Tom McKillop appointed Pastor. June: Fr. Tom decided to turn altar boys room into a chapel. Fr. Patrick McCarroll painted a portrait of Jesus for the chapel. Sunday, October 6th: 9 am - Beginning of children's program at 9 am Mass. 1989 May 28th: Fr. Tom McKillop celebrates 25th Anniversary of his Ordination. June 18th: Holy Name Church 75th Anniversary Mass and Reception. December 17th: First Pastoral Council was established. 1990 March 4th: First Liturgy Meeting. 1991 March 24th: Fr. Tom was honored at Annual Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association - honorary award for his work with Youth Corps.

1993 December 15 - Fr. Tom McKillop leaves as Pastor and Fr. Bill Comerford comes as Pastor. 1999 March 28: First Annual Danforth Good Friday Walk (Stations of the Cross) 2001 June 27: Fr. Bill Comerford leaves as Pastor and Fr. Peter Power comes as Pastor. 2003 November 16: New Holy Name Parish Website 2004 November 14: 90th Anniversary Mass and Reception.

2005 September 18: Holy Cross Fathers came to Holy Name with Fr. Andrew Morasse, C.S.C. as pastor. November 25: Fr. Tom McKillop honoured for being appointed to the Order of Canada. 2008 February 24: St. Francis De Sales Deaf Community moved to St. Stephen's Chapel. 2009 July 4: African Catholic Community came to the parish. 2010 October 17: Brother Andre became a Saint.

2014 September 28th: Holy Name celebrated 100 years of service along with African Catholic Communty at a Mass celebrated by Cardinal Collins with 12 priests and present and past parishioners attending.


Holy Name Parish Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer Love me, Lord, just for today
Lord, for tomorrow and its needs, I do not pray; Keep me, my God, from stain of sin just for today. Let me both diligently work, And duly pray. Let me be kind in word and deed, Just for today. Let me be slow to do my will, Prompt to obey; Help me to sacrifice myself Just for today. And if today my tide of life should ebb away, Give me thy sacraments divine, Sweet Lord today. So for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray, But keep me, guide me, love me, Lord, Just for today.
Holy Name Parish listing was last updated on the 10th of April, 2021
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