Churches in Java

There are 10 churches in 2 denominations listed with in Java.

The most popular denominations in Java are Orthodox Church (8 churches), Church of Christ (2 churches) and ( churches).

There are also , and churches in Java.

Recently Updated Church Listings in Java

Address: Kricak Kidul TR I/1225,
Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia 55272

Priest: Fr. Lazaros B. Sucanto

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church

Address: Jl. Sinoman VI/20,
Mojokerto, Java, Indonesia 61322

Priest: Fr. Yohanes B. Wicaksono

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church

Address: JI Serutu a 23/409,
Cilacap, Java, Indonesia 53264

Priest: Fr. Matthew Budiharjo

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church

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All Churches in Java

Address: Jl. Sumatera No. 19,
Jakarta, Java, Indonesia 10350

Minister: Sukari

Service Times: Sunday Morning Bible Study: 9:00 Sunday

Denomination: Church of Christ
Add Church of Christ - Jakarta, Java photo

Address: Jl. Sumatera No. 19 (E of Sarniah),
Central Jakarta, Java, Indonesia

Service Times:

Denomination: Church of Christ
Add Church of Christ - Central Jakarta, Java photo

Address: Solo.,
Solo, Java, Indonesia 57100

Priest: Advisor: Fr. Mathew Bambang Wahyu Budiharjo

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church
Add Ha Amarim Orthodox Youth Association - Solo, Java photo

Address: Rt 02 Rw 15 Solo,
Sumber Tranqkilan, Java, Indonesia 57100

Priest: Fr. Chrysostomos Manalu

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church
Add Holy Trinity Orthodox Church - Sumber Tranqkilan, Java photo

Address: Pandeyan Rt 12 Rw 04,
Boyolali, Java, Indonesia 57102

Priest: Fr. Methodios Sri Gunarjo

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church

Address: JI Serutu a 23/409,
Cilacap, Java, Indonesia 53264

Priest: Fr. Matthew Budiharjo

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church

Address: Grasak Rt 02 Rw04,
Boyolali, Java, Indonesia 57385

Priest: Fr. Methodios Sri Gunarjo

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church
Add Saint Cyrillus and Methodius Orthodox Church - Boyolali, Java photo

Address: Jl. Sinoman VI/20,
Mojokerto, Java, Indonesia 61322

Priest: Fr. Yohanes B. Wicaksono

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church

Address: Kricak Kidul TR I/1225,
Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia 55272

Priest: Fr. Lazaros B. Sucanto

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church

Address: Driyorejo,
Gresik, Java, Indonesia 61177

Priest: Fr. Yohanes Bambang Wicaksono

Service Times:

Denomination: Orthodox Church
Add Saint Savvas of Kalymnos Orthodox Church - Gresik, Java photo

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