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Who we are
Saved by grace; called to serve
A caring community, anchored in Christ; reaching out to all people
THE Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd is a community of faith serving Red Deer and area. We organised in 1985, meeting in the Dawe Centre for four years. In 1990 the present house of worship at 40 Holmes Street was dedicated. We are a friendly, helpful, open congregation of Christians of all ages, races and backgrounds. We love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ and want to be good neighbours. We encourage you to attend and be faithful members of the church of your choice, but if you have no present church affiliation we would be most happy to welcome you to our fellowship. We proclaim the gospel of Christ as revealed in the Bible, and as witnessed to by the historic confessions of faith in the Lutheran Reformation, especially the Augsburg Confession of 1530 And Martin Luther’s Small Catechism We worship in accord with liturgical traditions handed down, renewed and adapted by Christians through many centuries. We desire to provide a true balance in Christ shared in the Word and Sacraments in each service of the Lord’s Day, week by week. We serve one another and our neighbours in a variety of forms: visitation of the sick and shut-ins, assisting and cooperation with inter-church community activities, Red Deer Ministerial agencies, programs of evangelism and social service. We actively support efforts such as the local Food Bank, the Mustard Seed and Canadian Lutheran World Relief. Confirmation Classes These classes are designed for youth in Grades 7 & 8. The main teachings of the Christian Church are taught to prepare youth to enter more fully into adult responsibility and participation in the congregation. Sunday School Sunday classes for children, nursery to grade 8, are held each Sunday at 9:30 am. Adult Forum A Sunday morning Christian Studies class for Adults; consult a Sunday bulletin or contact the church office for current times and dates. Adult Bible Studies Bible studies are held at different times; consult a Sunday bulletin or contact the church office for current times and dates. Junior/Senior Youth Groups The Junior Youth and the Senior Youth (grades 6-12) meet for recreation, fellowship, and fundraising events. Prayer Chain Our Prayer Chain is a confidential phone fan-out when requests for prayers are received for personal, church and community concerns &/or celebrations. Prayer is available 24 hours a day. Pastor’s Adult Faith Class This is an informal class of 6 to 12 lessons, taught by the Pastor, designed especially for adults who would like to learn more about the faith and the teachings of the Christian Church and our Lutheran expression of that.
Baptisms are generally celebrated during Sunday service. The Pastor should be contacted for information and arrangements. Infant baptism places a child on the Nursery Roll of the congregation and materials to assist parents are provided from time to time by the Nursery Roll secretary.
Personal Counselling
Personal counselling or private confession and absolution are by appointment with the Pastor.
These services are arranged in consultation with the Pastor and the church office. There are charges for the use of the facilities by persons who are not supporting members of the congregation. The church also has a list of gifted musicians who can be contacted if you need.
Services of Prayer for Healing
These services are held from time to time. They can be a more formal service held at the church or more informal and held in someone’s home. We include in the PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH on Sunday mornings those whose special needs have been brought to our attention. The Pastor calls regularly on the sick in the hospital and nursing homes.
We have a CHURCH COUNCIL of 12 persons plus the pastor. From this group a Chair, Vice-Chair, secretary, and treasurer are elected. These are the officers of our council and our congregation. There are 8 committees that have at least one member from council plus members chosen from the congregation at large. (1) Mutual Ministry Committee includes one Council member and all staff; (2) Worship & Music Committee works with the pastor and the Music and Worship Director and oversees the worship and music opportunities offered; (3) Learning Committee takes care of Sunday School, VBS, Confirmation, Bible studies and Adult Forum; (4) Service (Social) Committee seeks to ensure that we continue to be an open, friendly, welcoming and evangelical community of faith and keeps before us the needy in our community and world through participation in the Canadian Lutheran World Relief and local services such as the Food Bank and the Mustard Seed; (5) Witness & Evangelism Committee ensures that fellowship both spiritually and socially is strengthened; (6) Property Committee oversees the care and development of our church building and property; (7) Stewardship & Finance Committee keeps before us the needs of the congregation and the church at large for our offerings of Time, Talents, and Treasures and is responsible to see that our offerings of service and money are put to proper and wise use; (8) Youth Committee oversees the needs and fellowship of the youth.
From time to time other special committees for specific tasks are set up. Our Church Council members are elected for three year terms at our Annual Congregational meeting which is traditionally held the first Sunday of March.
THE Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd is a community of faith serving Red Deer and area. We organised in 1985, meeting in the Dawe Centre for four years. In 1990 the present house of worship at 40 Holmes Street was dedicated. We are a friendly, helpful, open congregation of Christians of all ages, races and backgrounds. We love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ and want to be good neighbours. We encourage you to attend and be faithful members of the church of your choice, but if you have no present church affiliation we would be most happy to welcome you to our fellowship. We proclaim the gospel of Christ as revealed in the Bible, and as witnessed to by the historic confessions of faith in the Lutheran Reformation, especially the Augsburg Confession of 1530 And Martin Luther’s Small Catechism We worship in accord with liturgical traditions handed down, renewed and adapted by Christians through many centuries. We desire to provide a true balance in Christ shared in the Word and Sacraments in each service of the Lord’s Day, week by week. We serve one another and our neighbours in a variety of forms: visitation of the sick and shut-ins, assisting and cooperation with inter-church community activities, Red Deer Ministerial agencies, programs of evangelism and social service. We actively support efforts such as the local Food Bank, the Mustard Seed and Canadian Lutheran World Relief. Confirmation Classes These classes are designed for youth in Grades 7 & 8. The main teachings of the Christian Church are taught to prepare youth to enter more fully into adult responsibility and participation in the congregation. Sunday School Sunday classes for children, nursery to grade 8, are held each Sunday at 9:30 am. Adult Forum A Sunday morning Christian Studies class for Adults; consult a Sunday bulletin or contact the church office for current times and dates. Adult Bible Studies Bible studies are held at different times; consult a Sunday bulletin or contact the church office for current times and dates. Junior/Senior Youth Groups The Junior Youth and the Senior Youth (grades 6-12) meet for recreation, fellowship, and fundraising events. Prayer Chain Our Prayer Chain is a confidential phone fan-out when requests for prayers are received for personal, church and community concerns &/or celebrations. Prayer is available 24 hours a day. Pastor’s Adult Faith Class This is an informal class of 6 to 12 lessons, taught by the Pastor, designed especially for adults who would like to learn more about the faith and the teachings of the Christian Church and our Lutheran expression of that.
Church Address
40 Holmes St
Red Deer,
T4N 6L6
Phone: (403) 340-1022
Fax: (403) 340-1075
Download Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd vCard with Service Times
Click here to contact the church
Church Pastor
Rev. John Lentz
40 Holmes St
Red Deer,
T4N 6L6
Phone: (403) 340-1022
Fax: (403) 340-1075
Download Pastor Rev. John Lentz vCard
Click here to contact Rev. John Lentz
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Church Website
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd on Social Media
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Red Deer on YouTube
Leader Name:
Rev. John Lentz
Leader Position:
Formal Title:
Leader Address:
(403) 340-1075
Leader Email:
Click here to contact Rev. John Lentz
Leader Bio:
Rev. John Lentz on Social Media:
Other Church Leaders:
Leadership Photos
Admin Name:
Darlene Kneller
Admin Position:
Parish Administrator
Admin Address:
(403) 340-1075
Admin Email:
Click here to contact Darlene Kneller
Mailing Address
40 Holmes St
Red Deer, Alberta
T4N 6L6
Red Deer, Alberta
T4N 6L6
Driving Directions
Travel/Direction Tips
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Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Service Times
Now Open for services!
9:30 am Sunday School for ages 4 years – Grade 5 began Sept 12
10:30am Sunday service with Holy Communion
Sunday Service on You Tube (after 10:30 am):
Worship Service Live streaming 10:30 am Sunday:
It's been more than 3 years since the last service times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm service times.
Please contact the church to confirm Service Times or SUBSCRIBE to updates below
Now Open for services!
9:30 am Sunday School for ages 4 years – Grade 5 began Sept 12
10:30am Sunday service with Holy Communion
Sunday Service on You Tube (after 10:30 am):
Worship Service Live streaming 10:30 am Sunday:
It's been more than 3 years since the last service times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm service times.
Please contact the church to confirm Service Times or SUBSCRIBE to updates below
Worship Languages
Dress Code
Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities
Under 12s:
Children’s Ministry
Temporarily Postponed
Please Join us Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am!
(September to May)
Temporarily Postponed
Please Join us Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am!
(September to May)
Under 18s:
Youth Ministry is for young people ages 13-18, with a focus on christian based activities to grow faith and relationships with others their own age. Youth are involved in selecting what activities occur, including fundraising, outreach and service. Each event is planned with a fun, and safe, christian environment in mind. Come join us, either as a youth, or as an adult volunteer. Discover what impact a young person can have on your life!
Youth Ministry is for young people ages 13-18, with a focus on christian based activities to grow faith and relationships with others their own age. Youth are involved in selecting what activities occur, including fundraising, outreach and service. Each event is planned with a fun, and safe, christian environment in mind. Come join us, either as a youth, or as an adult volunteer. Discover what impact a young person can have on your life!
Local outreach & community activities
Other activities & ministries
Special Needs/Accessibility
Prayers and Hymns
Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:
Other information
Average Adult Congregation:
Average Youth Congregation:
Additional Info:
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Church Red Deer Photos
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd History
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Historical Photos
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd listing was last updated on the 19th of September, 2021
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)