Mt. Raymond Full Gospel Baptist Church Palmetto FL



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Our Mission

Win The Lost, Strengthen The Weak, Encourage The Strong, and Lay Hands On The Sick.


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Mt. Raymond Full Gospel Baptist Church
2410 4th Avenue East
Palmetto, FL 34220-1272
United States
Phone: (941) 722-7819

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Church Pastor

Jason Williams
2410 4th Avenue East
Palmetto, FL 34220-1272
United States
Phone: (941) 722-7819

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Sunday 10:45 am

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Mt. Raymond Full Gospel Baptist Church History

History of Mt. Raymond Missionary Baptist Church (now Full Gospel) as spoken by the late Deacon Oscar Murray, September 23, 1998 and supplemented by other residents of the former Ellenton community. Deacon Murray passed away on April 22, 2000, the last of the former Ellenton deacons. Compilation by Dr. Addie S. Mitchell 1998-2006.

A small group of men and women in the farming community at Ellenton, Florida began meeting from house to house in 1898. This was during the Reconstruction Era, after the Emancipation Proclamation, when black people farmed the land of white land owners, as tenant farmers or share croppers. When a group of men expressed the desire to have a permanent place to worship, the Phillip Hurst Lumber Company donated a small house in the Ellenton Community. The six men who were leaders in establishing this first church were Brothers Malta Gainey, Theodore Johnson, Joe Brown, Will Murray, Abraham Jefferson and Harry Matheny. Those working along with them, as helpers were their wives and children.

The company permitted the men to move the church-house across the highway, which is now Highway 301. Additions were made to the church-house, making it look more like a place of worship. In an effort to determine a name for their new church, the title “Mt. Ramah”, “the birthplace of Samuel and his father was chosen.” It was at Mt. Ramah that Samuel and his father were also buried. The meaning of Ramah, which appears several times in the Bible, is “Hill City of God.” In the process of trying to write and spell the name of the new church, the word “Raymond” emerged, rather than Ramah.

The first pastor was Rev. T.E. Ellis. Worship continued in this early structure for several years, until it was destroyed by fire in 1936. The church was rebuilt in Ellenton, with various men from the farming and sawmill community serving as planners and carpenters. Deacon James Gainey and Deacon Oscar Murray hauled lumber to rebuild the Ellenton Church, while the women of the community provided food for the workers. All of the labor was free and all services provided with love. Devoted women who served as Mothers of the church down through the years were: Sister Mattie Murray, Rosetta Pollard, Annie White, Frances Curry, Lola Mae Matheny, Sally Green, Maria Gainey, Geneva Gainey, Lula Williams, Estelle Jefferson, Vera Jackson and Jessie Wright. (Of this number one remain alive: Sis. Jessie Wright. The other sisters have been called from labor to reward. We along with their offspring continue to reap the benefits of their stewardship and dedication.

In the Ellenton location, Mt. Raymond fellowshipped with St. James on first and third Sundays, and held services on second and fourth Sundays in the Mt. Raymond building. Leading men of the church in Ellenton were Brother Malta Gainey, Church Clerk; Brothers Harry Matheny Abraham Jefferson, Wilbert Wright, Theodore Johnson, Oscar Murray and Joe Brown. Brothers James Gainey, Manuel Davis and Johnny Yawn Senior were among the faithful deacons until their passing in the Palmetto location. The church remained in Ellenton for more than fifty years, and after World War II, the first Palmetto structure was completed under the pastorage of Rev. Moses Newsome, and dedicated in 1955. Worship continued in that structure to until 1998 when the present church was built and the old church became known as The Youth Church.


There have been ten pastors over the 111 years of existence of Mt. Raymond. In this order:

Rev. T.E. Ellis, Rev. Strong, Rev. Crockett, Rev. Coleman, Rev. Peterson, Rev. Eddie Huffman, Rev. Moses Newsome, Rev. E. Scott. Rev. G. W. Warren and Rev. S.D. Pollard. Rev. Moses Newsome helped with the moving of the church from Ellenton in 1955, and supervised the building of the first Palmetto church, now the Youth Church. Our present pastor, Rev. S.D. Pollard was installed in 1969. He has led the Palmetto church through three renovations and enlargements 1972, 1983, and 1993, in order to accommodate the expanding church program and growing congregation. In 1998, the present structure was built, and it was dedicated on October 25, 1998. At this time, Mt. Raymond had become a Full Gospel Baptist Church. There were ten deacons and five ministers working along with Pastor Pollard when the new church was built, one deacon was incapacitated. Four Deacons have passed away since the new church was built, Brother Theodore Draper, Brother Samuel Mays, Brother Oscar Murray and Brother Manuel Davis. Two most recently ordained deacons are Brother Arthur Carley, and Brother Joe Bennett, Sr. There are now eight deacons Johnny Yawn, Jr., Francis Williams, Malachi Buckley, Leroy Burke, Arthur Carley, Clarence Green, Joe Bennett, Sr., Oscar Randolph and six ministers on the staff—Minister Immanuel Dent (2002), Minister Otis Bennett, Minister John Howell, Minister Willie Holley (Sept. 2004), Minister Ozanda Gray (April 2006), Eric Reaves, licensed April 30, 2006.

Several Ministers have been affiliated with Mt. Raymond, served for a period of time and moved on: Minister Jerry Young, Clarence Reaves, Roosevelt Johnson, Jarvis Wright, Jason Williams, Charles Williams, Corey Brinson, Glenn Evans, Lester Benaby, Tudella, William Turner, Kevin Gunnell, Ozell Rushing (deceased) to name a few.

Rev. Clarence George joined Mt. Raymond in March 1995, and served as the efficient Assistant Pastor until his passing in December 1994. Dr. Willie Holley joined the ministerial staff in September 2004, and was named Assistant Pastor in 2005, after the passing of Rev. George.

It is interesting to note that three ministers that were licensed by Mt. Raymond have organized and are Pastoring churches in the area.

1. Rev. Glen Evans, Pastor of “The Redeemed Christian Center” of Bradenton, Fla. 2. Rev. Corey Brinson, Pastor of “Spiritual House of Praise” of Palmetto, Fla. 3. Rev. Charles Williams, Pastor of “The King of Kings Baptist Church”, of Palmetto, Fla.

The Pastor of Mt. Raymond is to be commended for its influence on the lives of these young ministers and for giving them the inspiration and opportunity to exercise their talent and gifts in the Mt. Raymond fellowship.

The worship service and church activities remained spirit- filled and spiritually uplifting, under the direction of Pastor Pollard. God grant him the strength, courage, and determination to carry on in these turbulent times.

The Youth Church was reorganized and strengthened under the direction of Min. Jason Williams, Min. Jarvis Wright, and Angel Jones-Hill assisted by, Sis. Alma Seabrooks, Lillie Spearman-Robinson, Martha Vauss and Lee Ethel Bennett. The Youth Choir of more than thirty active members continues to be very inspiring under Minister Gray, along with Jay Simmons and Angel Jones-Hill serving as assistants. Several senior choirs groups emerged and been reorganized from time to time with various musicians in leadership roles. We now have the Sanctuary Choir and the United Choir made up of adults. Other supporting groups are the Deaconess, Counsellors, Ushers and Greeters, Sunday School, Home Missions, Evangelism Team, Men of Destiny, ManPower-Leaders, Church Nursery—all providing the connecting links which aid the Church in operating smoothly and in harmony with each other as a part of the total body. We are trusting God to continue to lead us to greater heights of worship and service, as we continue to embrace the Great Commission.


Mt. Raymond Full Gospel Baptist Church Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer Love me, Lord, just for today
Lord, for tomorrow and its needs, I do not pray; Keep me, my God, from stain of sin just for today. Let me both diligently work, And duly pray. Let me be kind in word and deed, Just for today. Let me be slow to do my will, Prompt to obey; Help me to sacrifice myself Just for today. And if today my tide of life should ebb away, Give me thy sacraments divine, Sweet Lord today. So for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray, But keep me, guide me, love me, Lord, Just for today.
Mt. Raymond Full Gospel Baptist Church listing was last updated on the 17th of October, 2019
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