Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Scarborough ON

M1S 3K8


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Who we are


Our Lady of the Rosary Parish was established to serve the Spiritual needs of the Catholic Portuguese Community residing in all of Toronto East. The Portuguese traditions and devotion to our Lady of the Rosary and The Holy Spirit have been embraced and have evolved in our Parish. Our Parish Community has grown and welcomed many Parishioners and their traditions from different cultural backgrounds as well as continued the Portuguese traditions.

We endeavor to strengthen our Parish by bringing people closer together and closer to God through:

1. Sharing our faith freely and transforming our word through Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit 2. Our devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary by prayer and veneration 3. Spreading the gospel by word, witness, action and inviting everyone to serve. In this way we seek to meet the needs of our parishioners and the broader community through a variety of ministries that focus on evangelization, education, spiritual enrichment and other services in the community.


Church Address

Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
2950 Midland Avenue
Scarborough, ON M1S 3K8
Phone: 416-298-2643

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Church Pastor

Fr. Aegidius Warsito
Fr. Aegidius Warsito
2950 Midland Avenue
Scarborough, ON M1S 3K8
Phone: 416-298-6500

Download Administrator Fr. Aegidius Warsito vCard with bio

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Church Website

Our Lady of the Rosary Parish on Social Media

Facebook Video: Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Facebook Video


Leader Name:
Fr. Aegidius Warsito   Edit
Leader Position:
Administrator   Edit
Formal Title:
Leader Address:
Leader Email:
Click here to contact Fr. Aegidius Warsito   Edit
Leader Bio:
Fr. Aegidius Warsito SCJ, has been with us since 2013 as an Associate Priest for Our Lady of Rosary Parish and Thomas More Parish. He was born and grew up in Indonesia and came from a big family (he has 11 siblings, 2 girls and 9 boys) with strong Catholic values. From grade 4, he joined the Children choir for 6 months before leaving to join with Altar Server.

The reason for the change he saw that the church needed an Altar Server at morning Mass especially during weekdays as it was hard to have an Altar Server because the Mass started at 5.45 am. Fr. Aegi enjoyed this time with the ministry, thus attended every single morning to the church to be the Altar Server until he finished grade 9. When we asked: why did he want to be priest?

Fr. Aegi said that he started to think about the possibility of to going to Seminary after his Pastor (retired Bishop of Lampung) told him: “Aegi, I’m getting old, so if I die who will continue this church?” He always remembered this statement and discussed it with his brother and his Aunt (a Nun) and they encouraged him to try entering Seminary. Upon entering grade 10, Fr. Aegi started his journey with entering Minor Seminary and finishing Major Seminary in 1992.

After that he went to the parish to have pastoral experience and November 25, 1993 he was ordained as a Priest in Indonesia and worked there in many parishes and some categorial ministry for 12 years. July 26, 2005, he arrived in Toronto to learn English and be Chaplain for the Indonesian Catholic Community in GTA until June 2013. Since June 2018, Archdiocese of Toronto appointed Fr. Aegidius Warsito, SCJ as Pastor of Our Lady of Rosary Parish and Thomas More Parish.   Edit
Other Church Leaders:
Rev. Fr. Martin Kadamattu, SCJ – Associate Pastor
Rev. Fr. Antonio Maria Resende Pereira, SCJ – Associate Pastor   Edit

Leadership Photos


Admin Name:
Admin Position:
Parish Hall   Edit
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Mailing Address


Driving Directions

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Our Lady of the Rosary Parish - 2950 Midland Avenue, Scarborough, ON
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Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Mass Times

Missas Dominicais

9:30 a.m. Ingles
11:30 a.m. Portugues

Missas Semanais

Terca-feira: 7:00 p.m. - Ingles
Sexta-feira: 7:00 p.m. - Portugues

Meia hora antes da Missa nas Tercas e Sexta-feiras.


Todos os Domingos depois da missa das 11:30 a.m.
Reuniao de Preparacao para os pais e padrinhos na Sexta-feira as 7:30h da noite. Agendar comn o sacerdote comn ao menos um mes de antecedencia.

Sunday Masses Sunday
9:30 a.m. English
11:30 a.m. Portuguese

Weekday Masses
Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. - English
Friday: 7:00 p.m. - Portuguese

Tuesday and Friday half an hour before Mass.
Baptisms: Every Sunday after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Preparation meeting for parents and godparents on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Please book appointment at least one month in advance.

It's been more than 4 years since the last mass times update. Please make sure to contact the church to confirm mass times.

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Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:
Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities


Other activities & ministries

Altar Servers
Assist the priest during Mass, helping at the presentation of the gifts, carrying the crucifix and candles in procession, and assisting in other aspects of the liturgy to enhance the noble simplicity and reverent efficiency of our liturgical celebrations.

Welcome parishioners warmly with a smile and a friendly greeting, distribute programs, pay special attention to the needs of visitors to the parish, seat parishioners and visitors, help families and parishioners to carry the gifts at the offertory procession, pass collection baskets, and ensure an orderly flow at the time of holy Communion.

Adult Catechism
Organize and participate in activities to instruct a variety of individuals in the Catholic Faith, including returning inactive Catholics, adult Catholics preparing for Confirmation and those who have been instructed in other faith traditions and desire to be in full communion with the Catholic Church.

Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body of lay persons established to advise the pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. Some areas of involvement would be the parish budget, review financial reports, overseeing the physical properties of the parish and financial implications of property improvements and upkeep.

Parish Pastoral Council
Proceeding from a strong sense of community and continually directed by the Holy Spirit, the Pastoral Council will gather the thoughts, feelings and ideas of the parish community; and after study, reflection, deliberation and prayer the council will envision the direction of the parish by:
1. Recommending goals and objectives for the parish;
2. Advising the pastoral staff on the spiritual and pastoral needs of the parish; and
3. Evaluating the progress made toward accomplishing those goals and objectives.

The pastoral council's role is to listen to the concerns, needs and wishes of the parish and bring these to the attention of the pastor. Through deliberation and prayer they decide on goals and objectives for the parish and counsel the pastor in his duties.

Music Ministry
The Parish serves a multi-cultural and inter-generational congregation of worshipers from the Scarborough area. It also welcomes many visitors from across the Greater Toronto Area. As the Archdiocese of Toronto, the Parish offers a rich variety of liturgical music to serve this diverse urban congregation. From solemn Sunday liturgies with choir and soloists to special masses with a variety of instrumentalists, the Parish's Office of Music Ministry strives to enrich the spiritual lives of all who pass through the Parish doors, day after day, week after week, year after year. You can support the Music Ministry in many ways. We seek talented singers of various voice parts for the ensembles, as well as instrumentalists.

Communion Ministry (EMCs)
EMCs, as “extraordinary” ministers of Communion, assist priests and deacons with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and to the sick and homebound in their places of residence. Whether at Mass or in other special situations, the minister enables the recipient to share more deeply in the Body of Christ and experience the great love of the Triune God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

History - This ministry arises from the reforms of the liturgy established by the Second Vatican Council. In 1973, Pope Paul VI promulgated the document known as Immensae Caritatis (“Immense Love”) that fostered greater participation by the faithful in sacramental Communion. The Holy Father wrote: “Present-day conditions demand that greater access to Holy Communion should be made possible so that the faithful, by sharing more fully in the fruits of the sacrifice of the Mass, might dedicate themselves more readily and effectively to God, and to the good of the Church…” Therefore, in order that the faithful… may share in the Sacred Banquet and not be deprived of this sacramental help and consolation, it has seemed appropriate to the Holy Father to establish Extraordinary Ministers. The ministers perform this liturgical function to assist the priest and deacon who are the ordinary ministers of Communion. As Pope Paul VI noted, they perform this ministry to enable the assembly to participate fully in the sharing of the Body and Blood of Jesus.

Proclaim the scriptures at Mass with reverence, understanding, and conviction.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine – CCD Sunday School
Provide religious education for children attending Catholic/Public school with one-hour classes on Sunday at 10:30 am (October to May) in the parish hall.

Legion of Mary – Our Lady of Peace Praesidium
What is Legion Mary? Founded in Dlubin-Ireland by Frank Duff, the Legion of Mary is an Association of Faithful Catholics that has been approved by the Church and is constantly under the powerful protection of Immaculate Mary, Mediatrix of all Graces.This Ecclesial Movement is formed by two types of membership: active and auxiliary. The active members are those who gather once a week to pray the rosary, to do spiritual reading and other prayers of the Legion of Mary. They also make their apostolate dedicating at least two hours a week visiting the aged and sick, in union with Mary. The auxiliary members are committed to pray the rosary and the Tessera prayers every day. The Legion of Mary is always open to everyone. Come and get to know our Preasidium (Group). Our meetings take place on Fridays at 7:30pm. Come and join us!   Edit

Special Needs/Accessibility


Prayers and Hymns

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Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Church Scarborough Photos

Our Lady of the Rosary Parish History


Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer "Prayer is my chief work, and it is by means of it that I carry on the rest."
Thomas Hooker
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish listing was last updated on the 21st of December, 2020
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