Peace Lutheran Church Sparta MI



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Who we are

Peace Lutheran Church - Sharing God’s Love in Jesus Christ

Are you looking for a place where it’s safe to ask the hard questions? Frustrated, confused, trying to make sense of it? Would you like to find a place where acceptance, faith, hope, and love really make a difference?

There’s a place like that right here in Sparta and we’re waiting for you.

Where questions are welcomed and doubts accepted. Where you can explore how life and faith intersect. Where you explore how God is working in your life without feeling forced into a box

Sunday worship: 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM


Street Address

Peace Lutheran Church
1225 12 Mile Rd NW
Sparta, MI 49345-1507
United States
Phone: (616) 887-9417
Fax: (616) 887-9148

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Peace Lutheran Church Service Times

Sunday Worship

Every Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am

Holy Communion is offered at both worships every week. We believe that all can receive communion who believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ. All who come forward are welcomed to the table and can receive Communion. For our youngest participants who haven’t had their First Communion yet, a blessing will be given.

8:00am worship is more informal and reflective. Music is not provided and there is more opportunity for silent reflection. Because of the small setting expect to hear people comment and ask questions during worship and there is a time to discuss the sermon. Expect worship to last between 45 minutes and an hour.

10:00am worship is the larger service with music. Music varies but may include Piano, Organ, acoustic guitars, choir, and more. While still relaxed in nature, there is less opportunity for interaction with others in worship. Worship typically lasts an hour or slightly more. Coffee & cookies are served following worship.

A note about children: We believe that the Family of God includes people of all ages worshipping together. Therefore we encourage children of all ages to worship with their families. We don’t worry about the extra noise that children bring into worship, it is their praise to God. There are activity pages provided for both reading and non-reading children. During the school year, elementary age children can attend an educational time during the first half of worship and join their families after the sermon.

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Adult Bible Study

Tuesdays, 7:00 PM at Hope Lutheran Church

Hope Community Lutheran Church
7000 Myers Lake Ave NE,
Rockford, MI 49341

Thursdays, 9:30 AM at Peace Lutheran Church   Edit

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Peace Lutheran Church Sparta Photos

Peace Lutheran Church History

Peace Lutheran Church was begun as a mission of Trinity Lutheran Church of Conklin–LCMS in 1958. Over the subsequent years it has grown into a thriving congregation of the ELCA that is rich in tradition, looking to the future, committed to ministering in the Sparta area.

The Rev. Richard Riess conducted the first service in the Sparta Civic Center on October 12, 1958. The Rev. Roy Schroeder was installed in February of 1959 and served as pastor until August of 1971 when he accepted a call to Ascension Lutheran Church in East Lansing, Michigan. The years of Pr. Schroeder and Joy’s ministry were highlighted by the annual Christian Art Show during Holy Week when thousands of spectators from all over West Michigan flocked to Peace to view the art work. Some of the works from those days still are displayed in the church today. During the years in which Pr. Schroeder took a leave of absence to complete his Doctor of Theology degree, Peace was served by Vicar Everett Schleef.

The Rev. Arthur Wilde was installed as Pastor of Peace on January 30, 1972. Peace was blessed with the ministry of Word and Sacrament of Art and Carolyn Wilde until February 1, 1987 when Pr. Wilde accepted a call to Good Hope Lutheran Church in Garden City, Michigan. The years of Pr. Wilde’s ministry were years of growth and excitement for the congregation. Among the many outreach ministries of Peace during these years were the sponsorships of two Vietnamese refugee families, the beginning of participation in the community CROP Walks for hunger, the opening of the food pantry, the dedication of a new organ, and the institution of the monthly Chicago Folk Service.

Despite the excitement of the years, disappointment and sadness also existed as Peace struggled with the question of synodical affiliation. The congregation voted to leave the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod and became associated with the English Synod of the AELC in 1977 (which later merged to become the present ELCA). With that decision made, Peace forged ahead in its ministry by adopting a new Constitution and beginning its use of the Lutheran Book of Worship as the 10th anniversary of the first service was observed in 1978.

The congregation took a giant leap forward in faith in 1981 by approving an expansion of the church building. Through the strong financial support of the Program of Progress and the Elderberry Jubilee, the congregation was able to dedicate a new sanctuary on May 9, 1982. Peace celebrated again in 1985 when Kenneth Jacobs was ordained at and began his voluntary service as Assistant Pastor.

Rev. Tom Zollman of Zion-Comstock Park served as an interim Pastor from February through August of 1987 until the Rev. John Hitzeroth was installed as Peace’s third pastor on August 30, 1987. On January 1, 1988, Peace became a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at its inception.

Since 1988, several new ministry programs such as the Stephen Ministers and Commitment Sunday were added. Our social ministry has been blessed through a more active involvement in the All County Churches Emergency Support System which expanded our food pantry and linked Peace as a site for distribution of Holiday baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

In keeping with Peace’s desire to meet the changing needs of a changing membership, the contemporary liturgy, “Now the Feast and Celebration” was introduced in the spring of 1992. In the Fall of 1992, The Senior Choir was honored to lead the Greater Grand Rapids Conference’s Reformation worship service using that liturgy.

The 1990’s have also been a time of spiritual blessing for Peace as two of its members, Timothy Perrin and Del Preston, both entered the Ordained Ministry of the ELCA. They were supported spiritually and financially by Peace during their studies at Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa. Tim was ordained on July 31, 1994, while Del was ordained on February 11, 1996. Tim served Hope Lutheran Church in Marlette, Michigan and Zion in Woodland, Michigan. Del has served Faith-Eldridge and Hope-Dixon in Iowa, and Zion in Davenport, Iowa.

The congregation also decided to expand its ministry by adding the full-time staff position of Director of Youth, Education, and Congregational Life. In September, 1996, Joel Christensen of Ann Arbor was installed to serve in that position.

In 1997, Peace decided to “Grow in Peace and Serve The Lord” by expanding its facilities with a new addition, the Family Outreach Center. The FOC was dedicated on the occasion of Peace’s 40th Anniversary on October 18, 1998. Pastors Schroeder, Wilde, Jacobs and Perrin were able to join us in this celebration.

In August, 1999, Joel Christensen left his position as Director of Youth, Education, and Congregational Life to return to school and finish his education degree. On October 17, 1999, Dana Hendershot was installed as Director of Youth and Education. In 2004, Dana decided to begin study for ordained ministry, she was ordained June 29, 2008 to begin as Associate Pastor at Christus Victor Lutheran Church in Naples, Florida. Peace was also privileged to have Jana Reister enroll at Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey. In May, 2006, Jana graduated and accepted a residency call to First Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor. In March, 2002, Pastor Hitzeroth was honored by the Sparta Chamber of Commerce and Rotary with their 3rd Annual Pillar Award as Distinguished Volunteer. In 2004, Lisa Walda began serving Peace as Director of Youth and Education and developed our first alternative worship program. March 2007 saw the selection of Jeffrey Roland as Director of Music and Deborah Holtz began assisting with choir direction.

In April, 2007, Pastor Hitzeroth accepted a call to Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Marysville, Michigan after faithfully blessing Peace with ministry of Word and Sacrament for over 19 years. Rev. Paul Phelps served through the summer months with pastoral care until the Rev. Thomas Zollman was appointed Intentional Interim Minister to guide the congregation through the call selection process. Lisa Walda resigned in the Spring to pursue other faith journeys and in October, 2007 Eric Engblade became our Director of Youth. Eric is a native of Ludington, active in camp ministry since youth, and a graduate of DePaul University.

In 2008 plans for the 50th Anniversary Celebration were begun with a celebratory dinner inviting present and past members to join in the remembrance of our history. Pastors Schroeder, Wilde, and Hitzeroth joined in the kickoff of events. Later in the season of celebration, Pr. Schroeder and Joy joined us again to celebrate the Arts and the early growth of the church. Pr. Wilde and Carolyn brought fresh memories of the musical growth they contributed. And lastly, Pr. Hitzeroth and Jan joined join in celebrating Peace’s Outreach ministries in an October 10th & 11th Elderberry festival and worship.

In the summer of 2009 selection was made for a new pastoral leadership in the choice of Rev. Bryan Schneider-Thomas who was installed in the position September 13, 2009.


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The power of Christian prayer Help me to avoid every sin
Thanks to Thee, O God, that I have risen today, To the rising of this life itself; may it be to Thine own glory, O God of every gift, and to the glory, aid Thou my soul. With the aiding of Thine own mercy, even as I clothe my body with wool, cover Thou my soul with the shadow of Thy wing. Help me to avoid every sin, and the source of every sin to forsake, and as the mist scatters on the crest of the hills, may each ill haze clear from my soul, O God.
Peace Lutheran Church listing was last updated on the 21st of August, 2018
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