Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Axtell KS



Who we are

Christ Centered

Jesus Christ, revealed in Scripture, is the Lord of the Church and the only Savior of the World. The Holy Scriptures are the norm for all matters of our life and faith and the Lutheran Confessions, a faithful witness to the Scriptures.

Mission Driven

The Great Commission is our mission. We go taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth, making Disciples committed to Christ, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching people all that Jesus commands, trusting in His constant presence and power.

Traditionally Grounded

We are part of the faithful witness of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church across time and space. We are one with the creeds, forms, practices, Word and Sacrament ministry, and worship that are consistent with the scripture.

Congregationally Focused

The congregation is the front line for mission and ministry. As independent partners in ministry , we as a local congregation remain strong and work to be effective to accomplish Christs purposes.


Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Q&A

Question: What should I expect at 10 AM Sunday worship in Church?

Answer: Worship is at the center of our faith life at Salem and ALL are warmly welcomed, but we also respect your privacy. We won’t ask you to stand up and identify yourself as a visitor, and we won’t pounce on you as you come in or as you leave!

Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church is a safe, loving place where everyone can explore a relationship with God, no matter where they are on their spiritual journey.

You can expect to hear a compelling sermon instilled with a strong biblical foundation, and a focus on the gospel through singing hymns and using a traditional liturgy. Our service includes Old and New Testament scripture readings, prayers, the creeds and Bible based sermons. Now, entering 2023, Salem is in the Call Process to search for and to call a Pastor. Beginning May 1, Pastor Jeff Swanson has graciously agreed to become Salem's Interim Minister on a part-time basis...please read Pastor Jeffs profile in the About US section. David Winquist, Salem's Parish Ministry Associate, is Salem's Worship coordinator during the Call Process. David conducts some Worship Services, and he schedules other Supply Pastors and Worship leaders to preach the Word and offer Sacraments. There is a wide variety of Worship Leaders who make Worship relevant and inspiring for worshippers. Our worship service is a traditional expression of Christianity that include liturgies and hymns led by our restored Hinner organ and piano. The focus is on the Lord and His grace and singing and speaking of Scripture – God’s Holy Word.

During the service, offerings are received from those present. As our guest, there is never an obligation to make an offering, but naturally your gifts are always welcome.

Question: What should I wear?

Answer: Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. You’ll see that some people are in suits and dresses, some are “casual,” and others are in jeans. You’ll fit in no matter what!

Question: Where do I park?

Answer: You have the option of parking in the large parking lot on the East side of Church or 'street parking' on the South side of Church.

Question: What about my children?

Answer: All Children are always welcome at Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Question: Will I be welcome if I come to communion?

Answer: We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays of the month and with other announced schedules during Holy seasons. Salem Lutheran Church is committed to Eucharistic hospitality of Open Communion. All baptized Christians who have been admitted to the Table in other traditions are invited to share the bread and wine of the sacrament. Lutherans traditionally receive both bread and wine in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. At Salem Lutheran, the host or bread is in the form of an unleavened wafer, and the wine is administered in individual glasses. Nonalcoholic white grape juice is also available to be served for those who prefer it.

Question: What should I expect at 9 AM Sunday School in church?

Answer: Adult Sunday School is held every Sunday morning at 9AM in the adult Sunday School Room off the sanctuary. Youth and Children's Sunday School is held every Sunday Morning during the public-school year in the Fellowship Hall, downstairs.

Question: What if I need level walking or wheelchair accessibility to the sanctuary?

Answer: You can use the ramp on the East side of the Church to safely enter from ground level to the Sanctuary. We have a wheelchair in the Narthex for Church use.

Question: Where is the front door?

Answer: There are two entrances into the Church Narthex that lead into the sanctuary. The South double door entrance is at the top of series of steps leading into the Narthex. The Red door on the East side of the Church can be accessed by either walking up the steps or walking up the ramp.

Church Address

Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
2590 Navajo Rd
Axtell, KS 66403-9028
United States
Phone: (785) 736-2810

Download Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church vCard with Service Times

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Church Pastor

Pastor Jeff Swanson
Pastor Jeff Swanson
Interim Minister
2590 Navajo Rd
Axtell, KS 66403-9028
United States
Phone: (785) 736-2810

Download Interim Minister Pastor Jeff Swanson vCard

Click here to contact Pastor Jeff Swanson   Edit


Lutheran Congregation in Mission for Christ - LCMC logo



Church Website

Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church on Social Media

YouTube Video: Easter Sunday Worship at Salem Lutheran, 4 9 2023


Leader Name:
Pastor Jeff Swanson   Edit
Leader Position:
Interim Minister   Edit
Formal Title:
Leader Address:
Leader Email:
Click here to contact Pastor Jeff Swanson   Edit
Leader Bio:
Other Church Leaders:

Leadership Photos


Admin Name:
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Mailing Address

2590 Navajo Rd
Axtell, KS
66403-9028   Edit

Driving Directions

A From:
B To:
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church - 2590 Navajo Rd, Axtell, KS
Mode of Travel:

Travel/Direction Tips

Know how to get there? Share the knowledge with others!   Edit


You have the option of parking in the large parking lot on the East side of Church or "street parking" on the South side of Church.   Edit

Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Service Times

Sunday Worship at 10AM

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Worship Languages


Dress Code

Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. You’ll see that some people are in suits and dresses, some are “casual,” and others are in jeans. You’ll fit in no matter what!   Edit

Sunday School / Children and Youth Activities

Under 12s:
Under 18s:

Local outreach & community activities


Other activities & ministries


Special Needs/Accessibility

You can use the ramp on the East side of the Church to safely enter from ground level to the Sanctuary. We have a wheelchair in the Narthex for Church use.   Edit

Prayers and Hymns

Main Bible:
Hymns and Songs:

Other information

Average Adult Congregation:
Average Youth Congregation:
Additional Info:

Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Axtell Photos

Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church History


Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer Open our ears to hear
Blessed Lord, open our ears to hear what Thou speakest and our eyes to see as Thou seest. Give us hearts to beat in sympathy with Thine at the sight of every little child; and above all, our Lord, to understand and experience how surely and how blessedly Thou fulfilest Thy promise, "Whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me."
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church listing was last updated on the 27th of June, 2024
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