St Luke Catholic Church Coconut Creek FL



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Who we are

St Luke Catholic Church Coconut Creek FL closed its doors in 2009.

Founded July 1, 1985.

Merged with St. Vincent, Margate, Oct. 1, 2009.

Request for sacramental records should be made to St. Vincent:


Church Address

St Luke Catholic Church
2370 Hammocks Blvd
Coconut Creek, FL 33063-7737
United States

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Church Pastor

Father John Paszko
Father John Paszko
2370 Hammocks Blvd
Coconut Creek, FL 33063-7737
United States

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Father John Paszko   Edit
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Father John Paszko: Born June 4, 1948; ordained Sept. 7, 1974; died Nov. 20, 2016.

CORAL SPRINGS | The people of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish will remember Father John Paszko for his “terrific” homilies, work ethic, and photographic memory.

His former parishioners at St. Luke also will recall that he was just as sad as they were when the parish closed its doors in 2009.

Father Paszko, 68, and a priest for 42 years, died Nov. 20, after a brief illness. He had been hospitalized since early November.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski will celebrate the funeral MassSaturday, Nov. 26, at 10 a.m. at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, 1401 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs. A viewing will take place from 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, Nov. 25, at the church, with a prayer service at 7 p.m.

Father Paszko had served as parochial vicar at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton since March 2010. Prior to that, he had been pastor of St. Luke in Coconut Creek from July 2001 until October 2009, when it merged with St. Vincent in Margate.

Father Paszko died just a few days after his mother, Helen, who had been in the same hospital at the same time as he. He was too ill to be told of her death Nov. 9. She was buried Nov. 11 at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Cemetery in North Lauderdale, where Father Paszko also will be laid to rest. Also buried there: his father and brother.

“He was just amazing. His homilies were terrific. He was such a sweetheart. Everyone loved him,” said Louise Ditto, parish administrator at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.

She noted that he had a “photographic memory” and was very private about his personal life. “But he loved his family,” she said. And “he just came to work every single day,” to the point that nobody knew how ill he was.

“He will be missed. He had a smiling face and he was always telling jokes,” said Theresa Spirito, a parishioner at St. Luke from 1996 until it closed.

She, too, described her former pastor as “a fantastic homilist. He held everyone’s attention. Everyone could hear him and understand him.” Even more impressive was the fact that “he never came out with a piece of paper. Everything came from his head,” Spirito said.

A past president of the Miami Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, Spirito recalled Father Paszko’s unfailing support for council members and their work, both at the archdiocesan and parish level.

“He was very kind and willing to do just about anything our council asked of him,” she said, adding that “when St. Luke was on the verge of closing, he was just as sad as the rest of us from the parish.”

Spirito also recalled how Father Paszko would travel every year to Las Vegas with his brother and their mother.

“They would have a blast and then come back home,” she said. “To know that his mother died before him, it’s terrible. Anyway, they’re both together.”

Father Paszko was born June 4, 1948 in Buffalo, New York, and ordained Sept. 7, 1974 for the Diocese of Buffalo. He spoke Polish, and served as parochial vicar at Our Lady of Czestochowa Church in Cheektowaga, N.Y., before requesting permission to come to the Archdiocese of Miami.

His first assignment here was as parochial vicar at St. Coleman, Pompano Beach, from 1979 to 1981. He then served at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Fort Lauderdale, from 1981 to 1983, before spending the next two years as parochial vicar at St. Clare in North Palm Beach — which at that time was part of the Archdiocese of Miami.

From June 1987 to May 1993 he served as parochial vicar at Annunciation in West Hollywood, and then from June 1993 to June 2001 as parochial vicar at St. Benedict in Hialeah.

On July 1 of that year, he was assigned as administrator at St. Luke, becoming pastor a year later.

After St. Luke closed, Father Paszko served as chaplain for Catholic Hospice in Broward while living and helping out at Our Lady Queen of Heaven in North Lauderdale. From there, he went to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.

Father Paszko is survived by another brother and a nephew, both of whom live in Buffalo, N.Y.   Edit
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St Luke Catholic Church - 2370 Hammocks Blvd, Coconut Creek, FL
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St. Luke was located at 2370 Hammocks Blvd., Coconut Creek, Florida 33063, just off the South side of Copans Road between Lyons Road and State Road 7 (441).   Edit


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St Luke Catholic Church Coconut Creek FL closed its doors in 2009.

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St Luke Catholic Church History

The first Mass at Saint Luke, founded in 1985, was celebrated in a converted store front. Almost immediately, parishioners established a Ladies Club, a Men’s Club and a Saint Vincent de Paul Society. The Men’s Club organized social events and raised funds to furnish and outfit an outstanding kitchen in a new parish center, completed in 1991. In 1986, the fast-growing parish established a music ministry, religious education programs, Bible study groups, and held a goal planning day during which more than 150 worshipers gathered to express their views and concerns. At this session, they brainstormed many of the parish’s present day traditions and ministries. That same year 1986 five children received Holy Communion and the first Holiday Arts and Crafts Bazaar took place along with its first Jesse Tree, erected to collect gifts for the area’s less fortunate children, activities that have grown over the years.

They expanded ministries in 1991 to include a Family Focus Group for young families, a celebration of Saint Luke’s Day, Evenings of Reflection, a May Crowning and Procession, among other activities.

La primera misa en St. Luke, establecida en 1985, fue celebrada en el local de una antigua tienda. Casi de inmediato, los feligreses establecieron un Club de Damas, un Club de Caballeros, y la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl. El Club de Caballeros organizó actividades sociales y recaudó fondos para adquirir enseres para la cocina del nuevo centro parroquial, fi nalizado en 1991. En 1986, esta parroquia de rápido crecimiento estableció un ministerio de música, programas de educación religiosa, grupos de estudio bíblico, y organizó un día para establecer metas, al cual asistieron más de 150 feligreses con el fi n de compartir sus puntos de vista y sus inquietudes. Durante dicha sesión, presentaron ideas para muchas de las tradiciones y los ministerios actuales. Ese mismo año (1986) cinco niños recibieron la Primera Comunión y se realizó el primer Bazar Navideño de Artes y Manualidades, así como el primer Árbol de Jesé, con el fi n de ayudar a los niños menos afortunados. Estas actividades han crecido a través de los años.

En 1991 ampliaron sus apostolados para incluir el grupo Family Focus, para las familias jóvenes; la celebración del día de San Lucas; las noches de refl exión; y la coronación y procesión de mayo, entre otras actividades.

Premye lamès nan St. Luke, ki tefonde an 1985, te fèt nan yon magazin yo te rebati. Tou swit apre pawasyen te vin fòme yon gwoup fanm, yon gwoup gason ak yon Sosyete Sen Vincent de Paul. Gwoup mesye yo te konn òganize kèk fèt pou ranmase lajan pou achte ekipman pou yon kokenn kwizin yon tap fè nan yon sant pawas la. Sant lan te fi n bati an 1991. An 1986 pawas la ki tap grandi anpil te kòmanse yon ministè mizik, pwogram èdikasyon relijye, gwoup etid biblik e yo te konn òganize yon jounen planifi kasyon kote pi plis pase 150 fi dèl te konn rasanble pou yo esprime lide yo ak enkyetid yo. Nan jounen sa-a yo te konn brase lide, anpil nan tradisyon ak ministè ki egziste nan pawas la jodia se fwi pataj sa-a. Nan menm ane sa-a-1986- senk timoun resevwa La kominyon e yo te reyalize premye Holiday Arts and Crafts Bazaar yo te monte premye Jesse Tree pou ranmase kado pou ti moun nan zòn nan ki pa gen moyen, menm aktivite sa yo kontinye fèt pi plis toujou chak ane.

An 1991 yo vin mete pi plis ministè toujou pami yo yon Gwoup La Fanmiy pou moun ki fèk kòmanse foye yo, yon selebrasyon fèt Sen Lik, yon sware refl eksyon, yon selebrasyon kouwònman Mari ak tout posesyon, ak kèk lòt aktivite ankò.


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The power of Christian prayer "Faith in a prayer-hearing God will make a prayer-loving Christian".
Andrew Murray
St Luke Catholic Church listing was last updated on the 2nd of August, 2023
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